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Name: Renardo James
Sex : Male
Age :18
Date/Time of Posting:Jan 10 2004 / 02:03:15
Renardo's Problem:
Well, I had dated this girl named Erin, and we have been dating for a month and 3 weeks. I had broke up with her, 3 times. But after we had hook back up the forth time, i promise her i would never break up with her again. Because I was having personal problems and problems with her. And we need the space from each other, so we could workout our problems. So we had hook back up for a week and 4 days. And then one day, she breaks up with me. She said, "we alawys argue and upset with each other. And she said it wasn't going to work. I have been calling her over the holidays and stuff as a friend. Letting her know that I'm sorry and for her to forgive me. And her friends told me, that she miss me and that she wish she wouldn't have breaking up with me. I bought her a gift and wrote her letters, letting her know I still care for her. But one night before school, I had called her and she tells me she has a boyfriend. I was so sad and shocked. I went home and cried ove r her, and its really hurts. And now I know how she feels, when I had hurt her too. She said this, "I just want u 2 know that when I first started liking got a special place in my heart...and that special place that was there then is there now...and will probably ALWAYS be there! I REALLY LIKE YOU NO MATTER WHAT!" But today, she doesn't talk to me anymore, she acts like she hates my guts. And we had a big argue last night. She said, she didnt won't to talk to me ever again! I was so upset and sad. But I want to know what to do? How to get her back in my life? I truly care for her and I miss her! What should I say or do to make her like me again?

Hi Renardo,
First of all you need to stop thinking its all your fault.Relationships see ups and downs and this is natural.This is a relationship and no matter who messes it up,or has a problem,the result is same for both.I always say this,no relationship can be forced upon any individual.If she finds it uncomfortable and wants to be out of it,well you can only talk to her and see if you can settle things.If things dont work out still,you are going to be kicking dust when you force yourself on her.Remember to let go of your ego;and have a plain talk with her.Good Luck!


Name: Jo
City:South London
Sex : Female
Age :14
Date/Time of Posting:Jan 10 2004 / 01:43:57
Jo's Problem:
i have a 14 year old friend who is stuck on commiting suicide me and my friends have tried everything we can and we don't know what to do. he says his life sucks and he wants to die in the most painful way possible. he has a load of problems ranging from bullying to love to friends he also says his parents are trying to mould him into what they want. he is pretty stuck on doing it and we don't think there is anyway we can help him. we don't want him to die , we've said we'd be there for him no matter what happens but hes just pushing us away . please help him and us.

Hi Jo,
It is delightful to see your concern over your friend.Well,you need to alert your friend's parents regarding his intentions and behaviour.He needs to see a counsellor in person and get some help.Your friend is in a troubled state of mind.You need to be reassuring and not hurt him in any way.Never give a chance for him to lose trust in you.Whether you alert his parents or try to help him in any other way,you need to keep this in mind.I think you need to do this as soon as possible.Good Luck!


Name: Lynnzi
City:Las Vegas
Sex : Female
Age :12
Date/Time of Posting:Jan 09 2004 / 10:26:56
Lynnzi's Problem:
My friend is not talking to me annymore because she does'nt like my other friend because she is annoying what should I do????

Hi Lynnzi,
The friend that is not talking to you needs to be a little more mature.Its indeed sad she's behaving this way.Hope she understands this and takes things more sportively.May be you need to talk to her more seriously regarding this and put some sense in her.Remember,you have the liberty to choose your friends.Good Luck!


Name: Lynnzi
City:Las Vegas
Sex : Female
Age :12
Date/Time of Posting:Jan 09 2004 / 10:18:45
Lynnzi's Problem:
My boyfriend lives in California and I have'nt seen him for 8 months and 15 days what should I do?

Hi Lynnzi,
Theres nothing much you can do about this.Stop worrying.May be you can keep in touch through e-mails.Good Luck! Good Luck Abstract!


