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7/98 - 12/98

12/98 - 7/99 7/99 - 11/99 11/99 - 12/99 12/99-5/00 5/00-6/00 6/00-12/00 12/00-Present

    After two and a half years RL and 10 turns IC since Pyrene first set foot in High Reaches Weyr, I looked back at some old logs of her over that time and lost myself in nostalgia over past days and friends. Then I got sick for a few days and decided that I didn't want to do anything constructive with my time, so I started gathering all those old logs into a section of Py's webpages. I'll probably never finish, since I log more often than I have time to edit, but for nostalgia reasons, I'll try and keep going. If only when I have a cold. Logs from my log page are here indicated with a *.

    You may well ask why anybody but me would want to read every last log that I possess of Pyrene. Actually, that's not really what I expect anybody to be interested in. Instead I've divvied them into sections according to Pyrene's current status in life, and next to each I've put dates and a list of the people who posed (not merely walked into the room) in each one (puppets excluded). So in a way, it's a resource. If like me you like to find old logs of old friends or RP that you'd forgotten you'd ever done, you may like looking through here. 

    All logs are dated in British format (i.e. day/month/year) and the list of the people posing in them is in alphabetical order (excluding Pyrene, since she kind of goes without saying). With each section, you get a brief run-down of the state of HRW at the time along with the currently prominent characters to minimise confusion. NB, High Reaches had been going for six months when I started. If you want earlier logs, try the HRW homepage (I've not intentionally included any logs from that page, on the grounds that if you are looking for a trip down memory lane, that's the first place you'll visit). If you have any other logs featuring Pyrene, particularly ones from summer '98, I'd love to see them. Email me!

All logs up to December 4th '99 are posted. Newest logs are from summer/autumn 2001: Please let me know about any broken links.

July to December 1998: age 12-14, The weyrbrat turns

Ahh, the old days when Nuff and Jh'ral led the weyr with Aslyn as headwoman, Ophelia was weyrsecond after Sen, while Salea took over from the pregnant WLM, Ash. Rade was Zirade, head nanny with assistants Mirisae and Phaedra. The weyrbrats also included Shawn (when she was still Ashan) and Shaela. Thesy worked in the infirmary, assisting the healers, Conlan ran messages for Nuff, Nyara was in charge of cookie-making (and the rest of the kitchens) and Annalee was apprenticed to the weyr's harper Aife, while the eyes of a few young men were attracted by a new resident, Areiah. Also, a certain wingrider named D'renn was only raising eyebrows because of the colour of his leathers, and not for the hands he'd had down them.

