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Mystery School



It was April 1993. This occurred in a lucid dream state...I was fully aware that my body was actually sleeping in my bed. I was taken to a place with very high ceilings, it was made of stone, but seemed like it was all one seams where the stones would have been fitted together, the ceiling was at least 30 ft high and it was a very large room.

There was a woman sitting at a long table, she was writing on a yellow legal pad. When I looked at what she was writing I saw various symbols, geometrical shapes, and some kind of script (similar to what I now write). As I watched her studying, I was told that she missed her "earthly life" and wanted to return to it, this created an opening in the Mystery School and it was being offered to me.

I thanked the Guide who had taken me there and given me the offer, but I declined the invitation because my boyfriend would soon be getting out of jail and I wanted to be there when he came home. I asked if I could accept it at a later date. I didn't receive a response, and soon found myself back in bed falling into a deep sleep.

When one attends a mystery school offered here on Earth in the third dimension and by a human teacher, there is no need to give up anything (or much of anything), you can still pretty much go on with your everyday life. Your focus is still on the mundane, except when you are actually sitting in the class or in study of the concepts.
In the true Mystery School, you must be willing to give up everything, your life changes drastically ~
what you once knew as everyday life is no longer there because you are asked to look at Everything differently.

Your focus begins to shift from the mundane to the more aesthetic and esoteric qualities of life. Everything appears differently.
Every day and every minute of your life is spent in schooling, you don't decide when to go to school because you are always in school.

At that time, I knew absolutely nothing about a Mystery School, it was a totally foreign concept and phrase to me.

I knew it was important, but since I had no concept of such a level of spirituality, I let it go and went on with my life.
My boyfriend got out of jail a few months later (drugs & theft) and our relationship slowly turned into a nightmare. I quickly became aware of what I had passed up in order to be with him, and by the winter of that year ('93), I was praying nightly (and sometimes during the midst of my day) to be accepted into the Mystery School. Although, I still had no mental understanding of what I was asking for, I knew deep within my heart and soul that I had to do this schooling.

I came to understand that being in the Mystery School had nothing to do with leaving the Earth, but rather the 'earthly way of life' ... one cannot enter into the school without giving up many of the things thought of as 'pleasures' by those living on earth.
There was no way I could continue in that relationship and enter into the Mystery School at the same I let go of the relationship. That was a very hard thing to do, and took about 6 months. That was the delay between the invitation and the actual entrance...I didn't want to accept the invitation until late 1993, then it took me several months to get out of the relationship (during which time, my intuition and sensitivity grew profoundly), then from about mid 1994 to early 1995 I seemed to be in some kind of test phase ... as if to see if this was what I truly wanted.
By April (or so) of 1995 I was going through some majorily profound experiences both in the waking and dream state. I can only know that's when I actually started school because of hindsight, and what has been explained recently.

In mid '94 I returned to Wisconsin to live (in the years prior I had lived in N.M.,Colorado, & Detroit). In a conversation with my brother one night, I mentioned my lucid dream of the Mystery School. He was amazed to say the least. I couln't understand what the big deal was, then he began to explain to me that it was an ancient school that taught the mysteries of the Universe and beyond. He didn't know much about it, but couldn't believe that I had 'dreamt' it and that I knew nothing about its existence. He gave me just enough information to 'wet my appetite' and I began my own research.

Nearly everything I found was about tangible schools, 3rd dimensional schools...this didn't sit right with what I had experienced and what I had seen and been offered. So, I remained on my own, learning what I could about everything that seemed to present itself to me and always at the moment I was ready to learn about it.

Over the years, I have learned that the mystery schools offered here on this plane of existence pale in comparison to what is offered in the subtle realms of the Divine. These are the realms that can only be accessed by your intention and faith. Your desire to know the Truth must be stronger than any other human desire. Your Faith must be strong to carry you through the course.

In January of 2005, I was instructed that it was time for me to come forward and share what I have learned with those who are ready ~ thus, through the guidance of the Heirachy, "Heart of" was birthed.

Although I have graduated from the Mystery School, I believe that the lessons continue, its just that I now have the knowledge and ability to teach others what I have learned.

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