
. i m a g e s .
. n e w s .
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. m u s i c .
. b o o k i n g .
. b i o s .
. t h a n k y o u .
. f o r u m .
. f r i e n d s .


. t h e b a n d .
. w e b m a s t e r .


There has been yet another addition to the burning january family. Darren Gray has now been added to the band as lead guitarist, relieving me (Jezy) of guitar playing duties and moving myself to permanent vocals. The band feels this change is for the better and we hope you do too. He will be making his first appearance with us on Friday, September 5th at the Madill school auditorium. The show starts around 11:00 p.m., so be sure to come out if you can. We also have another show coming up with friends The Fight Song and Capitol Montreal at the Southeastern University Ampitheatre on September 20th. That show starts at 7:00. We hope to see you guys there. For more information, check out the shows section.


In case you haven't already heard through the grapevine, Burning January is now in cahoots with Nexstep records. Yes, I said cahoots, and I am comfortable with that. Anyway, they will be putting out our new EP which should be released sometime in September. I'll inform you all of the actual release date when one is decided. I guess that's about all the news for now, don't forget to come out on the 23rd in Ringling. See you then.


Soo, I updated a bunch of little stuff including an mp3 for Street Signs and Landmarks as well as lyrics, so go check that out ... now. Wait, not now, let me finish first, THEN check it out. The almighty Jason has been talking about getting a Back to School show set up at the American Legion Hut in Ringling again sometime in August, so I'll keep you informed as I learn more information on that. We have a CONFIRMED show on September 13th @ The Second Floor in good ole' Sherman, TX w/ Fusco, Sock 'Em and the Cruisers, and *hopefully* Morangus (we're still checking on that). So yeah, see you guys then.


Thanks for coming out to the Tivoli, very fun show. Want more fun shows? Book us, you lazy bums!


Ahh, big big thanks to everyone who came out and supported us and all the other great bands at Central Park this Saturday. We really had an awesome time, and it was a really great show for Dusty to make his first appearance. I hope to see all of you again this TUESDAY at The Tivoli in Ardmore with Morangus and Subseven. The show starts at 7:00 and it's going to be 5 bucks at the door, so please come (if not for us, than for the other awesome bands). So yeah, thats about all, see you all on Tuesday.


Burning January would like everyone to welcome Dusty Climer to the family!!!

That's right, friends, Dusty Climer is now Burning January's official bassist (everyone say "hi dusty!"). He will be making his first public appearance with the band at the show in Central Park on July 12th, so everyone be sure to come and show him some love. Ummm... I really have nothing else to add, I just wanted to inform you all of that. See you on the 12th.


So, after much thought Josh has decided to leave the band and will no longer be Burning January's bass player. We wish him all the luck in the future, and are currently keeping our eyes open for a new bassist. We've got a couple key people in mind who we are currently trying to contact, but if you think you'd be interested, e-mail me with your information and someone will get back to you. In other news, we have a show coming up on July 15th with Subseven and our great friends Morangus at The Tivoli in Ardmore, so try your hardest to make it out and show a little love (cost is five bucks at the door). And of course don't forget about the show coming up @ Central Park on July 12th w/ The Unmentionables, Morangus, and Free For All (?). That show is free, so you have absolutely no excuses not to show up. I guess that's it for now, take care.


So, after a very very long period of time, the website is back up, woo! It can now be reached at burningjanuary.net, if you haven't already noticed. A lot has happened since the site went down. We finally got the mastered version of our CD, and although it's not exactly where we wanted it to be as far as quality and such goes, we're still going to make it available to the public. That's not even the best part... it's free! Yeah, so if you want a copy, just e-mail me at jezy@burningjanuary.net with your address and information and I'll send you a copy. In other news, as you probably know, we've played some fun shows over the past couple months (even if they weren't documented on here) with our good friends morangus a new band that everyone should check out. We have a show coming up on July 13th (tentative date) with Morangus, The Unmentionables, The Sneaker Eaters, Free For All, and more, so be sure to make it out to that one if you can. That's about it for now, stay in touch for more updates.


So yeah, we're slowly but surely hearing a few mastered versions of some our tunes that were scheduled to be on the new record, but right now things aren't looking too good. We don't feel that the songs are quite at the level we want them to be, and now it looks like we may just record the album over again in a studio that's closer to home... but I guess will just have to see how that works out. Maybe I'll post a couple Mp3s from the Walters session, who knows? Anyways, yeah, sorry for the inconvenience and delay. I promise we'll have a record soon.

In other news, don't forget that we're playing May 9th @ New Life in Sherman. If you missed our other show there, then you missed some good times. The show starts @ 7:00 pm, I'm not sure on the charge or anything, but I should know pretty soon and when I do find out you will be the first to know. There are two other bands playing, but I'm not sure who they are. We'll more than likely use the Burning January caravan system to get to the show, so don't worry about a ride, surely someone can take you.


Well, all the tracks are finished on our new album. Captain Ron is putting the finishing touches on it up in Walters with the mixing and mastering and such. It should probably be another 2 weeks or so before we actually have a master copy. After we have the masters we are going to send it off to be manufactured and then when we get all the copies pressed and in our possesion, we will set a concrete release date and THEN the full-length Burning January album will be yours to love and enjoy for a price of about 6 or 7 bucks. I guess that's about it for now, I'll keep you posted on anything further.


Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of updates lately. I'm lazy, I know this. I'm just writing to say thanks to everyone who came out and supported us at Central Park in Ardmore on the 21st with The Unmentionables and Vordak. Even though the show didn't go smoothly at all, we thank you for sticking through it all. Apologies are in order for our friends in the Sherman/Denison area for not being able to make it to the show on Saturday. We're very sorry and we hope that you'll still invite us back someday. I guess there are no real updates to report on. I'm not sure when our next show is, but I'll be sure and tell you as soon as I find out.



