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Dialogue 1 About how there is no salvation in Islam, but in Christianity, with Taqee and Ahmed.

Dialogue 2 About how there is no salvation in Islam, but in Christianity. with Taqee.

Dialogue 3 About how there is no salvation in Islam, but in Christianity, with Arman.

Dialogue with Mike About how Muslims have to believe Bible; and about the claim that Muhummed was prophesied by Bible.
Dialogue with Mike- Part 2

Conversation thread with Mr. Khan About the authority of the Qur'an, perfect or imperfect. This is also very interesting to see how strange people act when having nothing else to hold onto but "I know it's true, no matter what you say", even against all evidence.

***"Was Christ Crucified?" - McDowell / Deedat debate.

** introductory topics overview discussion between christians and muslims

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