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Their story begins in Durango, Colorado. Both Susan and Jordan were attending Durango High School. They met sophomore year in some of their honors classes, although that year, they were no more than names to each other, that is until the end of the semester. Both were involved in the school talent show, Susan singing and Jordan breakdancing. After singing "Valentine" in the rehearsal, Susan walked down from the stage, where she was met by Jordan, who casually asked her, "Will you marry me?" This was their first real interaction and not something to forget! During that summer, Jordan asked Susan to join him and his friends, but Susan had other plans, so sadly rejected him. Junior year came and again the two had classes together and were learning more about one another. At prom they shared a dance to "You're Still the One." During the beginning of summer they saw each other and Jordan told Susan she should give him a call, never expecting that she actually would. Much to his surprise, she did call and they began spending time together. By the time senior year came they were inseparable. They looked into different colleges and made trips to visit. After graduation they both decided they would both go to Fort Lewis College, in Durango, for a year and then transfer to Belmont University in Nashville, to follow Susan's dream. On July 18, 2001 at 1:00am Jordan proposed to Susan on her front steps. And the rest is history!