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Eric Yui

Name: Eric Yui

Race: Seru-Human Symbiote

Power: Wind-based

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown

Weapon: Gunblade, Ice Seru Reija

Maxwell Yui's only child and Ripley's first, Eric is the epitomy of the silent killer. His favorite quote rightly is "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Sword." Trained by his uncle Neyon, he developed skill with the Gunblade. He joined the Neo-Silver Dragons at the request of Zergent MacCarthy.

Eric and Cloud Maxwell are members of the DemiGods due to the fact that both are fused with powerful creatures called Serus. Eric's is an Ice-power-based female Seru named Reija. She fused with him in the form of a bead chain, which he wears around his neck. Reija boosts Eric's fighting power, speed, stamina, and resistance/power of magic. She also allows him to use powerful Ice magic which would have otherwise been beyond his range of skill. Reija also granted Eric immortality, like his sister Aly, who was born immortal.