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Changing times (6-10)

Chapter 6
Selphie looked out of Delta's office, it overlooked the whole of the Trabia campus which was getting it's regular thick layer of snow. She smiled gently and turned back to the discussion taking place behind her.

'I don't understand, while they are here they seem to be so good, but once they reach Balamb... I don't know... I guess that's what you are here to find out.' Delta's face was a bit distressed and Selphie was touched by how deeply she cared about her students.

'We'll try.' Zell said, he was stretched out in a chair, his legs sprawled across the room. She smiled, no matter how serious the mission you could not repress him, he was too much his own person for that. 'But Selphie's the one that's going to be doing the hard work... I'm just along for comic relief.' He grinned and managed to put Delta and her assistants immediately at ease in one quick move. She was glad he had been assigned to come with her, nobody else in their little group was as personable.

'That being the case, I guess I should ask you what you will require in your investigations.' Delta turned to her. Selphie frowned slightly, considering.

'Well, I guess I'll want records of all students grades, you know I haven't really given this much consideration. But I'll have to accompany a student or two on your field test, I mean is it still the same test I had when I came here?' She asked and Delta nodded.

'This just may be me being dense but, I don't know what your field test actually is, I know we have the fire cavern, it's a little less intense now Ifrit has joined us.' He tapped his forehead indicating where the GF was residing right now. 'But still...' Selphie smiled at him.

'Well where do you think Shiva came from? The tropics?' She asked. 'Shiva was our resident Guardian Force in the ice caves, until some Trabia student finally bagged her, the place is still intense though, at least the equal of the fire caves, I'm saying that after being through both.' Zell shrugged and nodded.

'I was just asking what it was, Selphie.' He shrugged. 'It wasn't like I was having a go at you or anything.' Selphie winced a little, perhaps she had been a little tart in her response, she was still blaming him for the fight... but only a little, she was still mad at Irvine. 'Anyway, I guess I'll have a look at your teaching programmes, I'll sit in on a few classes.' He grinned.

'You'll be sitting in on more than the fist fighting ones as well.' Selphie said to him and he looked at her in astonishment. 'I know you quite well remember.' She said with a grin.

'Actually, I have a request to make of you.' One of Delta's assistants piped up.

'Yeah? Rupell isn't it?' Zell asked her.

'Roo actually, but anyway...' She tucked some of her vivid red hair behind her ears. 'I'm teaching a history class in the morning, we have nearly finished going through your battle with Ultamacia, it would be a real treat for my class to ask questions of people who were actually there.' She looked at them expectantly. Zell moaned.

'God that's depressing.' He said. 'Sorry, I guess it's having the situation described as history, it's still very vivid in my head.' Selphie laughed and agreed with him.

'It was a rather nightmarish incident, figuring out it was nearly ten years ago makes me feel old.' She grinned. 'But yeah, Zell can field that class.'

'Hey!' She looked at him innocently. 'If I'm going down everyone's coming with me! You ain't getting out of it that easily.'

'Oh I think I just did, sergeant.' He opened his mouth in offensive.

'You just pulled rank on me again!' He exclaimed. 'You never done that to me in your life and then twice in one day!' Selphie then realised that they were arguing in front of people that were staring at them with open mouths.

'Talk to Squall about your rank, not me.' She told him. 'Anyway, anything we'll need and I'll send Zell to come and get it.' She gave him an impish glance and he glowered at her. 'But I think talking to the students will be the best option.' Delta nodded.

'If I'm not available talk to Badier or Roo. They should be able to get anything for you. But I have to say that not much work will be done tomorrow. It's the winter festival.' She smiled. 'Would you like to attend?'

'Man I wouldn't miss it.' Zell said. 'Right Selphie?' She nodded.

'It will consist of a concert and then a quasi-formal dance, the music is fairly mordern, but formal attire is required.' Delta smiled at them. 'No SeeD uniforms.' Zell looked up in alarm.

'Zell only has his SeeD uniform as smart clothes to his name...' Selphie said with a grin... Delta smirked.

'Badier, I don't suppose you could take Zell down to Trabia town to get something please?' He nodded slowly. Zell sat up in his seat.

'Why do I feel like a lamb to the slaughter?' He asked.

'Because you have a persecution complex.' Selphie said with a wink.

Zell groaned as someone knocked on his door and curled further up into his blankets. They began knocking louder. 'Go 'way.' He yelled without taking his head from the pillow. The knocking persisted, wrapping his blankets around his head (he wasn't used to the cold) he answered the door. Roo stood there with a slightly bewildered look on her face. 'Can I help you?' He asked.

'You said you would come talk to my class.' She reminded him.

'But it's half six in the morning.' He moaned. 'No sane person gets up this early.'

'Classes start in an hour.' He stared at her in surprise, Balamb didn't even think about starting classes before nine.

'God you people are masochists.' He looked around his room and found his bag, he hadn't even bothered unpacking last night, he'd just fallen into bed and snored the night away. 'Okay, gimme a chance to get dressed and grab a bite to eat.' He yawned to himself. 'I would ask you in, but I think you wouldn't like the sight.' He closed the door and began to root around in his bag, he found a pair of old jeans and his favourite black t-shirt and stuck them on. He figured he'd better take a sweater with him, this being Trabia and everything. He looked in the mirror and grimaced, his hair had gone flat in the night... not that it really bothered him but he quickly spiked it, then, feeling satisfied opened the door again. Selphie had gotten up and joined Roo. She looked him up and down and grinned.

'See, I told you, variations on a theme, he has no smart clothes.' She said to Roo who grinned.

'I don't wear this all the time Selphie.' He told her with a grimace.

'No, sometimes the t-shirt is different.' He shrugged and his face cracked in a yawn. 'Oops, better not start with him, he doesn't wake up until noon normally. Anyway breakfast?' Selphie asked.

'Mmm, yeah, I'm supposed to take you to the canteen.' She gestured for them to follow her. Zell dropped into step with Selphie.

'You notice how scarily like Balamb this place is.' He grimaced. 'Except for the early morning wake up call.'

'It was built in line with Balamb's schematics and as for the early mornings, Trabia always operated on the theory that the earlier the day started the more you could party that night. No set curfew here, as long as you turn up to classes, you can do pretty much what you want.' Zell rubbed his eyes.

'A simple yes may have sufficed, I didn't need the tour this early in the morning.' He looked at her, she was always more a morning person than he was. 'Anyway what's your plan for the day?'

'Not much, going to sit in on a shinobu class, it's the weapon of choice here generally, after that it's the whip, we aren't too big on guns and swords.'

'Must be a personality thing, Galbadia is full of arrogent gits. Well it was the last time I was there... they're into the guns. Balamb's more measured.' She gave him a steely look.

'What catergory have you placed all Trabia students in then?' He looked at her suspiciously, her tone of voice hadn't boded well... time to lighten the conversation.

'Hyperactive, everyone's so damn cheerful.' He grinned at her and she laughed softly.

'Well that's true enough, you're gonna fit in just fine.' She winked at him. 'Anyway, let's get you fed... you have a class to talk to.'

'Please... don't remind me. I get to relive the past yet again... lucky me.' He frowned. 'One day I'm just gonna write a book with it all in and refer everyone to that.' She raised an eyebrow at him and laughed quietly.

Zell stood at the back of the class waiting for the students to come in. Roo was at the front of the class writing something on the board. 'Excuse me Roo.' She turned and looked at him. 'Do I actually know you?' He asked and she laughed.

'I didn't think you would remember actually. You were the instructor assigned to my group when we went on my field exam three years ago. You danced with me at the SeeD ball.' She looked at him with a grin. 'Don't tell me it's the hair that triggered your memory?' He grinned and nodded ruefully.

'I thought it might have been something like that. Don't actually remember you, I don't remember faces.' He smiled, she rolled her eyes and began to tie her hair into a plait. 'Kids be here soon?' He asked.

'Yup, why you getting nervous?'

'No, I'm getting petrified, I've done this bit too often to believe they'll be interested about the battles, most people ask questions about Rinoa and Squall. And ask if I'm really their friend.' She smiled at him.

'You might find this class different... they got really into the descriptions of the situation, all of them actually experienced the time compression as well. It really was nasty wasn't it.' Zell often forgot that the world had experienced that.

'I remember it being moderately so yes.' Roo grinned. It was then her class began to file in and he looked at his watch in surprise, they were actually on time... wait until he told Squall about this. Roo took charge immediately and introduced him. Zell wandered slowly to front of the class and sat himself cross legged on Roo's desk, it was how he taught most of his own classes, but those were more on the finer points of an uppercut than this history thing. 'Okay you know who I am... I don't know who you are... any questions?' One girl put her hand up straight away.

'What does it feel like to be a hero?' She asked him and he stared in frank astonishment.

'I'm not a hero, I'm a SeeD, I did my job.' He told her then a field of hands rose up.

'Weren't you scared?' Zell thought about it.

'Yes, but what choice did I have, my friends were counting on me. What if all six of us decided it was too scary and stayed on the drawbridge of Ultamacia's castle. I don't think we would be here now.' Question after question was fired at him and only one was to ask about Rinoa and Squall. Soon the class was over... it had been much easier than he had thought it would be.

Roo smiled at him from the back of the class and he winked at her as the last of the kids filed out.

Selphie grinned as the kids filed out of the classroom. She listened to what they had to say about Zell and nodded in approval. 'That guy is such a hottie.' One teenybopper proclaimed. 'He's so cool.' One boy in a group said. As the last of the kids exited the classrom she turned the corner and saw Zell winking at Roo. She frowned, did the guy ever stop? They were on a mission for crying out loud.

'Selphie!' He said with bright eyes as she walked over to him. 'God, did I ever tell you, I love this place.' She looked him in the eyes.

'No, you were always too busy making fun of it.' He completely missed the sarcasm in her voice.

'Heh, changed my mind. I'm starving, going to lunch?' She looked at her watch.

'You've only just had breakfast and we have work to do. Squall wants a daily progress report.' Zell grinned.

'Sure Selphie, whatever. All he's doing is checking up on us, making sure we aren't screwing up.' Secretly Selphie had to agree with him, but she couldn't completely disreguard Squall in this matter.

'Okay, okay, we give Squall a call and then we head into new Trabia town with Badier... we'll get food while you're shopping.' Zell grunted his consent. Waving goodbye to Roo he followed Selphie down the corridor.

Rathi Makeri watched the two of them as they strolled out of the classroom, they didn't look as important as they were. Neither looked more than twenty five, but they had the power to put Trabia even more under Balamb's thumb than it already was. Rathi couldn't believe that Delta was actually listening to them, she was normally more intelligent than that. He had been trying to tell her to break away from Balamb for the past year or more but she was having none of it. She didn't realise the growing numbers of SeeDs that were coming around to his way of thinking, each Garden should be free to hire out it's own SeeDs. They didn't need Balamb to tell them when their students were ready, all the instructors knew which ones were going to go far. Rathi had been waiting for an oppertunity to force Balamb into listening to him. Maybe he had just discovered one.

The pair of them walked into Selphie's room and Zell flung himself into her comfy armchair. She sat on the arm of it. 'So how does it feel to be back home?' He asked with a gentle smile, she glanced at him.

'It feels different actually, it's not how I remember it. I guess it's just because I was a student back then. My friends have all either moved on... or...' She couldn't finish.

'Died? The wars after we got back from the future were tough weren't they?' She nodded sadly. 'But still it's home... isn't it?'

'I guess, but, I don't know... somethings missing.' She sighed heavily.

'Irvine.' Zell said and looked straight ahead, she bit her lip.

'Maybe, I don't think I ended things with him properly. He's been such a big part of my life for so long its hard when he's not here.' Zell closed his eyes breifly and put his arm around her.

'You want him back?' She shrugged in a sort of I don't know kind of gesture. He frowned softly and bit his lip. 'You know it's okay for you to say yes. You feel the way you feel and nobody will be able to change that. Not even Irvine.' Selphie nodded.

'You think I'm nuts don't you?' She asked him with a grimace.

'Not nuts, per se. Maybe a little off the wall. You love who you love and far be it from me to interpose myself on that. You know that whatever you chose to do, I'm behind you all the way. Your life, your choice and I will always defend your choice even if I don't agree with it.' He took her hand and looked her in the eyes, she nodded.

'Thanks Zell. I don't know what I'd do without you.' She said.

'Except be happy?' He asked with a gentle smile. 'Anyway, let's forgo calling Squall and if he asks it's my fault, let's head down town for a drink.'

'I'd rather go shopping.' She said and Zell rolled his eyes.

