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Rose's Works In Progress

Untitled: Historical

When I started this one, it was my first attempt at a historical. It's still going through the 'writing' stage. Blair Winthrop and Trevor St. John had no knowledge of the other's existance, even though they had been raised on neighboring estates. Blair, orphaned at an early age, has had anything but a simple life. She is constantly combating the abuse of her wastral uncle, who was given the guardianship of her and her brother after the death of her parents. On the same token, protecting her little brother from the truth of their situation. Her uncle having wasted her brother's rightful inheritance on gambling, women, and drink over the years. By a twist of fate, Trevor's attention is brought to his lovely young neighbor. Taking her under his wing, the philandering duke, puts himself in the dubious position of finding a suitable husband for his innocent and delectable ward. Blair and Trevor finally find each other and love, as they join forces to try to solve the puzzle of a mysterious locket left behind by her father, and keep her uncle from uncovering the mysteries of the locket. There is no excerpt available at this time.


Untitled: Historical

Ah! My second attempt at a historical. Also still in the 'writing' stage. This one takes place in the Wild West. Paige Carter is a New York City debutante who is more interested in teaching, than marrying the son of the richest man in town, much to the constant consternation of her mother. Sheriff Cole Russell of San Antonio, Texas, burned once by a woman has no time for a hoity-toity miss from the east. He knows, one look at the dirt covered streets, false fronts, and emptiness of the surrounding area, and the lady will high-tale it right back to where she belongs. Boy is he in for a surprise when Paige shows him that there is more to her than smooth hands and a silk dress! There is no excerpt available at this time.


Untitled: Contemporary

Anyone who knows me, knows that my love for the game of baseball is as great as my love of writing. From the urgings of my friends, my third attempt at a contemporary was born. Lacey McCoy is a romance author, who ironically, has no faith in romance. Cliff Stanton, is the marquee star of the fictional N.Y. Clubbers of Major League Baseball. Cliff is handsome, rich and adored by legions of women, and Lacey wants nothing to do with him. He is simply a source of information for a new book she is working on. She refuses to believe, as her best-friend Nikki instists, that Cliff is the man of her dreams, literally! For years Lacey has had, as she calls them, Mr. Faceless dreams. Nikki, a self-proclaimed clairvoyant, knows Cliff is the one, if only her stubborn friend would open her heart to him. Raven and Christopher of Love of a Lifetime and Jacqueline and Craig of The Very Air I Breathe also make cameos. Excerpt: Coming Soon!.


Legacy: Curse of the Dark Sorcerer

This is my fantasy-based one, which formerly was not going to tie into the romance genre but has since changed. ^_^ It is a planned series of three books titled Legacy. It is the epic battle between good and evil, light and dark. The prophesized battle a reincarnated goddess of light must fight. The young goddess of light, now a mortal, and born into a world of chaos and destruction, must go through many trials and tribulations before she is able to withstand the power of evil. She and her friends, a motley crew of assembled races of the land, travel the world of Phallados in search of power and knowledge. But is that knowledge enough to destroy evil incarnate itself? Excerpt: Coming Soon!.


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