I just wanted to write
you to make sure that you remember to invoke: statute #322, witch states any
singing should not only be well respected , but adored by all members,
especially if sung by such great vocalists like "Jimi Wilson: "Chief
Runycok" , and Victor McCliment "Yukon Jack". I don't think
that such a violation sure need stating, but apparently Artie needs reminding.
I trust you will make necessary actions. My Lord.
Statutes # 131, and #467. Statute #131, witch states, no resident from any
town deemed unruly and or known as a "Ghetto" shall try to influence
or "coach" any resident from any town considered clean and respectful.
And, finally Statute #467, witch states, any member of DCM who tries to have
phone sex with another member of DCM, while masturbating on the line shall be
considered a "sick fuck".
Statute # 018 witch stated
"under no circumstances should anyone with the I.Q. below 35 should ever
plan anything while fucking your friend in the ass and giving him a reach
around." So naturally these two fags were scared.
Your willing lover,
Chief Runycok

Hello DCM Brothers,
here is a true story of what happened to a friend of mine. This is a
cautionary tale I hope will be heeded by young and old alike. For those of
you looking to regain the stamina of youth or those who just want to be a
living energizer bunny. This is what he did ,what happened and where he is
at today. He pounded 2 energy drinks, got a never ending hard-on, has no use
of his dick. Short and sweet. Now I will tell you the story.....
buddy Ned (not real name) drank 2 MONSTER energy drinks on a Friday night. Now
Monster is aptly named because it contains more Taurine( an additive that
act like a Viagra) than any other energy drink. It also comes in a bigger
can. The warning is not to consume more than 6 servings in a 24 hour period.
well each can is 2 servings (so my buddy was on the fringe of overdosing
Monster at it was )and he had 2. That night he got a raging hard-on
but did not have sex. the next morning he still had a hard-on so when he got
home he whacked off to make it go down. No Luck. Later that Saturday night
he still had the hard -on. Only now it was painful. he went to the
Hospital (community,1st mistake, when it comes to your Dick go to the best
damn place you can get to) where the doctor told him he had three options.
1) Inject a solution to help breakup the blood clotting. 2) Cut open his
dick to relieve the pressure and try to get rid of the blood or 3) do
nothing and let it go down naturally. well. No matter what option he chose
the doctor told him he would be impotent, he chose to go home.
Ned was experiencing tremendous pain and went back to the Hospital. when
there they called in the Doctor he had seen Saturday. They proceeded to
operate in the E.R. . They cut around the head of hid dick and down the
underside. at that point the doctor wrung his dick as if it was a rag used
to wash a car. Ned said he now knows why those guys scream behind the
curtains It was a pain he said he couldn't bear. Even with drugs and
morphine. He was seeing Solar systems. He said between the screaming was the
tears of pain that he could not believe he was experiencing. The
doctor sewed his dick back up with 200 stitches.
Ned says to the doctor that his dick doesn't look to good and the doc said
that it was just the after effects of the surgery. with that Ned was sent
Ned was experiencing pain once again in his dick and when changing his
dressing noticed that the head of his dick had swollen to a pretty good
size. he called the doc who told him to ice it and it would be OK. and he
would see him at the scheduled Monday appointment.
Neds dick was now turning completely black and he called to tell the doc
who said that it was normal and he would see him at the scheduled Monday
Ned was now in allot of pain and his dick was looking real bad so he called
the doc who refused to see him. so Ned went to a urology center. One look
from the doctors and they told him he was" Fucked". they said to
get to Columbia Presbyterian in NYC. NOW!!!!!.One look and the doctors there
got busy. and set up for operating
Ned went in for surgery. they slit his penis and inverted it. They removed
most of the sponge us muscle that absorbs blood to give you the hard-on.
they also removed most of the erectable tissue. After the operation the
doctors were hoping to save enough of the dick to be able to reconstruct.
Sunday, Monday and for three weeks Ned had around the clock monitoring. They
had to remove dead tissue from inside his dick. This has to be done until no
more tissue is dying. The at that point they know what they are dealing
with. Ned said it was so bad that he wouldn't let the nurses change his
daily dressings. He said the smell of rotting flesh is the most disgusting
smell you could imagine the irony on that is Ned is a plumber!) especially
when its your own.
Ned is home. He lost 30 pounds from his stay in the hospital. He has a tube
inserted through his stomach so he can piss into a bag.( last night at
dinner he said he is getting used to it though he constantly has the urge to
piss sensation. He has no use of his penis for now. When the doctor in
the ER inserted a stint through his urethra it damaged it. That is why his
dick head swelled up. the piss had no where to go. eventually the pissed
burst the stitches and oozed on his flesh. That was what was causing the
blackness. His own piss was actually rotting his dick. They will make a new
urethra from the flesh inside of his cheek. They will graft new skin for the
outside of his dick(they need to find areas on the body with no hair or he
will have a hairy dick!! NO LIE) and they will take muscle from the
underside of his arm to try to fill in the dick. Though he will never have a
natural hard-on he hopefully one day will have a member that he can piss out
of and maybe one day with modern technology he will have some other usefulness. My
buddy Ned is a tough cookie he will need therapy to deal with what happened
and he has many surgeries ahead of him/her already has had 5).But hopefully
he can be at peace with himself and live a long happy life. I think he is on
his way. When the check came for the dinner me and my buddy told him it was
on us and he tried to pay he replied " I lost my dick Not my job! LOL. That's
The Roster: