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We welcome all to our home and hope you enjoy your stay

Basicly as in any room in Chat we ask you to please respect our members and visitors of SOL.
((for those few who need it spelled out .....
(D.O. N.O.T. H.A.R.A.S.S. M.E.M.B.E.R.S. O.R. V.I.S.I.T.O.R.S.)) ty

This is a Celtic/Wicca Room ..... we respect your religion
So please respect ours and if you have nothing nice to say
then don't say anything.

Ever Mind the Rule of Three, What You Give Out Comes Back Times 3
With doing spells you must have patience, be persistent and don't get frustrated. Believe in yourself, where there's a will there's a way. You learn by making mistakes. We all make mistakes. Spells when written by one have to have careful wording, the right time and the right atmosphere. Writing a spell is more than just standing in front of a candle w hispering what you want "I want new knee high boots, people to think I'm pretty" etc... You cannot change a person's free will. If you give of happiness it will return times 3. If you give of negativity it'll return times 3. This isn't only with spells, it is with life in general. If your bitchy to someone at school/work/home then they'll be bitchier back

OWNER .... Lady Wolfie X
CO-OWNER LycanthropeX


These are my pages so far .... more will be added over the next few weeks
The Wicca Law The Wicca Rede The Craft
Types Of Witches Book Of Shadows Crystals And Gems
Colours and Candles My Links E-mail Me

This Is a SAFEZONE for A/all NKZ/NCZ
A/anone caught violating this will be put on instant ignore

Site And Graphic's Creation By Lady Wolfie X