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What to expect from the fics with weird names in their summaries…

Some wonderful person out there (no sarcasm intended I swear!) decided that when writing a love story about a certain couple, that story should be given a unique name. How about shortening the names of the people involved and then adding them together? Doesn’t at first sound pleasant does it? Well jump on board as I, Vendrin, take you through the wonderful world of fanfiction and tell you just what those wacky titles entail…

Squinoa – sounds more like some fish dinner, right? Well no, it’s actually a romance fic starring the cute couple themselves – Squall and Rinoa. That said, can you now tell how the title name evolved? Squ(all) (R)inoa… err, yeah…

Quall – more like some kind of freaky storm, and you’d be forgiven for thinking that some beta-reader-less writer merely forgot to add the starting S… This is in fact what was produced when Quistis and Squall are paired in a fic. So now you know…

Selvine – a disease? Well on second thoughts, let’s not go there. It is in fact a smart invention to identify the Selphie and Irvine romance fics. Sel(phie) (Ir)vine. So now you know what to expect, disease or not… *avoids the low flying tennis racket*

Zelphie – no clever ideas for what this could be sorry – maybe some sort of sea creature? *ducks the eggs*. Err… never mind. In all seriousness, this is to recognize Zell and Selphie fics!! Zel(l) (Sel)phie… All makes perfect sense now, see?

Seifuu – something you’d scream mid-sneeze. Err, sorry, that’s only if you’re Ven-related. Yes, stop panicking now… *cough* Anyway, this is to describe Seifer and Fujin pairings. Gawd help. Sei(fer) Fu(jin) (Please don’t ask me about the extra U. Whoever it was had to be pis… err, drunk).

Quell – no witty comments here considering only five minutes ago did I remember it existed in the fanfiction world. Then again, anything can exist in the fanfiction world so it’s not all surprising really. Anyway, used to describe Zell and Quistis in a relationship. No, height doesn’t matter. Qu(istis) (Z)ell.

Quirvine – *Thinks up witty comment* Hey, I can’t not have one twice in a row you know! Anyways… got one! Another disease, possibly hangover related. Whatever, anyway, it identifies Quistis and Irvine romances. Qui(stis) (I)rvine. Or at least something along those lines…

Quiefer – you wondered if I’d forgotten, didn’t you? Well actually I saved the best till last. *grin* One of the most popular pairings to exist methinks, this classifies Quistis and Seifer in a relationship. Yes, people do think it’s fitting to put together the two loveless yet most unlikely people together in a fic. Romantically. So don’t sue me! *Notes her a few of her fics are Quiefer revolving and runs* Qu(istis) (S)eifer.

I think I covered them all! Please feel free to email me, Vendrin, at vengeful_dragon@talk21.com with any questions or corrections about this information or if you know of any odd pairings I have left out *grin*.

*Disclaimer* Vendrin takes no responsibility for the inapt and/or bad attempts at “humour” witnessed above. Instead, she’d rather you blame the Pepsi…

We do not own 'Pepsi'. Neither do we endorse the use of 'Pepsi' during fiction writing. ~ Meeky