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Adam Carson's Language Profile


Mr. Carson with his bilingual wife and son


Knowledge of Language Acquisition

         Mr. Carson has recently become fascinated with the process of language acquisition and has had the privilege of participating in graduate level course work in this subject area.  Adam has recently begun to apply these concepts in an endeavor to learn Spanish and understand this process on a personal level.  Knowing the results of current research in this area has proved to be extraordinarily helpful to him in his pursuits. 


Mr. Carson Language Experience
  • Spanish - Adam lives in Jaurez Mexico as of 6/23/03 near the express bridge with his bilingual wife and son.  The majority of his new family is not bilingual so this is forcing Adam to learn very quickly.  Currently he is able to communicate and have simple conversations with native Spanish speakers.  This summer he is hoping to devote a large portion of his time to developing in this language so that he will be better able to communicate with his family and be a more qualified educator.
  • French - He studied french in high school.  This was his initial experience with a latin based language outside of his own.
  • English - This is his native language.
  • Ancient Greek - Adam has been fascinated with some of the cultures of the ancient near east and has devoted considerable time and effort to understanding the language of this time.  At times he has had a near comprehensive understanding of the grammar of this language.  The highly inflected nature of Ancient Greek has broadened his understanding of language in general and better equipped him to deal with the challenges of a multilingual classroom.