
...As calm as Hindu cows since 2001.

. i m a g e s .
. n e w s .
. s h o w s .
. m u s i c .
. b o o k i n g .
. b i o s .
. t h a n k y o u .
. f o r u m .
. f r i e n d s .


. t h e b a n d .
. w e b m a s t e r .


Burning January is...

Jezy - Vocals
Dusty - Bass
Micah - Guitar
Darren - Guitar
Jeff - Drums

Welcome to BurningJanuary.net, your official online source for any and everything pertaining to Burning January. We are a rock band from Southern Oklahoma and Northern Texas that strike along the same chords as bands like Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, Thursday, Glasseater, Saves the Day, and Finch. We in the band would like to offer our most sincere thanks for visiting the website and supporting us by coming to our shows or listening to our music. We can never thank you enough for this. Here at the official website you can download MP3s from the band, check out individual member bios, peruse through lyrics, have a gander at the pictures section, or strike up a conversation on the band's official message board. Anyway, yeah, enjoy yourself. See you at the show.

-Burning January

Questions? Comments? - email the webmaster

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.watch the band.

Burning January is DOWN WITH THE POWER!