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Faramir FanFiction Archive

"It did not seem possible to Faramir that any one in Gondor could rival Boromir, heir of Denethor, Captain of the White Tower; and of like mind was Boromir. Yet it proved otherwise at the test."
[from Appendix A; The Stewards, in: The Lord of the Rings]



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Adamant and Iron by Empy (NC-17)
"In the days of June, sudden war came upon us out of Mordor."
Warning(s): consensual sibling incest, some battle gore.

New After the War WIP by Petrel; also with Haldir (NC-17)
Both Boromir and Haldir survive the war of the ring and return to minis tirith with Aragorn. Faramir and Haldir become friends and then more than friends. Peace is on the land and everyone is happy and enjoying their loved ones– except Boromir.
Warnings: implied incestuous thoughts part 1, consensual incest pt 2, probable kink/BDSM in later parts; Slightly AU

Blessings by Kris; also with Éowyn (G)
Boromir's blessing...

Bond of Blood WIP by Faramir_Boromir (NC-17)
The consequences of a rushed first encounter (see Part One). Boromir & Faramir develop a better understanding and new set of rules for their evolving relationship. Part 2/?? of the To Learn You All Over Again series; continues in Privacy and Moonlight.
Warnings: Brotherly incest. Also, blood (not for the squeamish). Hurt/comfort. If this bothers you, read no further.

Boromir Wished by Lorielen (PG-13)
At Rivendell, Boromir misses his brother so.

Brothers in Arms by Emma Keigh (NC-17)
Inspired by the scenes between Boromir and Faramir in the extended version of The Two Towers.
Warning: This story deal with incest between adult brothers

A Brother's Love by Jenn (NC-17)
Warnings: Angst, incest, violence. .

A Brother's Words by Kris (PG)
Words from the dead to soothe the living.

New Close Your Eyes by Randi (NC-17)
Boromir gets an unexpected answer to his question.
Warnings: Lemon. Explicit sex. Incest. The whole gamut.

Coming of Age in Gondor by Emma Keigh (NC-17)
Boromir and Faramir each come of age.
Warning: In this story Faramir is only 15 -- over the age of consent, though not of legal age.

Condemned by Kelly; also with Denethor (NC-17)
One interpretation of maybe why Denethor despises Faramir so much…or not.
Warnings: Incest

Corsair by Beryll (NC-17)
Pirates, lots of pirates
Part of the Pirates of MiddleEarth Series
Warnings: AU

Count the Candles by Foofy (NC-17)
Originally written for the OfElvesandMen Birthday challenge. Boromir attempts to make Faramir’s 20th birthday a memorable one.
Warning: Incest

Dead Man's Curve by Brigantine (PG-13)
Cold hands, warm hearts.
Warning: somewhat young brotherly love.

Defenseless by Elandae (PG-13)
Warnings: Contains some mildly graphic imagery in the beginning.

The Dark of Night by Elandae; with Boromir (R)
Written for the ‘Mîl ne gloss’ Challenge.
Warnings: incest

The Dark Part of His Soul by Athelas and Clairon; also with OCs, Aragorn (NC-17)
The honourable Steward of Gondor meets a formidable opponent. Will he have the stamina to survive the experience or will the ‘sex, drugs and rock and roll’ kill him first?
Warnings: This was inspired by Warriors of Gondor and Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe. If you have read those you will know the sorts of adult situations included here – slash, het, group sex, blood, torture, drugs and character deaths. So if you are a little squeamish you should maybe not read further. On the other hand if you’ve always fancied the thought of Faramir naked, in chains; read on, your dreams may come true...
Chapters 1-4 · 5-7 · 8-10 · 11-13 · 14-16 · 17-19 / Alternate Ending · 20-22 · 23-25 · 26-28 · 29-32 · 33-36 · 37-39 · 40-42 · 43-44

Departure by Your Cruise Director (NC-17)
Written with Ashinae. After Denethor orders his elder son to Rivendell, Boromir and Faramir say farewell.
Warning: incest.

