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Now I know most of you will be looking for spells, and yes I have included spells, which get updated regularly. You have to remember though that a REAL book of shadows contains not only spells but all the information that is within my site; colours, poems, the laws, wiccan rede etc... you put whatever you want in your book of shadows. No one else is alowed to see it though, that takes the personal power away.

Love spells however aren't my best point. My belief is that if you were meant to be it'll happen, you can ask for help from the God and Goddess, and Goddess Aphrodite which is the goddess which can help pull love energy in your life. I usually write in my book of shadows (as in the book in the case at home, not here on the internet) and write poems, and songs etc. I write chants and chant them over and over again, until I am satisfied. I don't do love spells; I believe that the free will is to strong for anyone to change. If you have any spells you know work, please feel free toe-mail them to me.I will be adding spells here whenever I get new ones. Different spells work for different people though, if a spell doesn’t work, don't get frustrated! It doesn’t matter, try again later, if it doesn’t work again then obviously it's not the spell for you, or the spirits don't think you should perform the spell

Whenever performing a spell it is safest done in the space of a magic circle. Casting a magic circle is a different process for everyone. It is best done in a space where you are comfortable, quiet music can be on if that makes you comfortable, but not like headbanging music, more like relaxing music.
A magic circle has a north, south, east and west point. Mark these with something representing each. E.g
North= Earth
East= Air
South= Fire
West= Water
So put something to represent these at each point. Like for earth usually salt is used, incense for east, a candle for fire, and some water for west.

Lot’s of different techniques are used for ‘casting’ a magic circle. Some walk around in a circle with their hand out with their special stone or wand drawing the boundaries and imagining them appearing. What you say is basically up to you. You are asking for protection and guidance in your journey from the god or goddess, sometimes you want a specific god or goddess. Then at each quarter you again ask the earth, of air, of fire or water (wherever you might be standing) for guidance and power and if they will aid you in this ritual. When choosing your own words it is better, that’s why I am not giving you examples, because the words come from the heart. Then after a while you’ll start using the same words over and over again, never forgetting them

Sometimes when I want to perform a small ritual, I start and get this uncomfortable feeling. I just feel it, usually means that you shouldn't do the ritual at that time, at that moment. Wait a while and try again later. Spells are being added to this page hopefully every day. I only have a little time each day to spend time on this.

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