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what Is

visited by constrictions in the heart
i pull myself to What Is:
children laughing, tearing giftwrappers
with joyous abandon

mind wanders to possibilities
i pull myself to What Is:
a young beautiful mother patiently
helps her son free his new toy
from its thick plastic casing,
mind creeps with questions
like will I be as tenderly patient?
who will be the child’s father?

i pull myself to What Is:
i sit with constrictions in my heart,
wanting to wish.

this lotus flower

this lotus flower grew
cupped in rainwater
beneath the ruins of a church steeple
which occasionally trembles
from the memory of drums

watch me break the thick petals
making two neat piles
one to open doors
one for antidote, to heal
and i wonder which to use, or both


there is a lesson to be learned
but i forgot
in that dizzying descent into clay
once again lost, answers separated
from the questions

plunged into the old familiar sea
of birth, conditioned to cry out at the first
sight of light, like we never meant
to open our eyes, never meant to wake,
scared of mornings more than we are of dreams

there is a reason why here, why now,
and why this, there is
a wisdom why my story has to run
late and slow
twelve years after you

there is something we needed
to know, why i was flung so far
from the shores of where you fell
burning, your passions fed with faint
memories of what we Know of what we Are

perhaps the lesson is more for me
that is why it is Your voice
that calls, luring me.
i am listening.
i will come soon.

the last to go

this will probably be
the last to go,
this mad claim
on your Heart,

and for this i will
fail the tests
again and again

and die a hair’s
breadth away from

but just because
i believed your love
is a worthier cause
i jumped a chasm
away from nirvana

starlight, starbright

which of you Stars watches me tonight
albeit reluctantly
you have heard how
difficult my wishes could be

who drew duty on me tonight?
you had to be poked out of the sky
so i could see you 
shining violently

your sharp light braces against
my desires.  all those spoken and silent
and you think i should be
given a constellation to shut me up

empty night

i tore a fabric of my imagination
and was terrified to see
the empty night
stare back


my horizon wavered
realms peeked in

path i path ii path iii path iv

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