Dreams of Hope by Stewardess (NC-17)
Lying in a fever in the Houses of Healing, Faramir is dreaming of Boromir and his king. Or is he?
A prequel to Twenty Years Wiser.
Warnings: Violence, horror, sexual situations, sibcest

The End by Elandae (G)

Everything We Share by Anliya (R)
Strength and courage. Those are the words assigned to Boromir, Captain of the White Tower, and it is his duty to fulfill them. Neither Faramir nor his father went insane after Finduilas death. Instead, it was Boromir, despite how distant she was to him. Even Faramir finds it hard to understand his mother's fear, his father's shadow, and his brother's madness. However, he grew up well aware that his brother carried the weight of Gondor on one shoulder and the will of his father upon the other. And he will anything to relieve Boromir of his load, even if it means sacrificing himself.
Warnings: INCEST. Want me to say it again? INCEST. (Shit, I love that word.) Also some hints of the Oedipus complex.

Expecting Boromir by Minx (NC-17)
Faramir celebrates his coming of age in the quiet of his room, until he decides to take a stroll...
Warnings: Rape, explicit slash, incest, incestuous thoughts

Exploring Unknown Territory WIP by Faramir_Boromir; also with OMC (Dorig) (NC-17)
Faramir discovers how little he knows about himself or his brother, now that they are lovers. Part 4/?? of the To Learn You All Over Again series; continues in Memories Past and Future.
Warnings: Brotherly incest. If this bothers you, read no further.

Fallen Embers by Kelly (NC-17)
Faramir remembers Boromir after learning of his brother/lover's death.
Warnings: Implied incest

A Father’s Love by Faramir_Boromir (R)
Faramir muses on how his father's love changed, and how that change affected him. For the contrelamontre challenge about change over time.

Warnings: Brotherly incest

New Hands and Hearts by Faramir_boromir (R)
PWP. Going-to-bed-sex. In the dark, sometimes hands are a good thing.
Warnings: Incest. Yup.

He Is Gone by Elandae (G)
Inspired by the lyrics to “Thief” by Our Lady Peace.
Warnings: deathfic

Indiscretion by Juxian Tang (PG-13)
Denethor doesn't find joy in punishing his son. He really doesn't.

In the City of Brotherly Love by Faramir_Boromir (PG)
Minas Tirith can have two very different appearances, either a home of love, or a home of despair. Faramir ponders his mixed feelings for the city, his soldiers, and his family.
Warnings: Implied sibling incest, Faramir/Boromir. If this bothers you, read no further.

Just a Dream by Blossomwitch (R)
No violence, but don't read if you're easily squicked.

King Strider by Stewardess (NC-17)
In the year 15, Fourth Age, King and Steward go to the Brandywine Bridge, then take a side trip to Rivendell. Angst, love, shenanigans, and treason ensue. But mostly love. Five chapters.
A continuation of the Shining One series, picking up several years after Twenty Years Wiser.
Warnings: Sibcest angst. Impulsive Elves. Homoerotic content aka slash.

Kneading by Stewardess (NC-17)
Boromir gives Faramir a massage to relieve muscle aches following a fever. Faramir feels better afterwards. An alternate "first time" tale based on chapter four of Shining One.
Warnings: Sibcest. Characters are slightly underage by American standards, as Faramir is a couple of months shy of sixteen and Boromir is twenty. This is fiction. No actual sins were committed in the making of this fic.

Leaves of a Past Autumn by Empy (PG)
Fleeting memories.
This can be read as a companion piece to Shadows and Dust, but also works as an independent story.
Warning(s): mentions of consensual sibling incest

Legacy by Carla Jane (NC-17)
Imagine that the line of Stewards are actually the royalty of Gondor, that Gondor owns Rohan, and that Denethor is the father of not only Boromir and Faramir... but Éomer and Éowyn, too. Okay? Now picture Aragorn as a demon/vampire under the command of the royal family of Gondor. Put everybody in incestuous relationships with everyone else, call it a Middle-earth soap opera...give Carla Jane some drugs...and this story is the result.
Warnings: Rape, incest

Limits WIP by Faramir_Boromir (NC-17)
Two weeks into their new relationship, the brothers discover that there are some physical, mental, and emotional things that still separate them from each other. Part 6/?? of the To Learn You All Over Again series.
Warnings: Brotherly incest. If this bothers you, read no further.

