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These girls are only some of Susan's best friends. Unfortunalty, Susan could not ask everyone who has been a part of her life, but wishes she could have. Each one of these girls holds a special place in Susan's heart and represent different parts of her life.
If you would like to get a hold of any of these girls, just click on their picture.
Susan's bridesmaids will be wearing dresses from David's Bridal, if you would like a glimpse of what they will be wearing CLICK HERE
Crystal Hartman and Susan have known each other since the first grade. In third grade they became best friends and have remained good friends since then. In eighth grade, at the peak of their friendship, Susan and Crystal agreed that they would be maids of honor in their weddings. After Jordan proposed, Susan immediatly asked Crystal and with a hug the deal was settled. Crystal is currently at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, working toward a double major in international affairs and art. Jennifer Mcmillan has been a friend of Susan's from a young age. She is another gym friend that spent much time with Susan in and out of the gym. Jennifer was Susan's last great gym friend and suck with it until the very end. She is a very caring person and is always good for a laugh. She is always there for Susan to talk to and shares many of the same opinions. She has been a great friend so far and could not be left out of Susan's special day! Michelle Bahr has been a friend for the shortest amount of time, but has been one of the best for Susan. She has been there so much for Susan and that is why she, too, is a maid of honor. They too have known of each other since elementary school, but it took until high school for the two to become friends. After sharing many classes together, and despising the same people, Susan and Michelle starting loving being around each other. Junior year they escorted one another to Prom and had, well, a good time. Senior year they spent time together, that is the times that Susan wasn't spending with Jordan! Michelle is studying marketing at Georgia Tech, switching from aeronautical engineering. Talk about smart!
Alexandra Herring has been like a little sister to Susan, until recently when she grew up so fast. They met when Alex's parents, Mark and Liz, moved to Durango to help Mark's parents run Gold Rush Gymnastics. At the time, Alex was five and, due to the enormous amount of time at the gym, they both got to know each other. For many years they were close friends, but as time has gone on they have floated further apart. Alex has always been in the heart of Susan and is a dear friend that could not be left out of Susan's special day. Alex is a briliant young lady with the world ahead of her. She is currently a junior at Bayfield High School. Heather Estler and Susan found their friendship at Gold Rush Gymnastics, where both of them trained at an early age. Although Heather is three years younger than Susan, they found themselves on the same level eight team in 1995. Since they had gotten to know each other, and since they basically grew up together, they felt like they had a strong sisterly bond. Both of them are only children. As with any great friendship, there has been hard times for the two of them; times when they wouldn't talk, times when they thought they hated each other, but then there are things in life that make you think twice. Heather is a dear friend and shares so many precious memories with Susan. She is a bridesmaid and sister for life. Becca Butler-Dines is the youngest of the bridesmaids, only much too mature to be considered a junior bridesmaid. Becca was a teammate of Susan's for many years, though they never were on the same team, as far as level goes. Becca was always right there for Susan and was many times referred to as a little Susan. She was one of the strongest supporters of Susan in her gymnastics and life. Becca is far wiser than her years and is a true friend. Susan was blessed to be able to not only be a peer and friend, but also a coach to Becca. Working with Becca was a great experience to further Susan's knowledge of how amazing this once little girl is. Becca has continued her support for Susan and has moved it onto Jordan as well. Jordan is quite fond of her and is happy that she is part of their lives. Becca is currently in eighth grade at Miller Middle School.
Jinny Doughty Garton and Susan's friendship began in 1998 when the two were teammates at Gold Rush Gymnastics. They had known each other before, but had never really talked. After that competetive season, they realized they had many things in common, and began to spend time together. One of the hardest things about their friendship has been that Jinny lives in Bayfield, and though it is only 20 minutes away, in a busy schedule its a long trip. However, the hardest hit on their friendship came when Jinny left Gold Rush to start a normal life: cheerleading! Jinny was just recently married to Private James Garton and they were both stationed in Germany for a short time. We are sending out our prayers for James who will be deployed Iraq and will remain there until the conflict is ended or for 365 days. Jacqueline Herring is a precious jewel is Susan's life. She is the most special little girl Susan has ever known and for that reason she is the flower girl. Although Susan was not there at Jacqueline's birth, she was able to spend much time with the small baby. Jacqueline is the daughter of Susan's gymnastics coaches and therefore was at the gym every day with Susan. On Jacqueline's fourth birthday, while in the hospital with stomach problems, Susan and Jacqueline signed a proclamation of sisterhood. Although Susan has spoiled her too much at times, she is turning out to be a great person. In 2002, Liz, Jacqueline's mother, asked Susan to be Jacqueline's Godmother. This was a true honor. Susan Caudle is Jordan's older sister. She was married on August 3, 2002 to Monty Caudle. Although the Susans are not great friends yet, they are getting to know one another slowly. Susan E., as her parents call her, as opposed to Susan P., graduated from Fort Lewis College winter 2002, and has been a substitute teacher in the Durango area. She is a star athlete, with a great personality. Currently, Susan is 8 months pregnant, with a baby girl due on May 20th. Susan P. and Jordan plan to arrive home in Durango before the arrival of the baby!