Name: Mani
Sex : Male
Age :17
Date/Time of Posting:Jan 07 2004 / 16:11:38
Mani's Problem:
iam doing my 11 class and studing in alone.currently my parents are in financial problems and there is always a delay in sending the monthly college fees.Now that they are in trouble i want to do partime job and settle my dues.I chose this idea because it will take long to settle their financial im in dilemma about where to search for my job and need help

Hi Mani,
Your sense of responsibility is praiseworthy.It is truly remarkable that you have given a serious thought to share your parents' difficulties. You are in class 11.Just a few months away from your crucial year of class 12.You may be fully aware of the gravity of this period in your academic life.This is a time when you need to put in your best,inorder to realize your dreams.And at this moment you are facing financial problems,unable to pay your fees.Well,I feel you need to work out some other way to solve this.The option of working part time has to be the last one.Thats because a part time job is simply going to eat away all your precious time.No job on this earth gives easy money.The employer is sure to get the best out of you for what he pays.So,think it over.There is nothing more valuable than your personal time especially now! About settling your money problems,you can probably request your college principle to give you more time for paying your fees.Never feel sad about your present condition,for it is only temporary.Have no feelings of inferiority.Hold your head high and make a genuine,humble request with your principle.I am sure he will consider your problem.You can also present a written requisition from your father. Understand that time is the most valuable commodity you have.Thats the most expensive thing in your hand.Dont let go of it.Drive hard at your dreams.All other external problems will seem like nothing. You can feel free to write back to me in greater detail.I wish you all the best.Do keep me informed.


Name: April
Sex : Female
Age :19
Date/Time of Posting:Jan 05 2004 / 07:52:20
April's Problem:
I love my boyfriend, Simon, and he's wonderful to me. My biggest problem is his child. She's one and half and sometimes I just get so mad at her. I've never really been around kid's before and I don't have any of my own. I don't really even like children. I don't want to be that evil stepmom who drives the family apart. I'm just trying to be honest, but I'm jealous. I sweat in the car and he says "oh". She sweats in the car and he freaks out. We'll be in the middle of a conversation and he walks off to go pick her up and play with her (and she seems to be just fine playing with legos on her own in the corner) I know he's just trying to be a good parent, and he is a very good dad. It's just that when we are together alone, he treats me like I'm his princess. If I'm hungry he's pulling into a resteraunt. But whenever she gets around him he treats me like I'm dirt. I feel like I'm constantly being pushed aside. And that really isn't the biggest probl em to me. I guess all of that is ok because he's just being a dad. But what really hurts is the way she treats me. One second she'll want to ride on my shoulders and play, and the next second she's trying to pull Simon and I's hands apart and hitting me. As soon as she gets into a bad mood because she has to leave the playground or for what ever reason, she yells baby gibber at me and starts to hit me and bury her face in Simon's shoulder. She just really makes me feel rejected sometimes. I feel so... outside of their little family. I know I shouldn't compare the love we get from him, but when she's around I'm always 2nd, and that's ok, that's the way it's suppose to be, I just wish didn't feel so resentful towards her. I feel like a bad person for getting mad at a toddler. I've just never dated a guy with a kid before, and it's really hard. Isn't there anything I can do to make him treat us equally, to win her trust and love, to be apart of the family, to not feel this resentment and jealousy? Is there anyway that I can be more accepting and understanding?

Hi April,
"Is there anyway that I can be more accepting and understanding?"
First of all its good that you want to become more accepting and appreciating.Yes you can,if you really want to!The child here is 1.5 years old!And you are talking about she "treating you badly"?I cannot restrain from seeing you to be very immature!I dont know if I am sounding impolite!
Well,April you need to think.First get things straight in your mind.He loves his kid and he loves you too.It is just that you are not a kid that he needs to worry so much if you are sweating in the car.However you need to see if he genuinely loves you.It need not mean a diplomatic chivilrous behaviour all the while.He loves you anyway,and that is why he takes these small liberties with you!You need to reach a higher stratum of acceptance with regard to both of them.You need to understand that kids can get very demanding,thats like a rule.Only if you genuinely accept these things,will you be able to appreciate your relationship with these two human beings.
I am not saying you should never or it is wrong to ever get into an argument with your boyfriend.I am only asking you to stretch yourself and give more.Give how much you need to.Rethink your stand.Dont have a negative undercurrent all the while.Take a positive approach and see how much more you can contribute to make things work better for the three of you.I am sure you will find peace!Good Luck!


Name: Drina
City:West Chicago
Sex : Female
Age :16
Date/Time of Posting:Jan 05 2004 / 03:32:20
Drina's Problem:
ok i have an aunt and i love her trully but she is so mean to me ....its like she doent want me in her life ...i understand that i did wrong in my life but she needs to understand that people make mistakes ...she even has done lots of mistakes...what can i do for her to start trusting and believeing and talking to me?

Hi Drina,
Your aunt surely doesnt hate you.She probably needs some fine tuning in how to handle you.Nevermind.You can be the bigger one here.Be more adjusting and turn your aunt to a positive resource to hone your skills in terms of patience and acceptance.These are tools you'll need all your life!So,dont worry.
It is natural for anyone to do mistakes.If your mistakes are the undercurrent of all the dealings your aunt has with you,theres nothing much you can do about it!Again you have a chance to change the impression.Build on it.Do little things that make her happy and get back the trust in you.You may not do it all on one day.But a series of good behaviour would have a cumulative effect on your aunt's perception about you,and slowly things would begin to smoothen up!Good Luck Drina!


Name: Shelly
Sex : Female
Age :19
Date/Time of Posting:Jan 04 2004 / 11:47:24
Shelly's Problem:
My problem may seem quite broad, but I am just looking for a little helpful advice. It just seems that everytime I meet a new guy, I end up just getting played and I end up going through weeks of depression. All the guys I meet in the end are just players, looking for just one thing. I can't seem to find a guy that truely wants to get to know me as a person rather than as just an object. How do I meet someone that is truelly into me, rather then someone who just out to break my heart??

Hi Shelly,
If you've had a series of heartbreaks,its just a chance.It is not a rule and it is not an indicator of your future.Just be patient.I really mean patient.Things will come by your way.Dont be obsessed about having a successful relationship with a guy.Acknowledge the fact that its just a mater of time.Get actively involved with building your career and chasing your personal goals.It does pay to wait.You'd get the best guy around!Good Luck!


Name: Baby G.
City:New Orleans
Sex : Female
Age :13
Date/Time of Posting:Jan 04 2004 / 02:07:44
Baby G.'s Problem:
My friend(Latoya) and my boyfriend(Jared)don't like each other.I don't know why Latoya said high to Jared on New Years Eve. I was out of town and I got a call from Jared. He said Latoya was starting mess. He said that she had someone with her and he didn't know her and she asked if he knew me and he said no because he didn't wanted to be bothered. Now what I am worried about is that Latoya is trying take my Jared away from me. This has happened before and it seems like a pattern is happening with my friends. The thing is, is that Latoya has a man but doesn't mean if she ain't gonna cheat on him even if she love him. What should I do. I really do love Jared. Please take note that these are not real names of the people I'm talking about. So please tell me what should I do. Oh and I'm not to young to have a bf. I'm turnining 14 in March.

Hi Baby G.,
As long as you and your boyfriend are sensible enough and trust each other,nothing should really get in the way.Nothings going to trouble your relationship.And about your friends around,be wise in choosing them.Do no harm to anyone,and have a stable head when someone troubles you.Good Luck!


Name: Abstract
Sex : Female
Age :20
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 30 2003 / 12:35:40
Abstract's Problem:
hi! my problem is quite might think so.i have a friend and she is just ..always using me..she goes with me daily i have to pick her from her doorstep and then it is my duty to drop her back home has been 2 months almost and i am just sick? what should i do? how should i say to her that don't go with me..i have to pick her so i have to get up early also..plz help is disturbing my studies and givingm e mental tensions..sheis my friend as well as my classfellow..sometimes she does show attitude.i have to make her assignmetn also..and if i don't do so she turns her mood off and then i have to suffer bcz i dont have any friend like her..and hence if i don't stay with her then i wud be all alone..the real problem is the way from which i go..her home is just on the way..and hence there should be some genuine reason by providing which i could escape and hence get out of this tension..she is not that good with me but nowadays she is bcz she has to go with me in my conveyance..reply me ASAP plzz person in trouble

