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[Anime@Sc QuickNEWS] 4th Episode Special coming to Video. In Japan, known as "Mewtwo! Land that meets the Eye" {10/27/01}
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Brock Harrison

Brock was the third member of the main character crew. He loves girls, and has a particular liking to all of the nurse joys, and officer jennys. His passion isnt just for girls, but also pokemon! Like misty, brock was a gym leader. He ran the pewter city gym and trained rock type pokemon. He left with ash once his father returned to take over the gym. Brock doesnt want to be a pokemon master, he would rather be the greatest pokemon breeder!
Brock leaves the group in JP083US080, "Pokeball Peril' to remain on Valencia Island to assist Prof.Ivy. In JP115 "Return to Pallet Town", Brock re-joins the group to go with Ash and company in their Pokemon Adventures once again.

Brock Pictures
Brock's Stats
Eg. Name Brock {Harrison}
Jp. Name Takeshi(Samurai)
French Name Pierre
Age 12-13 yrs. (?)
OriginPewter City
En. Voice Actor(s)Eric Stuart
Jp. Voice Actors(s)Uedo Yuuji

Brock's Pokémon
[Brock's current Pokemon]

Geodude - Already Owned
Moves: Tackle, Rock Throw

Onix - Already Owned
Moves: Tackle, Rock throw, bide, and Slam.

Zubat - Caught in episode JP06US06
Moves: Supersonic, Leech Life, Confuse ray, Wing attack

Vulpix -Given to him by Susan in "Pokemon Fasion Flash", JP028US027.
Moves: Fire Spin, Flame Trower, Ember, Quick Attack

Kunugidama -caught in episode JP143
Moves: ???

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