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About this Site

to help others find their Way and their Truth...
When I first started waking up to the Truth,
I had a lot of questions about the things I was experiencing
in both my waking reality and dreamtime.
I had so many questions and no one to answer those questions.

At first, I was quite content to do my own reading and research.
In the beginning,
it never occurred to me that I was experiencing an “Awakening”.


What is an Awakening?

It simply means that you are waking up to the myriad of possibilities that exist
both within you and around you. A desire begins to rise up within you
you find yourself drawn to read more about spirituality
about different religions, psychic phenomenon.
Quite often, your dreams become more frequent, more vivid
more unusual, and the desire to understand them becomes stronger.

Other symptoms of Awakening are things like:

Depression ~ Moments of Anxiety ~ both linked to an increase in Kundalini activity
(click here for physical symptoms & signs)
(another link about the Kundalini)
Intense dreams ~ Moments of increased psychic awareness
Many will feel as if they're on the verge of losing their grip on sanity ...
Personally, I still go through these moments from time to time,
it can really rock your world and make life a bit more difficult to deal with,
especially if you have to concentrate on the daily chores of work and home life.

Contact me

It is our desire to be available for all people everywhere,
who have a true desire to move beyond their boundaries.

We will help you in whatever way we can through this site.
All mail will be answered.


I have seen my blueprint for this lifetime, and I have come to see and understand why I chose it to be so.


Because of my experiences in Atlantis, it was imperative that I find my own way in this lifetime,
I could not take the chance of misusing my power again.

Atlantis and Lemuria

My memories of being in Lemuria and of a time when we lived in the waters and not on land are more vivid than my memories of Atlantis, which have just recently begun to become clear. I believe that the reason for the clarity of the Lemurian memories is due to my not having incurred any negative karma or experiences during my time in that beautiful place.
My memories of Atlantis have been suppressed within my cellular being due to the horrendous crimes I then felt I had committed upon the land and the people. see my article

IF I had found my own Truth, rather than accepting what others had told me was the Truth, I would have seen the errors inherent in the truth that they claimed. I would not have been so quick to accept what the others said was Truth, and therefore I would have avoided misusing my power. Therefore, in the lifetimes to follow, I was a renegade of sorts…always searching for my own way of doing things, which led to some very hard life experiences. ~ In this lifetime, my blueprint was to find my own path, my own understanding of Divine Truth … the only teachers I have had during this incarnation, have been those who do not have a physical body, and those teachers who come to us as ‘antagonists’ in order to push our buttons and mirror our deep secrets.

Of course, all whom we come into contact with are teachers for us
... my family and friends have been great teachers ...
when I reference the non-incarnate Ones and the antagonists,
I am refering to those who help us to see and understand the greatest and deepest secrets hidden within us.
This is so because those who guide us from above help us to understand the Wisdom of the Ages,
and those who antagonize us mirror our deepest fears and demons
helping us to see what we have yet to cleanse and purge from within ourselves.

My Teachers and Guides have impressed upon me that
“the Truth is not for sale.”
And that
“a good shepherd gives sanctuary to those in need.”

I am not selling Spiritual Guidance on this site ...
I ask for a donation or tithing from you as an exchange for my time.

Consider what you pay for clothing, food,
what you tithe when you go to church,
expenses for doctors & chiropractors etc.
Then consider what your spiritual health and well-being is worth to you and donate accordingly.

I have no desire for you to take my Truth as your own,
I have no desire to convert your way of life or your beliefs,
I seek only to be of service to those who have a desire to find their own Truth within themselves.
For in doing so, I may begin to reap the harvest of this lifetime and others,
and to help others to do the same.

May Peace be yours Now and All Ways,

Carol Marie



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