Hi Abstract,
I dont see anything childish in your problem;or,rather did you mean unimportant?Well,I dont think so!I see you have a problem.
You seem to lack self confidence.You must first acknowledge the fact that people need to appreciate your problems.And they will.Your problems are genuine and you are a human being.People will listen to your problems.Expect them to understand.You are not commiting any crime,if you express your genuine problems.You are not going ot lose people if you express your problems.You need to take before you give.If you go on giving forever,you will be an empty reservoir soon!
So talk to your friend and express your difficulties to her.If she is a good friend she will understand your probelms.Work out a way with the commuting arrangement.
Also,you need ot socialize more,and know more people around you.You learn more thing when you meet and have newer and more friends.Work on it.Be confident and go ahead.Have a better social life.Dont be stuck with one person.Theres nothing wrong in having one best friend,but its foolish to close your doors and remain shut to others.
Good Luck Abstract!


Name: Juliya
Sex : Female
Age :16
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 26 2003 / 10:10:13
Juliya's Problem:
ok, im going out with this guy and we have been going out for about 2 weeks now, the problem is that he feels very attached to me and already told me that he loves me and he would die without me, he spent alot on me for christmas and he sees us having a really long relationship and frankly i just dont ever like looking that far off into the future,i mean he is very respectful towards me and is a real gentleman, i know it seems like theres noo problems there, but the thing is that hes so perfect that it bothers me,hes all i ever wanted in a guy but now that i have him..why am i not overthrown with joy by it?... i just dont think i LOVE LOVE him at this point,he is a year younger than me and that might be why he would say that to me,i like him normal but i know he cares alot more about me than i do about him, is that wrong? should i stay with him despite the fact i dont have awesomely strong feelings for him right now to see where it goes? or should i just separat e from him because i dont feel as attached?...HELP

Hi Juliya,
Well,theres nothing wrong if you dont feel the same way as he does for you.You just cant force yourself to have certain emotions and if you do,you are going to be left confused.I'd ask you to be true to yourself and be natural in whatever you do.Dont give into pressures.You need to try and talk to him and atleast give him a clue about what you think of the relationship.Silence is not a solution.Go ahead and talk!That would help clear a lot of things and soon,you and he can get a better picture of the whole issue.Good Luck!


Name: Tim
Sex : Male
Age :17
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 20 2003 / 11:32:15
Tim's Problem:
I feel like life is against me. ive done many things for the good. but every time i do something good in return i recieve something bad. i feel like life is against me and i can't continue on sometimes. ive lived a rough life and tried to be a good person i find no salvation in god the only thing that makes life bearable to me is the alchohol. i dont know how much longer i can continue. i have done everything from helping the metally disabled to literally helping old ladies to thier cars. yet ive had to watch my mother beaten been convicted of felonies and arrested for something i did not do why would this happen i have tried so hard to be a good a person yet treated like a bad person throughout my life. i dont see how i can continue on. Any advice...please?

Hi Tim,
You seem to be the emotional kind.And thats the best thing about you!You live each moment of life and attach meaning to every small thing happens around you.This would in turn help you understand things better and live life completely!
Now about all the unfortunate things that keep happening to you,as you say is a part of life.We all face problems and its upto us to make life better and help ourselves feel better and live better and more happily.Its within us.It is not the incidents and the episodes of our lives that necessarily determine our happiness.It is how we react to them that counts.All this may sound a little too impractical and philosophical.Now the ice breaker would be to believe that this is practical and this is what life is all about.And there,my friend you ahve the solution!
First of all learn to be your own friend.Stop blaming yourself for anything.At the moment you seem to be cursing your fate all the while and have determined to call yourself unfortunate and a gone case!Can you please be a litle easy on yourself?You are a nice guy.Not all the people around you would help an old lady!Be proud of yourself.Build some self-confidence.Give into the fact that sometimes wrong things happen in quick succession before even you recover from the earlier one.This is life.You only become stronger each time and no one can defeat you without your consent..remember that!You only lose in your mind.Your inetrnal dialogue taht you have with yourself are very important and so try to keep them as positive as possible!
So,Tim,cheer up.Another thing you need to keep in mind is not expect anything in return when you do something nice or help someone.If you do,the whole point about helping is gone,and also,you are going to be a sad man because of your expectations!After all you are helping out of your own will,so stop expecting something great to happen in return when you help someone.Well,it may be a natural expectation,but you can slowly work on it and give yourself a more mature outlook and add meaning to your life.You are surely going to be more peaceful!Keep the faith,and get going.Good Luck!God loves you.


