CD's & LP's DRAMA QUEENS- "Got A Rip Off" CD-R (Scary Weather) 2005 This is a cover of one of the greatest trash/punk/garage records of all time, The RIP OFFS Got A Record(Rip Off Records, 1994). The Drama Queens actually come very close to the original on this one. The cover art is brilliant, the over all sound of the CD is close to the original. It of course lacks some of the intensity of the original, but what more do you expect from a cover album?? It's a little fast in places and sloppy all over, but that's how the Drama Queens are. If the album was perfect note for note, hit for hit, it wouldn't exactly be a tribute to the Rip Offs, Greg Lowery, or Rip Off Records at all. Rip Off was built on sloppiness. So, in short, this is an amazing cover album! It's available from the band directly or through Scary Weather Records. (DramaQueensRock.com; Scary Weather Records, 2953 Finch Dr., Danville, VA 24540 USA)