'Where's Rinoa when I need her... okay, whatever you want. Give Badier a call and have him meet us in the lobby. I have to go get something.' She smiled and he walked around the corner to his room. He waited until the door slid shut before he punched the wall. A small crack appeared in the plaster work and he sat on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands, why did he always stick up for Irvine? It was stupid, but he had been playing the devoted friend for so long he couldn't let Selphie see any other part of him. But it was her choice and if her choice didn't include him then so be it.

Chapter 7
Zell groaned at the racks of suits in the clothes store, he had promised Selphie that he wouldn't show her up at the dance tonight and that he would buy something halfway decent. For a guy that had lived in jeans or his SeeD uniform for most of his life he didn't have much experience in chosing good clothes. Fortunately Badier did, he had been telling Zell about the different customs that excisited between Trabia and Balamb, so far as he could see, the main difference was Trabia partied way more than Balamb. Apart from the ball that welcomed home Trabia's new SeeDs and the garden festival, Trabia had five extra holidays, it amazed him that they got any work done at all. Badier had shown Selphie to a string of shops she was likely to spend all day in looking for a new dress and then he had literally pulled a reluctant Zell across the road. Badier pulled out three suits and shoved Zell into a changing room.

Zell tried on the first and looked at Badier questioningly, had he really expected him to agree to wearing a baby blue suit. 'Okay so maybe blue isn't your colour.' He said. Zell shrugged and changed again, when he came back out Badier stared at him. 'You look so... so... nice.' He finished lamely.

'Yeah well I feel like a dork. I'll try the final one and if that fails, I'm wearing my damn uniform.' Badier smiled, he had chosen the worst suits in the shops for a reason, to make Zell chose this one, it was the same colour and cut as his SeeD uniform with the added bonus that it classed as 'formal' attire. Badier grinned as Zell came out of the changing room and nodded at him. Zell sighed. 'Okay, it looks alright, I'll take it... or whatever.' Badier smirked as Zell went to change out of his purchase. Am I good or what? he thought to himself.

Selphie smiled as she headed into the pub where she said she'd meet the boys, she enjoyed shopping but she missed not having Rinoa there to guide her. Rinoa was her fashion guru. When she reached the pub the lads had obviously been waiting there for a while, both had made themselves comfortable and had more than a few drinks judging by the glasses on the table. Zell grinned at her lopsidedly and waved her over.

'You're late.' He said and noticed her bags. 'What ya been buying?' She shook her head.

'You'll find out later. What about you did you finally get something that isn't jeans?' He raised his eyebrows at her.

'You ain't telling me then I ain't telling you.'

'Look guys the concert is gonna be starting up in half an hour.' Badier said. 'I'm under strict instructions to get you there on time by hook or by crook.' Selphie smiled and gave Zell a hand so he could drag himself out of the chair from where he was entrenched.

'Okay get us there already. I need to get changed first.' Zell groaned as the three of them headed out the door.

'Man! I can't believe you lot are insane enough to have an outdoor concert. It's fifty below out there.' Zell said to Badier as they waited for Selphie. The guy shrugged.

'I guess you have to have lived here for a while before you get aclimatised. Besides it's two degrees outside, it's plenty warm enough, we aren't even getting snow tonight.' Badier winked at Zell as he slipped into his leather jacket. Zell grinned and Selphie came out of her room. Both men stared.

'Wow Selphie I didn't think you could even get into that dress anymore.' She was wearing a version of her little yellow dress she had worn all those years ago. Badier glanced across at him.

'Smooth chat up line you have there mate.' He said and Zell went red. 'You look fantastic Miss Tilmet.' Badier said. 'Shall we go?'

Selphie giggled and danced around impatiently from foot to foot.

The musicians were nearly set up by the time they reached the stage, Roo had found them a small patch by the stage and was waiting there for them. 'Finally!' She gasped when they arrived. 'You know how many people I've turned away from setting up camp here?' She giggled and bounced around excitedly.

'Ya'see Selphie, what did I tell you?' Zell asked with a grin. 'All you Trabians are totally bonkers.' Selphie tickled him in the ribs and he shied away from her, she was feeling like a kid again. It had been such a long time since she had attended the Trabia winter festival and she had forgotten what a marvellous time she had always had. They looked up as Delta came onto the stage.

'I'd like to thank you all for the massive turnout we have had here tonight and I hope as many of you will turn up for the dance later this evening.' The cheers were deafening. She grinned and waited for them to stop. 'Well you know the drill guys, have fun, be careful and turn up to class on time tomorrow.' At that she got a few boo's but they were good natured and she waved them off. 'Please welcome the first band of the evening.' Selphie screamed along with the roar of the crowd as the first group wandered onto stage. The cheering got louder as they began to play, this concert had always gotten her completely buzzed when she had first arrived in Trabia when she was little. The music was good, the people were great and she felt completely giddy.

Selphie looked up into Zell's face and smiled, he was obviously enjoying himself, which was good, his blue eyes had lit up and his head was nodded along to the music. It was at that moment Selphie noticed the humming, it reverberated around inside her head like a tuneful bumblebee. She smiled when she realised where it was coming from. *Enjoying yourself?* She asked Bahumat and the dragon laughed, she visualised him curled up warm and safe bopping his head to the music, not unlike Zell.

*It has been many years since I heard music* The dragon told her. *You do not mind that I listen?*

*Nah go ahead knock yourself out.* The dragon looked at her slightly oddly. *I meant feel free to enjoy yourself.* Bahumat smiled and nodded at her. It was one of the few times that a GF had made itself known to her while it was residing in her mind, she figured she was far more approachable than any of the others in the group, when a GF had first talked to Rinoa the girl had thrown a fit. Selphie smiled, being aware of the concert and of the GF hightened the sound of the music and made her feel slightly protected, having the knowledge that she was junctioned at any particular time gave her a cosy feeling. Thinking about cosy feelings she was aware that her yellow dress had probably not been the best way to go, it was freezing out here, she had gotten too used to Balamb's weather. She slid her arm round Zell's waist for warmth, he looked down at her a little surprised and hugged her. He looked back at the stage and then back at her when she began shivering.

'You cold?' He asked her when she nodded he rolled his eyes and gave her his jacket. Delta jogged down to meet them from behind the stage and grinned at them. 'This concert is great.' Selphie said to her. 'Just how long did it take to organise?' She asked.