18/8/98 *A discovery (earliest log of Pyrene that I know of) Flarra; S'phen
13/9/98 *News from home Conlan; Jh'ral; Kabes
27/9/98 Impressing Kynance  Ayrina and D'rik's open hatching Alicia; Benrian; Brekka; Conlan; Chase; Cyndal; Delsin; Enya; Flarra; Helen; Hyshn; Jasyra; Javril; Lauren; Leigh; Liri; Mackenzie; Melissa; Nynaeve; Onix; Rain; Risli; Rydia; Sarrai; Shana; Shava; Skyrala; Taranys; Torlan; Uriah
28-30/9/98 *Jealousy Aislynn; Allyson; Areiah; Conlan; Dalaynia; Dayven; Delion; Flarra; Kabes; Senalia
7/10/98 Hunting for a harper Aife; Enya; Fasulkad; Jezabel
10/10/98 Building a snow-weyr Areiah; Aslyn; Catania; Ciera; Conlan; Daleva; Debbie; Enya; Evamere; Jezabel; Kamaria; Senalia; S'phen; Starr; Torey
4/12/98 *The candidate dinner Adianna; Areiah; Conlan; Damista; Ethree; Flarra; Jezabel; Kabes; Kumiko; Niyanne; Nuff; Pita; Risli; S'phen; Tylendel; Zirade
5/12/98 Hatching of High Reaches 2nd Clutch from the galleries POV  Adianna; Adrienne; Aife; Alycia; Annalee; Areiah; Ash; Ashan; Ayden; B'ran; Brandon; Brekka; Bronwyn; Celan; Charis; Charysli; Cindanna; Clia; Conlan; Daleva; D'ante; Dione; Dison; D'renn; Enya; E'ren; Ethree; Evan; Fionchadd; Gideon; G'rwin; Gwenna; Hythe; Ilyena; Jaiym; Jezabel; Jh'ral; Kabes; Kaila; Kamara; Kamaria; Kelvren; Khyron; Kiana; Kiralen; Koryn; Kumiko; Lani; L'shil; Mahlia; Mirella; Mirra; Niyanne; Nuff; Paige; Posida; Risli; Salea; Saoirse; Sarali; Seian; Shaela; Shanahan; Sharrasi; Shasta; Silvera; S'mander; Talixa; Taree; Tathyana; Thesy; Teza; Trelain; Tylendel; Utoxin; Viktor; Zirade
5/12/98 *After the hatching Adianna; Aislynn; Annalee; Areiah; Ashan; B'ran; Charis; C'lan; D'ante; Dione; Evan; Flarra; Gideon; Hythe; Jack; Kamaria; Koryn; K'lis; Lani; L'shil; Nuff; Sabrina; Sarali; Scaflowne; Shanahan; Zandia
?/12/98 Unexpected Visitor Flarra; Ginnie
?/12/98 Runaway Cinnemaera; Damista; Dione; Flarra
21/12/98 *Sand-dragon building Annalee; Rade; Rowann; Tiberia

December 1998 to July 1999: age 14-16, Assistant nannying

    As Annalee, Areiah, C'lan, Kamaria, Rade, R'sli, Thesy and T'lendel went through weyrlinghood, Kostya replaced Rade as head nanny and Pyrene became the most junior assistant (Shaela's relocation to the resident dorms and Ash and Ashan's move to Southern were completely unrelated). Neola and Jeshala joined the nurseries, although Jesha was Searched soon after to Impress Sevareth at Ista. Trebinth caught Tiareth in her next flight, making S'phen the weyrleader, although he weyrmated Annalee instead and she gave birth to Avenlea. Amalia took over from Aslyn as headwoman, Jillian became steward after Azaria while Nadesda took over the kitchens. Aaliyah, Gideon, Oorla and Sita were among the latest to decide that High Reaches would be a reasonable place to live, and also among those Searched for Tiareth's latest clutch and Ysbryth's first, which first brought Liseria and Khayet to the weyr as candidates (the remaining candidates were Adora, Conrad, Kelvren, Pikar, Shaela, Taida, Taliesin and Tessera). Omens of things to come lay in simpler actions like Salea turning her WLM knot over to D'renn and a new resident named Tyara signing on as assistant nanny.

26/12/98 *The Joys of Nannyhood Aaliyah; Ginnie; Rowann; Sabrina
27/12/98 Dance in the Bowl Aaliyah; Aislynn; Alisia; Annalee; Azala; Brigh; Celeste; Everet; Helyne; Jiiu; Katharin; K'lis; Neola; Oorla; Scud; Scaflowne; Tiberia
3/1/99 Rescue of a brat Neola; Rowann
3/1/99 *Discussion in the weyrling barracks Areiah; C'lan; T'lendel
5/1/99 A scary offer Asophene; Imili; Neola; Sen
?/4/99 Greens at Breakfast Kelvren; L'shil; Neola; Thesy; Yumi
?/5/99 Meeting Taliesin Taliesin; Thesy
?/5/99 Meeting Adora and Tessera Adora; Klendathu; Tessera
?/5/99 Tessera on pranks Areiah; Tessera
?/5/99 Bells and brats Adora
?/5/99 A chat with S'fyre Oorla; S'fyre
?/5/99 On the beach Taliesin
?/5/99 Underwear Kyavan; Liseria; Neola; Starr
?/5/99 Breakfast with Lis Amalia; Liseria; Mayir
?/5/99 Adora pre-hatching Adora; Reyenna; Tiberia
14/6/99 Khayet post-hatching Khayet
4/7/99 *Tremayne Hatches (+OOC) Areiah; Kyren; Mara
13/7/99 Sirra and Gideon Gideon; Sirra


