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Crystals and Gems and Stones

Gems and Stones carry the living force, or energy just like people. Various religions use them for different things. The force of gems and stones can be absorbed into the human body. They can be used in spells or hands-on healing and things like enhancing people's spiritual qualities and power. When using gems and stones they always should be cleansed, consecrated and empowered. One way is to let them soak in a glass of spring water, or hold them in a stream under a running faucet, or holding it in the sun or the full moon light. Gems and stones are to be worn as close to the body as possible, like on necklaces under a shirt. Also you can put them in a pouch, some they then they are protected, and the power is kept within, and only to the person who holds it. Size of the gem or stone isn't important, big or small, all is always welcome.

Try holding a stone/gem in your hand, be somewhere quiet for the first time, have a variety of stones and gems too. And when you hold them close your eyes and see what you are feeling. If one of them makes you feel good, then obviously that's one that you mix well with. If one makes you feel uncomfortable leave it for a while, then come back to it, and see what happens. If nothing comes through don't stress, or get frustrated, that deosn't help. Write down what you feel for each one in your book of shadows (just like a private notebook will do the trick too).

Colour: green, red or blue.
It appears tightly packed with mettallic speckles. Also known as the "Indian jade". It has a tendancy to add that extra favor or push in a winning direction.

Colour: varies
There are different types of Agates. The Banded relieves stress and emotional pain. The Dendritic is white with blue/black spots and protects when traveling. The indianis used it for protection and survival. The moss stone is milky with moss inside. They help in healing, stimulating wound closure. It can act as a cleanser, stimulator and strengthener. Its got a smooth surface and looks like liquid. They are great soothers for a child's little accidents. The Plume agate is milky with fiery red grasses inside. This stone helps with visualization practice, and reaching goals. All Agates in general combined with other stones and gems are good when working with magick. They provide an active link for the harmonious blending or several properties.

Colour: yellow or orange.
It is made of fossilized resin of extinc organic matter. This is an all-purpose gem. Its good for protecting children or strengthening spells. It is also known to activate the flow of money towards you. High Pristess's of covens wear amber and jet beads to signify their position. It is said Amber is one of the most magickally used stones by Witches of the Old Religion.

transparent crystalline purple.
These are used to transform negativity and strengthen people's third eye vision or your intuitive sense. People put it under their pillow or on the headboard of a bed for protection against nightmares and bad dreams. This gem is also good against headaches and preventing overindulgence in alcohol!

Colour: very dark green with red/orange spots or bands.
This gem is full of unique properties. It's also known as a Heliotrope. It's very good as an aid in removing both mental and physical blocks. It's been used for centuries in healing of both external and internal difficulties. It's carried to avoid wounds, bring money, increase production, and protect pregnant women, plus provide 'cloaking' when you don't want to be seen. It is said that if the energy is used up, the red/orange spots turn white.

Colour: translucent red or orange.
This agate is a success stimulator for career minded people. It's a very powerfull action stone.

Colour: a variegated translucent blue, purple, blue/green or pink.
This stone is quite new. It's great for using while meditating to contact your higher self. It can also assist in tuning you in to the Akashic records, making it possible to find answers to some of those hanting past-life questions. At first they will appear in quick flashes, but they usually have all the answers necesarry to formulate a complete scenario. Some use it to empower analytical and intellectual talents.

These are stone balls with crystal with amethyst or topaz zentres, others are a collection of mineral deposits which look beautiful when sliced. These are also known as "thunder eggs". They empower dance and the free spirit within us. In magick, these can be used to concentrate power prior to it's release.

Colour: varied.
This is a hard opaque stone, also known as the "rain gatherers". They strengthen energy flow and relieve of stress. RED ones are for night protection, they return negative energy. GREEN ones are used in healing. BROWN ones are used for grounding and stability.

Colour: blue or green with varieated bands.
This stone has a unique ability, if it breaks into two pieces it's warning you of the imminent danger. Also believe to greatly enhance vision in questing.

Colour: pink, blue, green or white.
They are all soft. It enhances love, compassion, and sympathy both in yourself and others. This gem also enhances psychic powers and should be kept with your divinatory tools. Placing the moonstone under your pillow will let you sleep peacefully. It can also help unblocking emotions between two lovers, helping communication between the two in an atmosphere of unconditional love.

Colour: black
It's made up of a type of volcanic glass. The pebbles are called "Apache tears". It is said that when the Mother or the Apache sisters saw when brave warriors died in battle, they cried, and as their tears hit the earth they turned to black transparent stone. This stone is used for protection.

Colour: variegated pink and white.
This stone energizes the family. If you feel tired, or down, and you have to finish cleaning the house or finish a project let this handy stone help you out.

Rose quartz
Colour: Pink
This crystal has a soft rosy hue. It encourages peace and love. It promotes beauty, and love of self and others. This stone makes everyone feel good. If you're having an argument sit down with the stone in your hand, your once gloomy face has a beautiful smile on it once again.

Smokey quartz
Colour: Translucent grey/black
This stone looks like it's been infused with lot's of soot. It is a protection and energy bringing stone.

Colour: deep blue with strands of white
Relieves you of any stress. This stone let's you get through the day without huge hassles. It's also good for when meditating. Have a performance or show of some sort, hold the stone a while, and think of seeping all your stress into your hand, into the stone.

Colour: tangering.
This is a energy bringing and cellular healing stone. It looks like a piece of orange, feels like one too. Its usually associated with the Sun and the element of Fire. Also known to be used in cancer recovery.

Tiger eye
Colour: honey, brown with banded tints.
This is the stone of honesty. It brings luck and truth. If annyone tries to lie to you while you are carrying the stone they better be carefull. Veils are lifted with this stone.

Colour: baby blue.
If you are highly stressed and you are holding the stone, it'll loose it's colour. It is also known as the "speaking stone". It encourages communicatino and allows thoughts to flow in perfect sentences. If you have to give a speech or a presentation, or your going on a first date with someone and your nervous, take the stone along. Its also known to function as a protector of the Spirit. These are only some of the stones. There are many more, too many to list. The best way to get to know the stones you work best with is to practice, work with different ones.

Colour: varied
Crystals are great when doing spells and workings. Many people have a crystal at the end of their wand. They are used often for projectors. A crystal's power is enhanced by direct moonlight shining on it. It fills it up more with power. Rituals in the full moon often have crystals in them. They can also be used as protectors and enhancers. They are all round great use everywhere. Used with gems and stones they can direct their energies to specific chakra points, if you put it on the body to clear blockages or pains. Store gems, stones and crystals in pouches, cracking and chipping can occur. Have different pouches for different stones. If one is very special to you, make a nice pouch. I'm sure you'd like a nice home too

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