Name: Nicola
Sex : Female
Age :14
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 20 2003 / 03:49:00
Nicola's Problem:
i have had a very big change to my life. i have just moved from England to Australia and ive been here for about 3 months. i have had to leave my fantastic life and friendships all behind for my dad's job. ive been to school here but im moving to another school coz i haven't really made any good friends. its coming up to christmas too and i really miss my old cold christmases. sometimes i cry coz i wanna go bak but then i think to myself, it will get betta. its not just that but my mum is the exact same but she cries all the time, we both feel lonely and i don't know what to do about my mum to make her feel happier. i don't have any money so its not as if i can go and buy her something. please help me coz whenever i see her cry it makes me upset too. thanks

Hi Nicola,
Well,one thing is for sure,I think its really exciting and rejuvenating to go to a new place and meet new people,and in your case its a totally different country!Australia I believe is a nice place to be in;is what I've heard from a couple of friends who went from my place to study.I even had a friend who went to Australia in our 8th grade,when her dad got a new job there and she says its a nice place.Ofcourse the downside of all this is missing our old home and friends.But thats inevitable!
Well,all of us in our lives at some point of time have to give up our lifelong home and move to another place for work or studies.This is a part of life.Some of us face it very soon,and some of us face it later in life.Very few of us live in the same city all our life!And I would think these are the unfortunate ones in the long run.They've missed a lot of things in life.They have never learned to adjust to new things and different people and ways oflif than their own.they become very inflexible and can sum up their lives to talk of only their immediate culture and people.They often end up being narrow-minded beings.
And now what should I say about you?I can only say you are fortunate to have this experience early in life.You are certainly going to be a more seasoned individual.The initial phase of getting adjusted to your new life may be excruciating and you may see no green pastures at all!You cant help longing to belong to your old place.But then look at the options you have.You need to live with your parents,and your dad's job is here.So you really cant do anything about it,and I would say you are not in any disadvantageous position at all!Understand that it is only a matter of time.Yes!you need to believe in this;its just a matter of time,and you are going to feel great soon!You would get used to your new friends and begin to even like them..that is a fact!
Certain things you can do,like keeping in touch with your old friends and sharing your experiences with them,etc.Also you could socialize more.Probably you can join some local club or meet up with your neighbours more often.Go for a walk in the evenings.Discover your new city.Probably your mom is feeling lonely because of the same reason as you.All her friends are in England,all your relatives too.Pull your mom out of the house and go around.Meet new people.I dont mean you need to overdo this.But,you just need to break that ice and get out of your shell.Its been just 3 months,its not the end of the world!Be more optimistic and confident.Stop feeling unfortunate and stop pitying yourself for coming out of England.Take it easy,get going Nicola!Be supportive with your mom!
You need to first believe things will be fine and wholeheartedly accept this is your new home.Or else everyday would be an uphill climb!YOU need to push yourself to happiness!Good Luck!


Name: Tracy
Sex : Female
Age :16
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 19 2003 / 19:38:36
Tracy's Problem:
i have a strange feelings on my other friends.... i felt that they dont like me anymore. i always feel denied whenever i am with them. can you help me?