July to November 1999: age 16-18, Head Nannying

    Pyrene was coerced into the head position just in time to welcome Auri, Siannen and Saendi (and later Khia) to the weyr. Vanessa and Birlon were taken on to cope with the flow that included NPC brat Ko'en. Jillian Impressed at Ista becoming Lli, so Mayir took over the stewardship. An avalanche indirectly caused the death of NPC weyrwoman Lara and directly forced Nuff to step down. Areiah and T'lendel became the new weyrleaders, with  R'sli and Adora as joint weyrseconds in due course. 

15/7/99 *Scolding Ethree; Gideon; S'phen; Tahara
19/7/99 Quarith clutches C'dar; Char; Ciressa; Daneel; Ethree; Indra; Laoyn; Latte; Liran; Loria; Lyne; Melissa; Mhairie; Saendi; Saria; S'cud; Sharyn; Tilarekna; T'rell; Zoey
24/7/99 Neola is Searched Auri; Jesha; K'lis; Kyavan; Mharida; Neola; N'hon; Saendi; Saring; Sen; Sita; Theo; Tilarekna; Vivian
23/8/99 *Kernow Hatches Adora; R'sli
20/10/99 Tyara and Visian Fight Alfi; Miralia; Sasa; Tyara; Visian
9/11/99 Chat about eggs Anely; Khayet
9/11/99 Brats and Betting D'renn; Jevon; Khia; Shaela


November to December 1999: age 18, 1st Candidacy

    Pyrene was Searched along with Auri, Gekoki, Khayet, Liseria, Lylia, Maurin, Mharida, Quara, Quedista, Saera, Sena, Tellia, Tiri, and Tyara for Chayath and Tyrodinth's clutch. She celebrated by hiring numerous assistant nannies to replace her and Tyara.

10/11/99 *The search Alfi; Anely; Auri; D'renn; Etain; Karani; Miralia; Sena; Shaela; Tai; Tiri; Thesy; Tyara
11/11/99 Adjusting to Candidacy Auri; Leya; Rita; Shahrough
16/11/99 *Rescuing sweetsticks Gekoki; Liseria; Quara; Tyara
?/11/99 Egg-touching D'renn; Faye; Liseria; Quara; Quedista; Sena; Shaela; Tiri; Tyara
?/11/99 Cleaning the Barracks D’renn; Gekoki; Liseria; Morlan; Tiri; Tyara
24/11/99 Robes and Wine Auri; Gekoki; Quara
25/11/99 Breakfast & egg-touching Areiah; Khayet; Mharida; R’sli; Tegran; Yiddae
25/11/99 Another egg-touching D’renn; Liseria; Shaela; Tyara
26/11/99 A Physical D'renn; Geko; Jathen; Liseria; Lylia; Marron; Thesy; Tyara
27/11/99 *Discussions in the LC Areiah; Avenlea; Delphia; D'renn; Khayet; Maurin; Nherys; Siannen; Taliana
27/11/99 *Rug-beating Alfi; Catia; C'lan; D'renn; Gekoki; Geri; Idari; Liseria; Lylia; Marron; Sumia; Thesy; T'sin
28/11/99 Bathing in the Volcanic Pool Alfi; D'renn; Gekoki; Lylia; Miny; Quara; Shaela; Sorana; Tiri
29/11/99 The Apology D'renn; Gekoki; Liseria; Maurin
1/12/99 After the first hatching Kaerry; Khayet
1/12/99 A Change in the Odds Liseria; Tellia; Tiri
2/12/99 Meeting Khrysa Auri; Khrysa
4/12/99 *The hatching  Galleries POV. Long and spammy. Aaliyah; Aife; Araxanthe; Arizona; Auri; Aylamaria; Brell; Bryon; Callista; Casiys; Cristen; Cyry; David; Demetrius; Drallo; D'renn; Etain; Faye; Fellar; Gekoki; Gulinz; Hermione; Hyshn; Kandar; Karela; Kayla; Khayet; Khrysa; Khia; Kilavina; Liseria; Loren; L'shil; Lylia; Mahic; Malla; Maurin; Mayina; Mharida; Miny; Miralia; Nalisa; Nephlight; Nuff; Ophelia; Pyrah; Quara; Quedista; Reythn; Rita; R'sli; Sahri; Sandrea; Shaela; Silvera; Solonious; Stefannan; Sudanna; Tellia; Tiri; Tosus; Tyara; W'ark; Yiddae

