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Rose's Works

Love of a Lifetime

This is the first novel that I had penned. Although it is in need of a major over-haul, which I am in the process of, I am still proud of the final product. Why shouldn't I be? It was my first completed manuscript after all! Introducing Raven Twink, so named because her hair had been as black as a raven's wing when she'd been born. Raven is a sweet girl, lovely on the inside and out. The head of her own small advertising firm, she is an ace in her chosen field, and excels at it on a daily basis. She is smart, witty, and independant, but that doesn't mean she's not looking for the right guy. Enter Christopher Sinclair, a slightly tarnished prince charming, who had been scarred early in life by his first love. A major business mogul, and with years to sharpen his desolute ways, Raven has a monumental task on her hands when she meets him. But, what would you call practically dying? A disgruntled ex-girlfriend bent on revenge? And Christopher's own insecurities? Frustrating as hell! But Raven is made of sterner stuff than she looks. She's up to the job. To see an excerpt from Love of a Lifetime go here


The Very Air I Breathe

What do you get when you combine one very head-strong, indepedent woman, and an equally stubborn man? In the immortal words of Jimmy J.J. Walker..."DY-NO-MITE!" Jacqueline Chantey and Craig Winters were originally supporting characters in Love of a Lifetime. Putting them together was never even a thought in my mind until I was almost finished with Love of a Lifetime. It was then that I realized the chemistry between the two characters. They are my "happy little accident" as I like to call them. Jacqueline is hiding a terrible secret. This secret is what keeps her from finding love and being truly happy. Craig is determined to be the man to change her mind, but he first has to find out what Jacqueline is hiding from him! What could be so horrible that Jacqueline feels unworthy of love? When he finally finds out, will his love be strong enough to conquer even Jacqueline's stubborn heart? To see an excerpt from The Very Air I Breathe go here


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