Hi Tracy,
You must not lose heart.Understand that every relationship sees ups and downs and friendship is no exception for this.You just need to be more open and frank with your friends and stop having feelings of inferiority.Slowly,you can learn to be more mature.When they pull your leg and make a joke about you,take it easy,take it in your stride.Build your confidence and then things would be fine.No one can pull you down without you agreeing to it.They are not judging you.You dont have to be conscious of yourself all the while.Go out and talk.Good luck!


Name: Kayleigh
City:Springfield Mass
Sex : Female
Age :15
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 18 2003 / 03:26:13
Kayleigh's Problem:
I'm 15 and I go to Putnam High. My boyfriend Luis is 16. He and I have been together a month the 19th. It feels like longer though. My friends in shcool are "Unpopular" and his are as he is "popular". He is a P.R. and I am white. In my shcool that can cause problems. But our real problem is i'm "the shcool whore" and everybody thinks I'm cheating on him with my best friend Tommy. Tommy and I were closer at one point but when Luis asked me out I stopped it all. But because people see me with Tommy they assum he and i are together romanticaly. I knew a long time ago Luis didn't like tommy, tommy doesn't like Luis to be honest. Now Luis wants me to dump tommy as a friend. Tommy and I have been aruging a lot lately but if i stop being friends with tommy I loose all my other friends. So what do I do? Who do I choose? The man of my dreams or my friends for the next 3 and a half years. Tommy graduates this year and Luis does next but I wont till 2007. I don't know what to do. either way I loose. Who do I pic?

Hi Kayleigh,
Ok,first of all you need to stop describing yourself as "the school *****".(although,here,you were just explaining the situation to me).And,you certainly need to be more self-made on deciding who your friends are.If Luis has a problem with Tommy,thats no reason you should stop being friends with Tommy.And if your friends think,your dating both of them at the same time,thats no reason you should stop being friends with Tommy.After all you know the truth.And so,you better stand up to it!
You can probably try bridging Tommy and Luis and try to educate the two,that both of them are nice guys and they need not abhor each other this way.Good Luck


Name: Carrie
City:near Philadelphia
Sex : Female
Age :13
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 15 2003 / 06:59:27
Carrie's Problem:
Well I started playing ice hockey for a boy team recently, playing as a goalie and I am the only girl on the team. At first the guys hated me but now we are almost best friends. I found out that two of the guys (Matt and Ray) like me. Both of them are smart, kind, funny, and are the best players on the team, but I dont like them that way. What should I tell them so I dont break their hearts or have them not like me anymore?

Hi Carrie,
You just need to tell them the truth.Any fabrication,would eventually lead to further complications.So,just be frank.Hope the guys are mature enough to understand this.Ofcourse this need not mean a diminished friendship!Remember,you need to speak about this to them only if they ask you out,and not because you heard through someone else that they like you.Good Luck!


Sex : Female
Age :12
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 09 2003 / 00:59:24
Megan's Problem:
I've been goin out with this kid Ryan for a couple weeks and ever since then i've been doin really bad in school. On mi last test i got a 50! and usally i'll get either a 90 or even a 100. i really like him and i want to keep goin out with him, but how can i go out with i'm and still keep up mi grades? Please Help!

Hi Megan,
Well,frist of all I must tell you that you are a little too young to go out with someone!
Getting down to your situation,well theres no other way than ot work your way out.Learn how to concentrate on your studies while you are studying and learn how not to worry about studies when you are out with friends.Get these issues sorted in your head.It may take time.But you need to constantly work on it.I think you can do this only when you completely realize the importance of your studies as well as your social life.
At the moment your studies are of prime importance.Keep that in mind.Good Luck!


