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My Favourite Sites

1.Google:The world's best search engine.....according to me.
2.Planet Jackson:Go to this site to get all stuff about Michael Jackson.
3.MJ News:Get all the news about Michael Jackson.
3.Music,Lyrics:Get all information about music.
4.Mrs.Avril:You must meet this wonderful spirit.
5.Graphology:Know about Graphology.
6.Webmonkey: The Number One site for learning HTML.
7.HTML Cafe:Another great HTML Tutorial site.....its by Dick Oliver.
8.IT Project Details:Global clients post your software / IT project details, and get competitive bids from IT companies in India. --Suggested By:Linu Mathew
9.Harry Potter:GO here to learn "flying", make your own pet, and find out what's new in the world of witches and wizards! --Suggested By:Charanya Kaushik
10.English Dictionary:For basic English Grammar --Suggested By:Niranjan Yerraguntla
11.Edufind:For basic English Grammar --Suggested By:Niranjan Yerraguntla
11.Indian News:For news about happenings in India --Suggested By:Niranjan Yerraguntla
12.Oprah Winfrey:I dont need to tell you what this site has!
13.Teoma:This is a search engine specially for technical articles and tutorials --Suggested By:Bhavna

There are many more interesting sites....just cant remember immediately....will add them to the above list soon.
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