The Meaning Of by Faramir_Boromir (G)
Faramir tries to find words to explain what his brother means to him. Inspired by an exchange of comments with aesc about which brother might hide from the other, if it came to confrontations about brotherly love. aesc has written a companion piece to this fic, entitled "The Sense Of".
This may be the only G-rated sibcest piece I’ve ever seen. But if incest squicks you, read no further.

Memories Past and Future WIP by Faramir_Boromir (NC-17)
The brothers return to the rooftop of the Steward’s House after an absence of many years. Part 5/?? of the To Learn You All Over Again series; continues in
Warnings: Brotherly incest. If this bothers you, read no further.

A Mere Bowman by Empy (PG-13)
Interlude in Osgiliath.
Warning(s): mentions of consensual sibling incest.

Moonstruck by Jenn (NC-17)

The Naming of Qualities: Wife, Brother, Lover, Friend by Faramir_Boromir; also with Éowyn (NC-17)
Three lives, intertwined in love and death. Faramir remembers two loves lost. Sex and funerals, what was I thinking about? Angst, angst, angst.
Warnings: Sibling incest, Faramir/Boromir, and bisexuality. Slash and het. If this bothers you, read no further.

Nightmares and Dreams by Kelly; also with Éowyn (NC-17)
After so many years of being tortured, Faramir kills Denethor. Or, does he?

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep by Elandae (R)
Warnings: incest

One Man's Delight by Randi (R)
Faramir and Boromir enjoy a moment. And then, there's the aftermath, of a rather different type. Because one man's medicine may be another's poison...
Warnings: Yes, this piece is deserving of some warnings. However, most of them must become apparent through the story itself. Just... be aware that a) it’s randi-fic and b) there are some possibly squicky elements.

New The Only Place That Matters by Faramir_boromir (PG)
Trapped where he should not be, Faramir needs help in Osgiliath or one of his men will die. Aid comes from an unexpected source. Relies upon military strategy that not all of Gondor's troops in Osgiliath would share the same headquarters.
Warnings: Implied incest

Outlaw of Ithilien WIP by Seadragon (R)
I've always loved Robin Hood and always thought there was much resemblance between Robin Hood and Faramir (and not just because of the archery) So I've decided to go out on a limb and write a story combining the two.
Warnings: Very AU; mentions abuse
Chapters 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6a · 6b · 7 · 8 · 9

Perfect World by Juxian Tang (PG-13)
Éowyn is gone, Boromir is back.
Warning: AU

The Poison Glen by Kirby Crow (NC-17)
A last scene before Boromir leaves for Rivendell.

Privacy and Moonlight WIP by Faramir_Boromir (NC-17)
The brothers try to find privacy and discuss where it will be safe for them to be together. Part 3/?? of the To Learn You All Over Again series; continues in Exploring Unknown Territory.
Warnings: Brotherly incest. If this bothers you, read no further.

New Reunion by Empy (NC-17)
Warning(s): consensual sibling incest.

Revelation by Carla Jane (NC-17)
Boromir has an encounter with his friend, Corwin. Faramir sees more than he should and decides to act on his discovery.

The River's Gavotte by Shireling (G)
After the Ring War Faramir gets lost in memories of the past.

Saving Prince Théodred by Beryll; also with Elladan (NC-17)
A prince that needs some saving... and pirates of course
Part of the Pirates of MiddleEarth Series
Warnings: AU

Shadows And Dust by Empy (PG-13)
Companion piece to "Leaves of a Past Autumn".
Warning(s): consensual sibling incest, non-canon character death.

Shining One by Stewardess (NC-17)
Boromir coming of age story. Boromir finds that the battles of the heart are the most perilous. Lots of glorious angst.
Warnings: Sibcest, mild B&D, mild non-con, battlefield violence

The Shriving Series by Kirby Crow (NC-17)
Various confessions. Part 1: Wine to Blood

Something to Remember by Minx (NC-17)
Boromir wants Faramir to have something nice to think about.
Warnings: Explicit slash, incest

Sons of Gondor by Your Cruise Director (NC-17)
Written with Ashinae. In six parts: Part 1: Denethor plots to keep his sons apart, but Faramir has other plans; Part 2: Boromir worries about the consequences of succumbing to passion; Part 3: Faramir discovers that his brother is not perfect; Part 4: What can be salvaged after everything changes?; Part 5: Boromir must leave in the morning with much unresolved; Part 6: A lifetime of love is stronger than fear.