'Oh the Festival commitee did most of the hard work, they are really into the whole partying scene.' Selphie sighed.

'I wish Balamb was, I'm the only active member of the garden festival commitee.' Delta stared at her in surprise. 'Nobody else seems to want to do any work.' She looked at Zell pointedly. He went bright red.

'I helped you with it the year before last, and Quistis got her students to help you last year.' He protested.

'My hero.' She said sardonically. Selphie grinned and turned her attention back to the music. Band after band tried their hand on stage and the crowd loved everyone, Selphie was being swept along by the good feelings all around her so when Bahumat stopped humming suddenly she was brought quickly back down to earth. She looked around slightly in confusion and saw a young man pushing through the crowd to the side of the stage, he locked eyes with Selphie. 'Hey what's going on over there?' She asked Delta stepping away from Zell to get a better look, the headmaster turned and let out a huge sigh.

'It's Rathi, he's the biggest pain in the arse this close to the north pole.' She said and turned to the pair of them. 'Just so you know before he gets here, he has a big problem with Balamb Garden and it's strictures over Trabia... well you'll find out.' Badier growled.

'I'm getting sick and tired of that guy interferring.' He said and made a move to intercept him. Zell put a restraining hand on his shoulder.

'Wait we have to take everybodies veiw point back to Squall, we can't just avoid them.' Badier frowned at him and then subsided. They all watched Rathi make his way through the crowd, they were all looking at him expectantly when he eventually arrived. He glanced at Delta.

'Is this them?' He asked her and she rolled her eyes just before she nodded. 'I have something to say to you.'

'You mean you have something to rant about.' Badier said with a grim look on his face. Rathi turned to him and frowned.

'Man, you know me better than that.' He said. Badier shrugged.

'I thought I did, I thought you had more sense, what is this little display gonna get you? To be honest Rathi you can believe whatever the hell you like, you can believe that Balamb is made of cheese for all I care, these people are here to make our students as good as the ones at their garden and that is all there is to it.' Badier's voice sounded slightly rabid and Rathi stared at him in alarm.

'Our students are as good as theirs...' Rathi began.

'They aren't, we all know it. You have to look at the results they recieve on their tests there just to know that.' Rathi was backing away slightly with wide eyes.

*Something isn't right here.* Bahumat told her, Selphie nodded quietly. She was waiting for a full blown arguement to erupt and Bahumat began to edge around inside her head. *This is wrong, they feel wrong. I was not awake in you before, now I see* Selphie grabbed hold of her head to try and stop Bahumat richocheting around inside it.

'Woah Selphie are you okay?' Zell asked her. Everything around her had stopped but Bahumat was using her eyes and looking from Badier to Rathi over and over again. She hadn't known that the GF's had the ability to use her body in this way. It wasn't right. Her head felt as though it was being pulled in one way then the other, Bahumat was panicing inside her, the GF was actually trembling in utter terror. *Please Bahumat, you're hurting me!* She cried out to him.

The dragon just kept on repeating *They aren't right, they aren't right* and then he began to scream and Selphie was felt he was trying to burst her eardrums from the inside. She groaned and her knees gave out on her, she would have fallen if Zell hadn't grabbed hold of her. Then Bahumat seemed to lose conciousness and let her go. Selphie was left staring up at Zell who was looking at her in something akin to fear.

'What happened?' He asked her and she shook her head. She glanced across at Badier and Rathi who were staring at her in bewilderment.

'Take me home.' She whispered to him. He frowned at the urgency in her voice and nodded.

'Sorry guys going to have to take a raincheck, Selphie gets terrible migraines sometimes, we'll see you later okay.' He tried to help Selphie up but when he realised that her legs were shaking so badly he just scooped her up and started carrying her across the field back towards Trabia. When they were clear of the crowd he looked down into her face. 'Okay care to tell me what really did happen?' Selphie looked at him... he really was worried.

'Bahumat... I don't know, did something. Badier and Rathi frightened him half to death.' Zell looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

'Are we talking about the same big purple dragon that's bigger than your average house?' Selphie swallowed and nodded. 'He was scared by those two jokers?' She looked at him and nodded again. He didn't question her again and she knew that at least one person would always believe her. 'I think we'd better talk to Edea in that case, if anyone knows what is likely to freak out a GF she is.' Selphie nodded and tried to find Bahumat to reassure him, where ever he was hiding, he wasn't going to show himself to her.

Chapter 8
Zell handed Selphie a wet flannel and smiled at her gently. Her face was sheet white and her eyes were still a bit dewy, she curled up further into her blankets and slid the flannel across her forehead. 'Need anything else?' He asked her softly. 'Apart from a weeks rest?' She looked up at him with a weak smile, their eyes locked and she licked her lips.

'Could use some headache pills.' She told him, he grinned and went to fish them out of the medicine cabinet in her bathroom. She swallowed them with difficulty and she lay down again. He sat on the edge of her bed and she was curled tightly around his back. He stroked her hair softly, and smiled down at her with concern. 'What are you gonna say to Squall?' She asked him.

'Dunno... the truth I guess, we've encountered enough wierd things in our lifetime for him to believe this.' He frowned. 'I can imgine what he will say though.' Selphie grinned.

'I'm glad one of us can, I've never been able to figure him out.' Zell screwed up his face at her.

'Nah it's easy, once you get the 'whatever's in the right places.' Zell looked over to the videophone. 'I guess I'd better get a call in to him.' He grinned down at her. 'Don't worry, if all else fails to get you better, I have a couple of curagas in my posession.' He winked and she smiled faintly.

'I don't think it's that serious yet but thanks for the offer. Go on, go report in.' She told him, he nodded and squeezed her hand gently before striding across the room and tapping in the number. He picked up the handset rather than having him on speakerphone. It took about ten rings before Squall answered and his picture flashed up on the screen.

'Zell! I was just heading home for the night, you sure know how to pick your times.' He paused and looked at his face. 'Is something wrong?' Zell nodded a little then he went to adjust the camera towards Selphie lying in bed. He saw Squall's face as he took in the scene. Then he turned the camera back. 'Is she okay?'

'Sort of yes, sort of no.' Zell looked at him. 'Look I know you probably aren't going to believe this...' He paused waiting for Squall to deny it and continued after a few seconds of silence. 'Selphie says that Bahumat went on a bit of a rampage.'

'Why did she summon him? Was there a fight?' He asked and Zell shook his head.