Name: Weby
Sex : Female
Age :13
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 07 2003 / 02:26:57
Weby's Problem:
i can't find out how to make a website by myself and can u help me plus my friends are teasing me cause i don't know how

Hi Weby,
Aaaah!Dont worry!Many of us dont know too many things!I'm sure you knwo something that your friends dont know!This is the way of life.And you need not lose heart!
First of all let me congratulate you!You are only 13 and you are going to learn how to build a website!
Ok,the firts tool or language that you need to know is Hypertext Markup Language(HTML).With HTML you can build wonderful sites with great layouts and appearances.I think the best place to learn HTML would be The 24 hour HTML Cafe.There is wonderful site that teaches you how to build sites.You can reach this site by going to the BEST LINKS section of this site and finding a link to the 24 hour html cafe.Building websites is pretty simple.
You can use several animation softwares to make your own graphics.You could search the WWW to find several sites that give loads of clipart for free.You could use them to decorate your site.You can sign up to services like BRAVENET an duse the amazing utitlities like guestbooks,site rings,phot albums,form processors,etc. that they offer for free!Angelfire is a very good webhosting agent that is reliable and free of cost!Slowly you can build on your strengths and go on to learn Javascript,Flash and other tools and languages and perhaps one day when you have enough money,you can buy your own domain!
A dedicated effort of 1 week can get you some good expertise for building websites using HTML.Here are some tips:
1.Remember to have a good theme for your site,dont put up a site for the sake of putting up one(ofcourse you can put up one for the learning sake!)
2.Dont use too many graphics on your pages as they would slow down the navigation in your site and make your pages too heavy to open quickly.
3.Adopt standard building practises.
You can write back if you have any doubts.Good Luck!


Name: cds
Sex : Female
Age :17
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 06 2003 / 23:28:46
cds's Problem:
hey .. plz help me cos this is quite a confusing problem.. i m a 17 yr old gal and its been almost a year since ive broken up.. my ex was more serious abt me than i was abt him but our break up was very abrupt.. he said quite a few mean things to me and said something abt a few gals calling him up and saying somethin like i had a steamy affair wid another guy and tht i go fishin for bfs and grab the one which is better looking.. this is certainly not true but the rumours were pretty convincing and im not sure whether hez making it up or not.. we had a steady relatnship and had a physical relationship 2 a certain extent and v used to make out in every chance vd get.. he was very close to my family and used to come home almost everyday and hav lunch or dinner at my place.. the break up was pretty vague and i was his first girlfriend and he comes frm a very gd family.. the problem is that its very difficult for me to get over him and at that point i didnt have feel ings for him so much but recently when i saw him i realised tht i really like him.. uncle sam.. plz tell me shud i call him up and tell him what i feel for him (which will create quite a stir among our friends), wait for him to come back someday(how long) or dump the thoughts and move on.. is this guy worth waiting for? its been a long time and i am quite confused cos why did he get physical, say such things and involve family if he wasnt interested at all.. plz help..

Hi cds,
The problem creeps in when there is no trust in the relatonship!Ofcourse the counterpart of trust is loyalty!A relationship is successful only when trust and loyalty are essential ingredients of the foundation on which it stands on.
When there is no loyalty,either of the members may keep drifting.When there is no trust,your friends have a say in your relationship!Well,I think you need to speak to him and clear things out.Thats the only solution.You need to stop blaming each other as to who caused the breakup.If you really think you both deserve each other,stop listening to your "friends" and go ahead and talk to him.If you genuinely think that you cannot get along with him even after talking,or that hes got a very fat head and cannot understand you,well I think you need to put an end to this relationship and save yourself from any further unpleasant feelings.Get going with life.Think twice before you get physical with anyone next time!Good Luck!
PS:Whoever told you I am uncle Sam,...hmmmmmm!


Name: Saheer
Sex : Male
Age :18
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 06 2003 / 19:37:43
Saheer's Problem:
my problem is i want to be the rank holder for my college as im a second year student and the gal i love wanna be my friend and when ever i propose her she says that she tell me that she is just good friend of mine and i cannot live without her.

Hi Saheer,
Dont confuse the two issues.Becoming a rank holder is in your hands and striking a relationship with your girl is another thing.And before you achieve any of your dreams,if you mix up them up,you are not going to land anywhere.
As far as your dreams of getting a rank is concerned its all in your hands.if you get a rank it is because of you and if you dont,it is because you did not manage things well.Dont put yourself in a situation where things are overwhelming you and you have things running out of your hand.As far as the girl is concerned,well you cant force yourself on her.Any relationship can kick off only when both the individuals think alike in terms of their future together.even if one of them is not agreing to it,there is no point persuading someone when he/she has already given a no.She has said she can be your friend.So thats good!She may even change her mind later.But then you need ot be mature enough to not continue your friendship keeping only this in view.After all you have just laid your propsal.Its a proposal,understand the meaning of that word,my friend!A proposal can be accepted or rejected.You need to be mature enough to accept this.Its not like you are syaing I am in love with you and you need to love me for that!Things cant work this way.
Sit down and think for a while.Good Luck!


Name: Matthew
Sex : Male
Age :10
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 06 2003 / 12:20:54
Matthew's Problem:
I've got a really big crush on my teacher but I don't know wether she likes me or not. I always try and do something to hurt myself but it never works.

Hi Matthew,
If you appreciate the fact that your teacher is like your mom and your older sister,I think you will be less confused.Stop hurting yourself and get going with your lessons.Good Luck!


Sex : Female
Age :16
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 06 2003 / 10:36:31
Erica's Problem:
I have a friend who is 20. He is a smart, successfull college student; he is helpful, funny, cute, and sweet. The only thing is, he gets very depressed at night. I think he has everything in this world NOT to be depressed about, but he can't stop saying how much he hates people, how he thinks they are fake, how he wishes he wasn't born here. His pessemistic attitude really upsets me because I think he's wonderful. Please help me figure out a way to cheer him up; a way to keep his mind off of the bad things and help him realize that he doesn't need to feel this way. Thank you.

Hi Erica,
It is nice that you are concerned about your friend.
I have some advice for you first.Well,any amount of external success need not necessarily mean or guarantee happiness!You can be the most successful student or the richest businessman,but you still can have reasons to not be happy!This may seem like a pessimistic approach,but you cant deny the compassionate and practical nature of this fact that I've just told you.And that I think overrides the pessimistic lusture that this approach seems to have.
So,now you may be able to appreciate and acknowledge the fact that something more close to your friend's heart is troubling him and so you need to talk to him.Sit down with him and try to help him out.You need not feel bad if you cant help him with his problem by giving him a solution in a nutshell!.But you have given him more than half the solution because you listened to him.That gives more than half the relief that he's looking for!Your acknowledgement of his problem would do good to him.
You could tell him how you feel about him and how you admire him as a success!Talk to him and listen to him.Be a good friend.Over a period of time I am sure he'll be ok.I wish you all the best and hope your friend is peaceful soon!


Name: Cherice
City:Brooklyn,New York
Sex : Female
Age :13
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 06 2003 / 03:40:04
Cherice's Problem:
I have two questions number one i like this boy name greogry i am shy and i tihck and i really like him and every girl asked him out and he siad no and i want to ask him but im scared of what the answer might be. can u help
and second
its not very often i ask for advice but i heard you was good but anyway how do i go about to start my own advice site i want to help people to.

Hi Cherice,
I think you first need to be good friends and have fun!Dont burden yourself with the formality of "asking him out"!Things would be ok automatically!
Sure,you could start your advice site.Thats a very nice thought you have.You could start off by learning how to build websites and then later when you are a little older,may be 18- 20 years old,you can start giving advice on the web too!Good Luck!


Name: Prasanna
Sex : Male
Age :20
Date/Time of Posting:Dec 03 2003 / 10:34:51
Prasanna's Problem:
I have my site running on two server machines. The date/time settings on both the machine are similar. The code in the test.asp file is as: <% str = "select sysdate from dual" set rs =o_conn.execute(str) response.write rs("sysdate") response.end %> Still after accessing the above test.asp file, one server displays date as dd/mm/yyyy time (eg. 3/12/2003 5:01:15 PM)whereas on other server it displays mm/dd/yyyy time eg. (12/3/2003 5:01:48 PM) I have even checked the versions of ADO and asp.dll on both the servers, and they are similar. Would anyone please let me know the solution for this at the earliest.

Hi Prasanna,
I am afraid I dont have an answer for your problem.Do let me know if you figure it out.Good Luck!