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| Disclaimer: All views on this page are prickly those of Tron, and do not The view point of D.C.M in any way
Dickie Do's Week In Review Welcome DCM to the first week of Dickie Do's Week In Review, a place were we can reflect on the week that past and shine a spotlight on members for their exceptional play or for their lack there of. I will also open the podium to any member who has a news they would like to share or just wants to let off some steam. Email me at Jrivera630@earthlink.net. Well enough of the bullshit lets do this!
Apairenly ooo Dicky Doo is in Detox, or MIA. So to please everyone ~Q~ will be writing in his place.
A small taste of
brotherhood. sounds funny. I know, I know, "it's only a
game..." but that's how I see this clan. I mean, no matter
how much a clan member might get on our nerves ( jack...because he's jack,
liquid with that damn 23sd in the bushes, pony...because nothing that long is
right...NOTHING, I could go on...) when it gets down and dirty were
always there for each other. I have been playing Socom 2 online for
about a year and a half now. never has it been as fun. I know,
this whole conversation sounds like it should be taking place in a smelly bar
with my drunk ass drooling on someone's shoulder. "I love you
man....HIC". nuff said though.
now, a word from the frontal lobe.
I've got to touch off on something that I'm sure some of you will agree with.
I hear some of you moonlight as team killers. now, have we all forgotten
how much that sucks to be in a game that you may be taking seriously and some
trigger happy brown spout licker on your own team decides it would be fun to
pop you from behind. now, correct me if I'm wrong, but the age limit is
probably the most appealing rule of the clan. and team killing and age
usually go hand in hand. I cant say I'm overly thrilled to be associated
with people that go around team killing to blow off steam. I have been
on the receiving end of a team killer... that's not really my idea of
But then again, I play with my nuts
when I'm bored...who am I to talk.
kill ya'll later, "Q"
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