
. i m a g e s .
. n e w s .
. s h o w s .
. m u s i c .
. b o o k i n g .
. b i o s .
. t h a n k y o u .
. f o r u m .
. f r i e n d s .


. t h e b a n d .
. w e b m a s t e r .

Disclaimer: Burning January will have absolute ZERO tolerance for any racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks made on the message board. This forum was created solely for the purpose of connecting fans and friends alike to the band to ask questions, give comments, or just say hi. The forum was NOT created so that 37-year-old men still living with their parents could have an outlet for their middle-age angst by sending anonymous negative messages to a band they've never even heard before. We're sorry things turned out this way, but don't take it out on us. With that being said, on with the show...