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Name: Omega

Race: Demon-Assassin Droid combo
*Special Note* - one of the Grecian Chorale demons

Power: Shadow-based, plus mechanical weaponry

Eyes: Black

Hair: None

Weapon: Demonic powers, mechanical weapons

Omega is one of the strangest and most powerful enemies the Silver Dragons have ever faced. He was created by General Fritz to be the ultimate fighting force. Fritz combined Demonology with Technology and used Assassin Droid parts to fashion a bodysuit in which a demon spawn could grow. To provide for even more power, Fritz connected a magic-draining channel to the then-dormant Deimos and connected it directly into Omega's body, surging the demon twenty-four hours a day with continual supply of endless energy.

Omega was released by Geridaxter Magellan and the Renegade Squadron in an attempt to wipe out the Silver Dragons. Instead, the demon went on a killing spree, while rounding up the other members of the Grecian Chorale demons - demons like himself named after Greek letters. Those demons were rendered unconscious by Omega's power and helpless as he drained their energies. The only surivivors were Omicron and Repton, then known as Delta, thanks to the Silver Dragons' interference. After the battle, Omega was assumed dead, until he was found working with both Vander Rosso and the avian dragon Kaiser Stryfe. Omega is a relentless killer on the path of destruction with almost nothing to stop him.