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Okay most if not all of the below links are from people from the CBB and a Link to the CBB itself.


The CBB is a fanfiction writers guild dedicated to the Final Fantasy series and the games of Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger.  But other than this the message board is a fun place to hang out, very friendly and welcoming.  Both Meeky and Vendrin are hardcore members as are most of the people below.

Bubba's site, none of Bubba's fics went up at this site because they really aren't pairing fics.  But he deserves a big mention because he has helped the pair of us no end when it comes to our site (in between the laughing of course).  He also has a couple of our fics hosted at his site... so it's in our intrests to link back to him no?

Crossfire - A site by the CBB's Loren on Seifer and the DC
Emeralda.net - A site by Mel of the CBB
Fanfiction Fantasia - By Angelstorm of the CBB dedicated to fanfiction
Zealous - Eternite's site dedicated to Zell Dincht
Controversy - A site by Andromache - You must be 18 or over to visit this site
Ephemeral insanity - A site by the CBB's SelphieBabe about a wide variety of fics
Elorhe.com - A personal site of Rei Helen's showcasing her fics and art
assorted - Superviolist's website - formerly the RINI connection
The linda page - A highly amusing website showcasing Zachere's sense of humour
MuH drawinz - a site of Malice's showing (surprise surprise) her drawings
ellone-loire.net - Ellone's fantastic shrine to the Leonhart-Loire family