'She umm didn't summon him, we were at the Trabia winter festival concert...' He frowned and did a quick mental recap of that sentence. 'Yeah... anyway, this guy started to come over and he and Badier, he's Delta Wistanley's asisstant had a go at him, then apparently Bahumat flipped.'

'In what way?'

'Selphie said that he began screaming something, I didn't get the full story on that, then she said he 'took' hold of her, and I really didn't understand that.... and then she collapsed.' Squall was looking at him in exasperation.

'So finally something you did understand... Do you not think it would be better to report this when Selphie is well enough to tell me herself?'

'She was pretty insistant that I tell you right away, she was worried about what could frighten a sixty foot dragon and frankly that worries me too.' Squall growled.

'Okay good point, well made.' He rubbed his head. 'How the hell could you get into so much trouble? You've only been there a day.' Zell squirmed a little and shrugged.

'The day isn't over yet.' He pointed out. 'And there's always tommorrow.'

'Remind me again why I sent you with Selphie? I should have put her with Quistis.' Squall had on his 'I'm really not very happy with you' frown.

'Look Squall, I'm only speaking to you because Selphie had an experience and thought you should know about it straight away. Isn't that what a good SeeD is supposed to do? Report back?' He snapped back at his friend.

'Stop arguing!' Selphie exclaimed. 'It's very unsettling.' Squall heard her and winced at her weak little voice.

'Sorry Sel.' He said over his shoulder and turned back to the screen.

‘Well I'll try to help out in anyway I can...' Squall said.

'Sure, we were thinking about going to Edea, she knows about all sorts of this kind of junk.' Squall nodded.

'I can get her to contact you.' He said. 'Meanwhile, don't do anything untoward, go to the party tonight, if she's well enough that is.'

'Hang on how did you know there was a party?' Zell frowned and Squall grinned at him.

'My timing is always impeccable.' Squall told him.

'Shall I ring ahead and warn Rinoa about the very smug husband that is heading her way?' Squall raised his eyebrows. 'Hey it was a joke.'

'Mmm, if you say so. Take care of Selphie... but then you always would, wouldn't you?' Zell opened his mouth then having nothing to say he closed it again.

'For a guy who don't talk a lot you sure do notice everything.' Squall... blushed... no Squall's never done that, but regardless he looked slightly abashed.

'I don't actually, Rinoa notices a lot, I just take it in when she thinks I'm not listening.' Zell covered his eyes.

'Does this mean everyone knows?'

'I'm not gonna tell anyone Zell.' Zell looked directly into the camera.

'I was thinking more about about Rinoa.' Squall frowned.

'No I wouldn't think so, not on this subject, you know what I'll find out for you.' Zell choked.

'Don't you da...' He noticed Squall's grin. 'Oh funny. Aha aha I'm splitting my sides.' It was at that point Selphie's pillow caught him in the side of the head. He heard Squall wetting himself laughing at the other end of the receiver.

'Enough with the chit chat, I wanna go to sleep!' She said, whining.

'Yeah okay... Squall?'

'Yeah I heard her.' he coughed as he tried to choke down laughter. 'Okay, anything new happens I want a report, and I really do want the daily report from you two now, I gave you those GF's for protection and if one of them has gone mad on you... has she removed him?' he asked as an after thought.

'She can't find him to remove him, he's hidden himself.'

'I didn't know that they could do that.' Zell gave him a 'neither did I' look. 'When he shows himself get her to remove him, I'll order Delta to issue her with a suitable GF.'

'I honestly don't think she wants to remove him, she's worried about Bahumat.' Zell told him.

'That was an order.' Squall said and Zell gave him a salute, an aoutomatic reaction now, Zell stared at his hand in discust. 'Look Zell I'm gonna have to jet. Your mother is keeping hold of the girls while me and Rinoa are working. I don't want to impose.'

'Impose all you like, my mum loves your kids.' Zell grinned and then looked across at Selphie. 'Look, give my mum a hug from me would ya?' Then he realised who he was talking to. 'Or get Rinoa to, either way make sure she knows I said hi.'

'Of course I will, keep me posted about Selphie's health 'kay?' Zell nodded.

'Catch you later man.' Squall nodded and signed off. Zell switched off the computer and turned back to Selphie to apologise, she was curled up in a tiny ball with a peaceful expression on her face. He walked over to her softly and knelt down to look at her. A gentle smile played across her lips and a strand of her tousled hair fell across her cheek. Smiling he moved it and kissed her gently on the forehead. 'Sleep well Selphie.' He whispered. 'Feel better.' He crossed her room in three strides, opened the door softly and walked out closing it with a quiet click.

Selphie opened her eyes and looked after him. She licked her lips, it was getting harder, she had never expected that. The feeling had been growing since the finals last year, when they had caught each others eye and her whole world had skipped a beat. It hadn't happened since, but the feeling had stayed with her, why should it return now? Back then she had, had Irvine, but for a few weeks after, everytime she had seen Zell talking to another woman, she felt that she was watching him walk away from her. She sighed and closed her heavy lids. A damp spot appeared on her pillow.

Quistis looked at Irvine staring into space again, she knew exactly what his mind was on. She cleared her throat. 'You know that she's not going to appear magically in the ceiling tiles don't you?' He blinked and turned to her.

'I'm sorry, what?' She sighed and put down her papers.

'Still thinking about Selphie?' He nodded miserably.

'I can't believe I treated her so badly. After what you told me, I can't believe I ever thought that of her. I hit Zell as well... when he was the one sticking up for me.' Quistis nodded.

'Yes you did behave like an arse.' She said unsympathetically.

'You still mad at me?'

'Yup... Although this whole pitiful thing you have going on is kind of making me feel sorry for you.' He stared at her in slight outrage and then deflated... it was true.

'How can I have lost the one woman I cared about through my own stupid jealousy?' He shook his head.

'Wouldn't be the first time it's happened to a man... or a woman for that matter. Only Selphie can decide if she forgives you though, and even then, forgiving you and getting back together with you are two different matters... Now you looked at this class...'

Zell poked his head round Delta's office door. 'Can I have a word?' She nodded.

'How's Selphie?' He shrugged.

'Kind of what I wanted to talk to you about, erm... she doesn't get migraines, suffice it to say she's been having trouble with her current GF, I didn't really want to tell everybody about it. But it kind of kicked off when Badier and that Rathi bloke started arguing, so I was wondering if you could make a little effort to keep those two away from her? I know it's a lot to ask but... well I'll consider it a favour.' Delta grinned at him. She nodded.