December 1999 to May 2000: age 18-20, Head Nannying again

    Pyrene and C'lan finally got together albeit for the most casual of relationships. Nalla recruited guards to the Weyr, including Tafne, Neola and Edaeyn, and Areiah recruited fosterlings: Hynolonie and Hannah. Alymath began to make a reputation for Lis, whereas Kh'et found love with Ragis... and so did Thesy. Saendi and Alfi became Ista's latest weyrlings plucked from High Reaches. Ashan, or Shawn, returned from Southern to be a healer apprentice under Catia, while Thesy was at last replaced as infirmary assistant by Sasha. R'sli stepped down as weyrsecond, leaving the post solely to Adora, but Michel and Damia joined forces to oversee the kitchens and keep the weyr supplied with cookies. R'han, father of most of Nuff's children, joined the weyr although he was not responsible for the sudden surge in pregnancies. Which was more than could be said even for D'renn who found himself a father to be after one of Alymath's flights.

23/12/99 *Pyrene and C'lan kiss C'lan; Hannah; Hynolonie; Rade; Siannen
29-30/1/00 *Catfight between Thesy and Pyrene Alfi; Areiah; Brianna; Drystasia; Hannah; Idari; Khloe; Lis; Lylia; Michel; Nickailah; Nuff; Saendi; Siannen; Sorana; Thesy; Tyara


May to June 2000: age 20, Candidacy again

    Thesy's pregnancy spurred Pyrene to demote herself for about five minutes... then Thesy Searched her for Tiareth's clutch. With her in the barracks were Ashan, Auri, Calissan, Edaeyn, Faye, Loren, Lyrica, Miana, Pia, Ragis, Sasha, Sorana, Tatoria, Vynret, Zali. Tyara succeeded her as head nanny, suffering the brunt of the newest wave of rider-spawn.

12/5/00 *Searched again Catia; Cordelia; D'renn; Hyzen; Lis; Lylia; Ragis; Sasha; Thesy; Tyara; Zali
4/6/00 *Impressing Cadgwith With galleries spam Adar; Aife; Akira; Alexander; Andraya; Araamis; Ashan; Atandra; Auri; Calissan; Caoileann; Coibre; Damia; D'renn; Edaeyn; Faye; Goldean; G'vin; Inersi; Irulan; Janysi; Kaitlyn; Kariel; Kerine; Kh'et; K'shaw; Loren; Lyrica; Melsa; Merra; Miana; Nali; Ndi; Nuff; Pia; Raetar; Ragis; Rauve; Salea; Saoirse; Sasha; Shava; Sieryn; Sorana; Tai; Takovic; Tegran; Telarion; Thesy; Tatoria; Vynret; Zali

