March 2002

Get Britney, Get Updates!

Do you... YaHoo?!

March 30, 2002
More, yes more(!) pics added. Damn, I gotta slow it down. Ok, so the more I read about the Brit/J thing it looks like he called her in Italy to call the relationship off. How do you call Britney Spears and break up with her? Honestly, the boy has no balls. If my boyfriend broke up with me over the phone I'd have to kill him!! ~D

March 27, 2002
More pics went up in various galleries. So browse around. I don't know anything more than you on the whole Britney/Justin thing. We'll just have to see! I'm out! ~D

March 20, 2002
Hey all! Well, I got some more pics up. A little over 30 this time. They are on various pages, so just browse around. More later! ~D

March 18, 2002
This has nothing to do with the site or Britney, but I got my belly button pierced on Friday!! (About time...I'm such a wuss!) Anyway, not too many additions made to the site. Ok, I'm beggin' here! Join the Brit*s World group on yahoo. You can join by just typin' in your email address up in the place above (or on the main page) Please? Pretty please?? OK, enough beggin. But really...join!!~D

March 12, 2002
Well, as I'm sure you've all heard/saw by now, World of Britney AND Britney Spears Now have closed. WoB webmaster made some pretty harsh comments towards Britney. Most of which, I have to say, were called for. I like Brit guys, but she's not perfect. There are things she does that I just shake my head and ask "Why?". But reguardless check out the closed sites page @ Brit*s World. Some more pics were added, but nothing too significant. More later. Fifteen minutes till I'm off work and I can EAT (I'm starved) and watch some SEX IN THE CITY (I'm Obsessed). I'm out. ~D

March 11, 2002
Hey all! Well, I just added a bunch of pics. We're now up to 1250!! Wow!! Yes, there were rumors about Justin and Britney splitting, but NO(!) it's not true. Reps from Jive have stated that the two are very much together. Although, not right at the moment. Britney is currently over in Europe for the release of "Crossroads" overseas! More later!! I'm out! ~D

March 9, 2002
Well! As always, there's always a delay when typing up the update. BUT, I have been adding. Mostly pictures...don't a final count right now, need to clean a little bit. Lyrics to the bonus tracks on "Britney" will be up soon. That's my next project, although I know y'all love the pics. I'm downloading songs now. I just got a new computer with a burner and stuff, so I'm obessessed...with a capital "O". :-) OH! Just to share my good news...I got *Nsync tickets!! April 9th baby!! Alright, that's all from me. I'm out. ~D

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