'Of course, I'll give them a job to keep them both busy. It's not a big deal, they are actually really good friends, if you can believe it, they just argue a lot.'

'Sounds like me and Squall.' He said and she grinned at him. 'We should both still be coming to the dance though.'

'Good, will she be well enough?' Delta asked and Zell gave her wicked grin.

'I have a few cure spells I'm willing to dole out on her, if she's asleep she'll never know.' Delta laughed and winked at him conspiritorily.

'Anyway I'm expecting a phone call from a woman named Edea...' Delta interuppted him.

'Soceress Edea?' She asked slightly alarmed.

'Ex-Soceress Edea, people always forget that, the only soceress we know of is Rinoa. Anyway I just call her matron. Squall told her to call here, it's really important.'

Selphie woke to a darkened room, the sky outside was black as pitch. She reached out and turned on the light and waited for the headache to return. She was surprised when it didn't. Reaching out she took a good look at her bedside clock, she figured she had about an hour to get ready for the dance. A faint knock came from outside her door. 'Yes?' She called and Zell came wandering in. A bright smile lit her face and she quickly subdued it.

'Feeling better?' He asked her, was that a faint grin playing around his lips, she nodded. 'Cool, you feel like going to the dance.'

'You ever known me to miss a party?' She asked and began to get up. 'Do I get to see you in smart clothes?' She asked and he winked at her.

'Maaaaaaaybe.' She laughed. 'But I know how long you take to get ready, so I figure we'll have enough time to be fashionably late and make a grand entrance, hope your dress is up to that scrutiny.' She giggled and tilted her head to the side considering. He looked at her and then down at his clothes. 'Don't worry this is not what I am wearing.' She laughed.

'I wasn't even thinking that ya know?' She grinned wickedly. 'I was wondering what you'd look like in a suit.' He laughed slightly.

'Like most men in suits I guess, ruddy awful.' Selphie smiled and winked.

'Believe me women don't see it that way.' She said playfully.

'Okay now you are making me nervous, I'll meet you in the hallway in an hour. Roo said she'd come and take us down there.' Selphie nodded and fought to keep the smile on her face as he made his way out the door, why did she feel so threatened by Roo? And then she remembered what she had been thinking about before she had fallen asleep.

'Oh.' She whispered softly. She stood up and walked to the mirror, it was time for Selphie Tilmet to knock everyone at Trabia off their feet.

Chapter 9
Zell looked at his reflection in the mirror and frowned, he looked halfway decent so why did he feel like such a turkey? The knock on his door surprised him a bit and he wandered over and opened it. Roo looked at him and grinned. 'Guess what!' She said and bounded past him into his room. He gave her a 'what?' look and she frowned. 'You're supposed to guess.' She said and without waiting for him to say anything she carried on. She was really nice but she seemed like a bit of an airhead at times. 'Delta's told me that I am to be your official assistant while you and Selphie are here, isn't that great? Badier 's been assigned exam training to do so he's gonna be busy for a while, so that leaves little ol' me.' She grinned and he nodded with a pleased expression on his face, Delta worked quickly, an admirable quality in a headmaster. 'And my first duty to you is to tell you that an Edea will be calling you at around midnight tonight. Is that the Edea I think it is?' She asked and he shook his head.

'Nope it's the woman that brought me and Selphie up.' She frowned at him.

'You have been together since you were kids?' She asked him.

'On and off.' He said with a shrug. 'Anyway, work has its place but its not now, does this look alright on me?' He asked and she nodded with a frown.

'It looks a little like my SeeD uniform... well not my SeeD uniform obviously, it hasn't quite got the skirt mine has... but it looks a bit like yours.' She looked him in the eye. 'I'm babbling aren't I?' He nodded.

'How old are you?' He asked her shortly and she looked a bit taken aback.

'Erm I'm nearly twenty, I became a SeeD when I was only just fifteen.' She said and he nodded, that explained everything.

'Fine just wondering that was all, we should go and get Selphie and head downstairs.'

Selphie heard the knock on the door as she was putting the finishing touches to her outfit. 'Be there in a second.' She yelled as she fastened the silver necklace around her throat. She stood back to admire the full affect. He dress was a bright shimmering blue that came up high on the front and swooped low down her back, only the toes of her strappy blue sandals were poking out from under her full length skirt. She had tied her hair back and pinned it to her head in a twist. She grinned, she looked totally elegant... awesome! She ran to the door and threw it open. 'Ta Da!' She sang to a surprised Zell, Selphie stopped and stared at him, she felt her mouth drop open in surprise. 'You're... you're... wearing real clothes!' She excalimed in surprise, no matter how many times he had said he had bought something she had just expected him to turn up in his jeans and black t-shirt.

'Likewise.' He said with a grin. 'You look...' He looked over his shoulder at Roo for help trying to find the words.

'What he means to say is that you look fantastic, and Zell that's exactly what she meant to say to you too, but your mouths got in the way.' She grinned. 'Now lets go I wanna party.' She giggled and started to move off down the corridor.

'It's true Selphie, you do look great.' He told her when Roo had moved out of earshot, she smiled and struck a moviestar pose.

'I know, I'm wonderful... feel free to worship and adore me.' She grinned and grabbed his hand. 'Let's go already, time for that dramatic entrance you promised me.' She giggled and started to pull him down the corridor.

Delta grinned as the music played, most of the students were here, even the youngest ones of about eight or nine, but they were being chaperoned by one or two on-duty SeeDs who were also on look out for any fights that could erupt. Badier had begged off tonight saying he had work to catch up on, even though she had asked him to come. She was talking to one of the instructors when Roo came bouncing up with a giggle. 'They look fabulous!' She said with a grin, Roo always went giddy when there was a party in the offing.

'Who do?' Delta said with a frown and looked towards the main door. Selphie and Zell stepped through at that moment. 'Oh. Yes I see what you mean... question? Are you playing matchmaker again? Didn't I talk to you about that?' Delta frowned at her protege, she was grooming Roo to take over from her when she decided to quit being headmaster and go back to being a regular SeeD. Good thing Roo didn't know that, the girl would have whined something chronic.