It's something like 12:00 in the morning. I've been running on energy drinks and rock music since 4 a.m., and although I could collapse in a heap of exhaustion at any moment, I decided to update the news portion of the website while it's still fresh in my mind. We just got back from playing a show with a really great band called Grilled Cheese @ The Second Floor. We experienced a few technical dificulties, what with Josh and I breaking strings like maniacs and all. I guess thats really all the news to report on. Don't forget we're playing on the 22nd in Farmersville with our good friends Free For All. Until next time.



So after a couple of months with no burning january shows or noted activity, we broke the dry spell last weekend in Marietta at Autumn's party, which was a total blast. We seemed to make some new friends who will hopefully come out and see us again. We have a pretty busy month or two ahead of us... our next show is THIS weekend @ The Second Floor in Sherman TX w/ Grilled Cheese, so be sure to come out and we can all go to IHOP and get really really wasted (on fun and pancakes, that is). If you need information, directions, all that jazz, just call me (580-795-2961) and I'll figure something out. See you at the show!



The show on the 30th w/ Free For All and RadioAtion was great. A big fat thank you is in order for Free For All (our great friends), and everyone who came out and had a good time keeping the scene alive. A big extra-special thank you to everyone who got involved on stage with us and knocked my guitar out of tune beyond recognition. I think the show might have gotten a little to "out of hand" for some people there, namely the people in charge, but hopefully they can understand that it's just rock n roll and we're all having a blast and looking out for each other. Ummm... our buds Free For All have invited us to play with them @ The Upper Room in Farmersville, TX sometime in February, so keep your eyes open for more updates on that.



Two new confirmed shows! On November 16th, Burning January will be sharing the stage with RadioAtion, The Archies, Sumo Deluxe, and Vordak. That show will be @ The American Legion in Ardmore, OK. It's going to be 3 bucks at the door, proceeds will be used to payback Jedidiah for the 200 bucks he fronted to rent the place. The other show will be on November 30th w/ RadioAtion and Free For All @ The Second Floor in Sherman, TX. I think the cost is something like 3 to 5 bucks, so bring 5 just to be safe. Proceeds from the show on the 30th will be (*censored-censored-censored-censored*). In other news, I plan on doing a little house cleaning on the site. Updating old links, fixing broken ones, updating this and that, etc. If you have any comments or suggestions for the site, please feel free to keep them to yourself, thanks.



Wow. The show on the 12th had some major rocking and rolling going on. From Vordak's puking contest, to Rebecca's fish dying (R.I.P Wakefield, we hardly knew ye), to seeing PRESTON F'ING DALTON in Wal-Mart, it was a great time all around. Big up to RadioAtion for rocking Ardmore like nobody's business with that phat punk rock sound. I have to say, the coolest part was when I got headbutted in the RadioAtion pit. Dispite the cold weather, people still showed up and hopefully had a great time. We have another show coming up with RadioAtion in early November but the location isn't exactly definite yet, but of course we will keep you posted.

With Love - Jezy


Okay, so the show w/Dross at the Tivoli didn't exactly go as we had hoped. It wasn't a typical burning january show, so if you didn't get a chance to make it out, don't worry about it. We have a couple shows lined up in the next couple of months. The first, on September 28th will be at the Sherman Airport in Sherman TX. We're not exactly sure who else is playing, but there will be about 10 other bands I think, so it will be a super fun time for the whole family. Burning January is headlining the event, so we'll go on last. We've also got a show lined up in October at The Door in Ft. Worth, we'll keep you updated as we find out more. In other news, Burning January will be going into the studio soon. Within the next few weeks, we will hopefully get to venture into the studio to do our full-length album in good ole' Wilson OK. Keep checking the site for more info.

Much love - Jezy


Heeeey. The show at RRF Saturday was amazing. A biiig huge thank you to Jeff 2 and all the incredible people @ Red River, you never cease to amaze us with your hospitality and overall radness. Another huge thank you to Free For All and God Kabod for doing outstanding jobs and putting up with us and our Irish jigs (courtesy of Jeff & I). If you didn't make it out to the show, you really missed out. We broke some stuff, and I almost killed Darren twice, good times. Anyways, the show this next Saturday with Dross and Spitshine is kind of up in the air at the moment. I will keep you posted as we find out more information.

xoxo - Jezy


Wow. The show last night at New Life Auditorium in Sherman was incredible. The crowd was absolutely amazing, there is no other way to put it. We made lots of friends in Texas that night. Basically, what we learned is this... cool kids + dancing + mosh pits + IHOP + man grabbing his genitals and wanting to fight Jeff = Rock n' roll. We can't thank everyone who showed up enough, you guys really amazed us. And of course, a big thank you to all our friends who weren't able to make it due to the fact that it all happened very last minute. We know you would have come if you were able, so no worries. Again, we hope to see all of you out in Denison on the 31st, until then... we love you!

- Jez


Well, the new site is up and running. I still have to work out a few of the kinks, but other than that everything should be working fine. In case you couldn't tell by all the shameless promotion, Burning January has a show coming up on the 31st of this month with some great bands (Free For All, God Kabod, and Emily Webb), so be sure and come check it out. Admission is 3 dollars, and it's going to be held at Red River Fellowship in Denison, TX (515 S Mirick Avenue). For more information, get in contact with one of the band members or try and get a hold of a flyer. I think that's about all for this update, but be sure and drop us a line on our message board, we love hearing your kind words.

- Jezy