June to December 2000: age 21-22, Weyrlinghood and beyond

Cadgwith meant Pyrene exchanged the nurseries for the weyrling barracks and forgot about her casual relationship with C'lan. Other candidates lingered at the weyr, taking on new roles: Sorana as an assistant steward,  Sasha as a healer apprentice, Loren as the weyr runner and Pia continuing her vintner apprenticeship. Other new residents were Rauve, Kariel and Takovic, while former brats Khia and Siannen both graduated to assistant nanny status, while Areiah's fosterling Hannah became her assistant (when not being Searched by Ista). D'renn was conspicuously absent from most of the weyrling training (presumably not merely because of Pyrene) and was in due course sacked by the current weyrsecond Adora and replaced by former weyrsecond R'sli. Another leadership switch came about when Ysbryth rose again to be caught not by Cairhoth but Rixesith, passing the weyrleadership to M'rin. A few transfers came in from Igen, most notably P'rru on brown Dsalth, and H'well on blue Rubyth. S'phen, former weyrleader, was ICly killed in Threadfall after his player died. I miss you, Sfennie.

6/7/00 *Treneere arrives Daeyn; Gideon; Lis; Rauve; Treneere
14/7/00 *Flying with Cadge Cadgwith (pd)
27/8/00 *Graduation Auri; Daeyn; D'renn; Etain; Kamaria; Kariel; Lis; Lylia; Lyri; Merra; Mhari; Rauve; R'gis; Tai; Tatoria; Thesy; Zai
16/9/00 *Tapped for Esprit Auri; Etain; Nuff; R'gis; Seraphina; Thesy
6/11/00 *Waiting to rise Lis; Thesy
17/11/00 *Searching Rauve Akira; Bronagh; Caylea; Gideon; Kinecha; Loren; Lyri; Mikaeyla; Oren; Qarien; Quyina; Rauve; Sasha; Takovic
22/11/00 *Cadge rises Caylea; Hannah; Jesha; Kalette; Kennard; Kinecha; Tyara
13/12/00 *Cadgwith clutches Aruna; Daeyn; D'renn; July; Kinecha; Kori; Lis; Merenya; Oorla; Teric; Tyara

December 2000 onward: Age 23 onwards, Motherhood

While Cadgwith brooded over her first clutch, Pyrene abandoned her social life... and her green-stuff. After a drunken fling with F'ish on her turnday, she became pregnant, and for reasons best known to Cadge and herself, she kept the child. Meanwhile, Cadgwith's clutch added further NPC weyrlings to the barracks, already filled with PCs Cayl, G'deon, Hyzen, Ilare, R'ave, Sasha, Slippa, Sora, Sraine and Tatia. A flurry of pregnancies followed Pyrene's, even nannies Tyara and Siannen choosing to add to the nurseries, although drudge Hiliza helped matters by joining the nanny-ranks. Also around this time, Adora retired from her Weyrsecond position to be replaced by Daeyn and D'renn, while Ex-brat Saendi, now Ndi, was the first among a group of transfers from Ista that also included Kwa (once Anely), Zi'n (Zidon) and Idhra. 

29/12/00 *Pyrene's 23rd Turnday B'art; F'ish; Lis; Oren; Siannen; Sora; Treneere
2/1/01 *Cadgwith's first clutch hatches Achenar; Auri; B'art; Ciera; Cinny; Clotho; Daine; Hiliza; Kyera; Larisa; Lis; Oorla; Orsja; P'rru; Surupa; Rakella; Saisukei; Sydni; Tierza; Treneere (candidates puppetted by Siannen, Farore, Treneere, Pia, Oorla and myself)
3/3/01 *Sephne's Birth Cinny; Ilare; Kariel; Lis; Reiko; Sraine
11/10/01 *Mitria transfers F'ish; Ilare; Mitria; P'rru; Shaiyun; S'ret; Tyara
30/10/01 *Temptation G'deon; Shaiyun
17/11/01 *An illicit night G'deon



Please note! The image of the lizard that I used in the title is copyright Kelly Matten, and was taken from her Pyrene and fire lizards picture.