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Scott Evans is without a doubt Jordan's best friend. They met through Daniel Whitney and Charles Wageman in middle school. While an excellent friendship emerged between Jordan, Dan, and Charlie, Scott remained stand-offish towards Jordan. Most likely, the cool relationship was caused by Jordan's odd mannerisms and equally strange appearance. However, by the time high school approached, a strong friendship was being formed. The only classes shared were three years of German, but the bond continued to grow. The relationship seemed to be based on the mantra that "girls are evil." Trillions of belly-laughs and thousands of late nights later, Scott remains Jordan's closest friend, despite thousands of miles. He lives with Daniel Whitney in Boulder, planning to attend the University of Colorado in the fall. GROOMSMEN
These guys are Jordan's best and only friends. With the exception of Monty, they all met in the Durango Public School program. Thousands of good times have been shared and the bonds will never be broken.
If you would like to get a hold of any of these guys, just click on their picture.
Jordan's groomsmen and best man will be wearing tuxedos from Jim's Formal Wear, if you would like a glimpse of what they will be wearing CLICK HERE
Daniel Whitney was one of Jordan's early middle-school friends. A friendship must have been formed in Mrs. Starns sixth grade class. A love of camping, soda, and movies kept the relationship alive. Today, there surely cannot be any negative memories between the two. Daniel is currently studying advertising with an emphasis in film at the University of Colorado.
Kevin Johnson was the clown of the group. Additionally, Kevin's philosophical prowess was the only one that almost exceeded Charlie's. Of all the friendships Jordan retained from middle-school, the relationship with Kevin was the least developed. Still, Jordan considers Kevin one of his beloved friends. Currently, Kevin is living with Charlie in Boulder. He too is at the University of Colorado, studying English. Jordan met Daniel Tate through high school theater and his older brother Gabe Tate. A powerful sense of humor and a willingness to entertain a game of Mario Party cemented Jordan's friendship with "Tate." He fills the fifth slot on Jordan's very short list of most beloved friends. Daniel is currently studying Art at the University of Colorado, in Boulder. Monty Caudle is Jordan's brother-in-law. Although they haven't spent much time together, Jordan absolutely feels that Monty is part of the family, and certainly a brother. A baby is on the way for Monty and Susan Sagle Caudle, and Jordan is excited to finally get to be an uncle! Monty is a fantastically great guy and, man, can he ride a snowmobile!
Charles Wageman was the resident middle-school philosopher, historian, physicist,and military strategist. As far as friendships go, the same things can be said about Charlie as Scott and Dan. Charlie was Jordan's first friend in the group (he used to be friends with a guy Jordan walked home from school with). Charlie is a genious, and while they have grown apart some, Jordan thinks of Charlie as one of his best friends. Charlie currently lives in Boulder, Colorado with Kevin. He is studying at the University of Colorado. Wesley Herring is a new friend to Jordan. He is actually more related to Susan, but Wesley looks up to Jordan. They really got to know each other when Susan and Jordan drove down to Texas for Wesley's sister, Jacqueline's, birthday. While Susan is with Jacqueline, Jordan is with Wesley. Over the past couple years, Wesley has turned into a caring young boy, who is a charmer, just like his daddy. Having Wesley in the wedding is a great addition and it will be great to have him, as he would say, as the Ring Marrier. GROOMSMEN! IF THIS IS NOT YOUR FAVORITE PICTURE OF YOURSELF, PLEASE E-MAIL A NEW ONE TO SUSAN AND JORDAN!