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Character Specifications:

Drow are the only race who appears to be completely obsessed with Death Magic. They are adept at dark arts and black magic, not claiming any kind of alignment to any deity. Most popular among Drow are Necromancers, which is the ability to raise and control the dead.

Drow are not allergic to sunlight, but exposure to any bright light can render them blind, either temporarily or permanently. Drow have impeccable night vision and thus their eyes are very sensitive.

Distinguishing Features:
Drow are different from typical elves in that a fine layer of dark grey fur covers their bodies. Their hair is stark white, and their eyes are red.

The Age of Magic:
Drow can appear wherever there is corruption. It can be found that much of the black market is run by drow. That is not to say that they do not prosper as a race, quite the contrary. They live underground, or in any place that conceals them from the light. People who are evil at heart have a tendency to become Drow. There are no good drow, They are not misunderstood, as some vampires can be. Those who were changed were changed for a reason: as a warning.

Their society is very organized and efficient, but most of their business transactions are done at night. Much effort has not been made to try to fit them into society. Not only would they not have it, but society has a tendency to view them with extreme distaste. Drow tend to keep to themselves, and are very secretive, engaging with other races only when they feel it is worth their time. (Author’s Note: Players are prohibited from playing Drow in game.)


Humans: “I am still not entirely convinced they exist, as a race. You don’t have to put a racial description on evil. It always exists. If I saw one, it wouldn’t live much longer.

Elves: “How dare you speak that name to me...Get out.”

Vampires: “They could stand to be a little less angry, but as long as they protect our interests, we will protect theirs.”

Werewolves: “It is a terrible act against nature that they be able to exist on this earth. At least they are easier to spot.”

Trolls: “Only thing uglier than me.”

Fae: *just glares*

Dwarves: “I don’t know who’s idea it was, but I refuse to share our homes with these people. They need to find somewhere else to go.”

Sidhe: “I can think of worse things than Drow. But as it is, the noticeable bad guys will always be blamed first.”