Sons of Gondor by Suzie2qute (R)
Faramir and Boromir give a whole new meaning to "brotherly love."

Sons of the Steward by Kelex (NC-17)
Boromir has always loved his brother.
Warnings: Incest

Stories on Skin by Kelex (NC-17)
Stories aren't always written on paper.
Warnings: Incest

To Merry From Faramir by Buttonbright (NC-17)
This fic takes the form of a letter to Merry from Faramir. Though written a few days after the Captains of the West have returned from the Black Gate, it concerns itself primarily with events from Faramir’s unhappy youth. It references my earlier fic, “An Ending And Two Beginnings”, but it can still be read independently.
Warning: Brotherly incest may be squicky at best, and here it’s a source of real trauma. Fortunately, that’s only in the first half. Things do lighten up in the second half.

To Serve the King by Lilith (NC-17)
Twenty years before the fellowship, Thorongil comes to Minas Tirith to claim the throne of Gondor and encounters the sons of the Steward.
Warning: Slash, incest, BDSM

This Moment by Faramir_Boromir (R)
Somewhere in Osgiliath, there is only a brief respite from battle. They use it creatively.
Warnings: Sibling incest.

Twenty Years Wiser by Stewardess (NC-17)
Post Ring War hijinks of Faramir, Aragorn, Éowyn, and Arwen. Some events in Shining One; from Faramir's point of view. Four chapters. No heir has been born to the king and queen of Gondor; luckily there is a loyal steward close to hand. Alas, he'd rather be sleeping with the king. Sibcest, angst but no whining, mushy love talk, some het sex with a twist; you'll live through it. Don't worry about the plot -- it's NOT about pregnancy.
Warnings: Slash, sibcest

The Unknown Room by Faramir_Boromir (NC-17)
The first installment, which continues with "What Next?"
Warnings: Brotherly incest, AU, BDSM

Warriors of Gondor by Hel; also with Éomer, Éowyn, OMCs and OFCs (NC-17)
Warnings: Please note... this story is rated NC17, adults only please. It contains mostly male/male activity but also some male/female, female/female scenes. This fic also features blood-sports. Sensitive readers should consider carefully before reading this story. The primary pairing in the story is Boromir/Faramir, which means incest. Some of the participants are also considered underage (by American standards) at time they become sexually active.
More precise notes/warnings are at the beginning of each chapter. Please make certain you take a moment to read those warnings.

The Weight of Silence by Empy (PG-13)
AU written for Faramir_boromir, for the fic request meme. She requested "POV of AU Boromir, at Faramir's funeral".
Warning(s): implied consensual sibling incest.

What Are You Thinking? WIP by Faramir_Boromir (NC-17)
Being totally and spontaneously honest is fine when one has no secrets to hide. For almost thirty years, Faramir and Boromir shared total honesty. But now, both have a secret. Part 1/?? of the To Learn You All Over Again series; continues in Bond of Blood
Warnings: Brotherly incest. If this bothers you, read no further.

What Boromir Saw by Blossomwitch (R)
In Lorien, Boromir describes what he saw when Galadriel tested him.

What Next? by Faramir_Boromir (NC-17)
Faramir and Boromir continue their exploration of the hidden rooms in Minas Tirith. The installment following The Unknown Room, a Faramir/Boromir study in bondage.
Warnings: Brotherly incest, AU, BDSM

Whispers by Kelly (NC-17)
Could be either brother telling this story, about how one sneaks into the other's room at night.

Warnings: Incest

Wine Warms the Blood by Empy (NC-17)
"Bold thruth it speaks, and spoken, dare maintain." - Ovid -
Warning(s): consensual sibling incest.

Winter Dream by Your Cruise Director (NC-17)
Written with Ashinae. Faramir crawls into his brother's bed, protesting the cold in his room.

Without Clothes by Faramir_Boromir (R)
Boromir learns to see a naked Faramir in many different lights.
Note: HF has written a companion piece to this fic, entitled "Heliotrope".

You Cannot Protect Him by Juxian Tang (NC-17)
Someone takes the Ring, and things go wrong.
Warning: AU, incest. It is not non-cons but very, very dark.