'Yeah, sure you talked to me, but not for very long and I didn't listen very hard anyway.' She giggled again and Delta winced, the girl was hyper already and her giggle always did grate on her nerves a bit. But she was damn good at what she did, and people who thought she really was an airhead tended to say more to her than they otherwise would, she was the perfect spy. 'But they look great together... and I am fairly certain he likes her.'

'Of course he does they are best friends...' The pair were making their way towards them and Roo winked conspiritorily.

'Hiya.' Zell said with a grin, Selphie merely waved but was dancing from foot to foot itching to get on the floor.

'Hi, what do you think of our little school dance?' Selphie smiled widley but Zell frowned.

'I think this is the biggest turnout to a 'school' dance I've ever seen, Trabians know how to party.' He looked up towards the silk streamers framing the ceiling and the flowers that decorated around the roof, all white because they were the only colour flowers that ever grew on the winter island of Trabia.

'I think I'm going to have to make a few changes to Balamb when we get back.' Selphie said with a grin. 'They have too much activity organised for them, not enough to kick back and relax.'

'It's beneficial to the students health to have something to look forward to, it's not like a lot go outside for any length of time, especially in the dead of winter.' Delta looked around with a warm look in her eyes. 'A few students can't cope with the weather and have to be transferred.' Selphie nodded.

'Yeah I remember a friend of mine couldn't hack the amount of sun she was getting, you shipped her off to Galbadia, well not you, but ya know what I meant.' Selphie was watching the dancefloor avidly while she talked.

'Perhaps you two should go dance.' Roo told Zell and Selphie obviously itching for the small talk to be over with. Zell laughed.

'Some things never change.' He said and, taking Selphie's hand, left them completely baffled by what he meant.

Selphie beamed with joy, she knew exactly what he meant. At the Balamb dances it had always been them that had started dancing first. At the first proper Balamb garden festival dance the pair of them had taken to the floor with obvious pleasure, they had been the only ones not terrified of making fools of themselves, Selphie figured that she did it often enough anyway why should one more night make any difference. Quistis had refused pointedly and threatened to tear out Zell's eyes if he didn't leave her alone, Irvine had said that it wasn't his sort of thing and Squall had just raised a single eyebrow at her when she had asked. Rinoa had stayed glued to Squall's side that first time but over the years she had joined the pair of them out there, as she had become more confidant in her relationship.

The music was fun and lively and they were enjoying themselves. Then a slow song came on and they stopped and stared at one another for a second, Zell recovered first and held out his hand to her. Selphie was surprised by the blood that came rushing to her face but she took it and curtseyed as she did at Balamb's SeeD balls. He laughed at her and slid his arm around her waist. She kept her face down until she had gotten her blushing under control then she looked up at him. His eyes slid down to hers and he gave her a quick grin, she looked around.

'You ever notice that this hall is like a total recreation of this years SeeD ball?' She asked and he frowned slightly and took a quick look around.

'You mean except without the unpleasant undertones?' She looked at him for a moment and then laughed.

'Or the throwing up incident... I dunno we could recreate it, you got Irvine hiding somewhere?' He winced and she thought she might have gone too far but his sense of humour kicked in and he gave a wry chuckle. 'Your black eye is healing nicely by the way.'

'Gee thanks. I notice your best features too.' He winked at her, then he got a serious look on his face. 'You still mad at me over that? You said you were going to have words with me but you never did...' He bit his lip.

'I got over it, Zell. I'd probably forgive you most things if I'm honest.' He swallowed hard and look away past her head. She looked down toards her feet. 'If I'm more honest...' She mumbled.

'What was that?' He asked her, his face serious.

'Nothing important.' She shook her head. The music began to move up tempo and they dropped each other like they were on fire. 'So... want a drink?' She asked and he nodded vigourously. They moved away to the refreshments table.

Zell watched Selphie dancing. She had been asked by people several times already, but they were nearing the end of the evening and they'd have to go wait for Edea's phonecall in his room, alone, together. He was dreading it if he was honest, he had never felt awkward around her before, she was Selphie and he loved her. In his moments when he was alone he could admit that to himself. But that dance had communicated something to him that he wasn't sure he was ready to face. He shook his head... even if she was feeling the same thing, which he wasn't sure she was, she had only just split up with Irvine. That in itself would give him some time to figure out what to say. He looked at his watch and when the song was finished he was waiting behind her. She looked up at him and smiled brightly.

'We have to go.' He told her as a slow song kicked off again, she looked around, held out her hand to him and gazed at him with puppy dog eyes.

'One more dance?' She asked him and he sighed and gave her a salute and a wink. She smiled beautiously at him and he could feel his heart melt as he took her in his arms. She slid her delicate arms around his waist and lent her head against his chest, he did it before he could stop himself. He kissed the top of her head and he felt her shiver, his mind was already screaming at him that he was an idiot but he wasn't sure he cared any longer. He had wanted to be like this everyday for nearly seven years, when you have what you've wanted in your arms after that long it's very hard to listen when you are being told that you have to give it up. He lent his cheek against her hair, with his eyes half lidded, whatever happened, if she was taken away from him again, he had this moment, and it would last him the rest of his life if he needed it to. The thought made him smile. He had spent his nights imagining her face and her laughter. Seven years he had spent wanting to be with her, he remembered the day when he had first fallen for her, it was just a moment in time when they were on a mission together. They had been standing by Obel lake and she was laughing, then on a grey day the sky had just shone a ray of light which seemed to light her up from the inside. From that day on, when he had closed his and cleared his mind, it was her he saw. When the song ended, she drew away from him and looked up into his eyes with a sad smile. He breathed deeply.

'We should go.' He said and she nodded.

Roo winked at Delta across the hall and her friend gave her a flat look. She was right, she knew she was, so she stuck a tounge out at her commanding officer. At that point Delta was extremely tempted to give her the finger, but being aware of the people surrounding her merely raised an eyebrow. Roo read the expression on Delta's face and grinned.

Selphie looked around Zell's room in astonishment. 'How is it so messy? You only brought one bag.' He grimaced and shrugged and began dragging his clothes up off the floor. 'You don't have to tidy up for me Zell.' He looked at her and dropped the clothes he had picked up.

'Make up your mind.' He said softly and went and slumped into his comfy chair. She looked at him for a short moment, he was hurting and she knew it was her fault. She went and sat on the arm of the chair next to him.

'I'm sorry.' She said and he looked up at her questioningly. 'I'm sorry... for the way I am... for the way I can be... I think too much, I know most people think not enough... but... I'm sorry.' He took hold of her hand.

'Selphie. Don't apologise for who you are. If you weren't who you were, I wouldn't...' He stopped and looked her in the eyes, she saw the pain in them and she knew. She hadn't guessed before but now she knew. She leant her head forwards and kissed him, she moved back to look at him. He stared at her like he was a rabbit in headlights, then he stood up and walked across the room. 'I can't do this.' He said without looking at her and he began to laugh, the hollow joyless laugh that comes when you've reach the end of your tether. 'I really can't.'

'Zell?' She asked tentatively. He turned to her.

'Selphie, if I don't say this now, and believe me I've spent years rehearsing it, I never will say it to you. I'm sure you know by now and it scares me more each year. You know I love you, but I can't do it this way. Not now, not like this. You've only just split up with Irvine and it would really kill me to be your rebound bloke.' She tried to interrupt him.

'Zell I...' he shook his head at her.

'I will not be anyone's second choice, you've told me who you want and I respect that. Nobodys second choice, especially not yours.' She watched him with her heart breaking, he had just opened up his heart to her, and without giving her any chance to respond closed it again. He was shaking and he looked as if he was going to be sick. She stood up, to tell him how she felt.

The phone rang.

And the moment was gone.

Chapter 10
Badier strolled across the concourse and saw the students he was supposed to be taking out for a night of field training, Rathi was already at the gates waiting for him. He nodded at the guy amiably, they were friends regardless of the arguement they had, had recently. He walked over to him and stood opposite him.

'You took their side.' Rathi said with a frown.

'They're Squall's friends, it's my job. Besides you were talking garbage mate.' Badier slid out his gunblade and watched the light slide down the flat of the blade.

'You know our SeeDs are just as good as theirs.' Badier turned and stared at the crowd of kids who desperately wanted to become SeeDs, or something equally as good.

'Oh they aren't, not quite. But ours students and SeeDs outnumber theirs three to one. I like those odds.' He nodded to himself. 'I like those odds.'

The phone was ringing. They stared at each other for just a moment and both dived for the on switch. Edea's face lit up the screen of the computer. 'Selphie... Zell, how are you?' She asked them with her typical gentle smile, she had discarded her fancy clothes years ago and was now the matron they remembered. Her hair was greying and her face had just started to line around the eyes.

'We're...' Zell glanced over at Selphie. 'We're okay I guess, you?' She smiled and nodded.

'I'm doing fine, Squall said you needed to have a talk with me?' She asked and Selphie nodded.

'Yeah. Matron, I have a problem...' She said and then she wasn't quite sure how to continue, Zell sitting next to after what had just happened was confusing her thinking.

'Yes Squall explained the situation a little, you were having problems with Bahumat were you not?' Selphie nodded. 'I have done a little research for you on what could cause a guardian force to become so afraid that he would try and hide from you.'

'And?' Zell asked her with a slight frown as though he was lost in thought.

'There are two things that I came up with, a soceress with harmful intent, it seems such an obvious one and Rinoa wasn't with you, so if this is the case we'll have to assume Rinoa isn't the last of her kind...' Zell frowned and nodded.

'But Bahumat faced Ultimecia without being afraid.' He told her.

'Yes, true I suppose. But her hostility even threatened the elemental plane where the guardian forces exist, he had to fight then, he had no choice. Whatever he faces now is not powerful enough to destroy his world but it is powerful enough to destroy him if he stays and faces it.' Edea glanced down at some paper in front of her. 'I have the data from the tests that were run on Bahumat when he was at the research laboratory. He is extremely old, and therefore very sensitive.'

'You're saying he sensed what? The hostility of a sorceress?' Selphie shook her head.

'No, that's not it... Bahumat reacted to two men, receiving a soceresses power is gender specific.' Edea nodded.

'That's why I found two options. The other thing that could terrify a GF, is a true soceresses knight.' They looked at her blankly and she sighed. 'In the first days of the soceresses they were able to gift their knights with real power, this power was supposed to pass on to the person who would protect her successor when she chose her. It never worked out that way, it was a broken spell, it worked the way of a soceresses power, going to the man closest to him when he died or to the person he chose to give it to whilst he was alive. The switching got out of hand, we all assumed that the power had died out like most of the soceresses power. That the people with the power died without anyone near who could receive it. It's just possible that a strain of it could have survived.' Zell frowned.

'Why haven't we heard any of this before?' She shrugged and sighed.

'It's a very old tale Zell, I personally think it is a myth but I cannot take that risk. Whatever the case, the person that triggered Bahumat's episode was feeling very hostile, and a huge chunk of it was pointed at you Selphie. Probably you too Zell.' Selphie tried to take it all in and pursed her lips.

'Why didn't Ifrit sense this hostility as well then?' She asked.

'The guardian force would have had to have been sensing things through you, if that was the case then Ifrit was probably excisting on the elemental plane where GF's go when they are not summoned. Alternatively, Bahumat is very old even for a guardian force, the older they get the greater their powers get and their abilities to sense things. It's possible that he had experienced this hostility before and he knew what it could do to him.' She looked down at the notes in front of her and nodded. Selphie swallowed hard.

'So what can we do?' Zell asked. 'What kind of powers is a true knight supposed to have?'

'The power to influence people and groups by affecting the elemental plane, the element that he would be particularly attuned to being spirit, it would be a sort of mild version of Ultimecia taking me over. But he can take over a Guardian Force, turn it against it's owner or itself, against it's will, GF's die completely if they die on the elemental plane. Do not use your guardian forces if you confront this man, because they will kill you.' She stated defiantly and Selphie felt something shiver inside her head.

*Bahumat?* She asked and the great dragon roared at her from a very great distance. *Is this true? Why didn't you just tell me?* The dragon growled from it's hiding place.

*It is safer that I am away from you at this time, let me excist in my home, do not encouter this monster, he means you no good. I will come when you need me.* Then he was gone again.

*Bahumat.... Bahumat who was it?* She looked down at the screen and both people were staring at her. 'I think Bahumat just confermed what you were saying, Edea.' She swallowed hard again and looked at Zell. 'We're in big trouble.'

Rathi looked around at the company he and Badier were leading out into the forest, all students, ready to try hard and become SeeDs. They didn't know that by the end of the day, they wouldn't want to be SeeDs anymore, they'd want Trabia to be freed

(Chapters 11-15)