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Pale September

Pale September is a Fionna Apple song. I used it as a title just because the quote in here sets the tone for the story. Otherwise this would have been untitled.


"And all my armour falling down, in a pile at my feet
And my winter giving way to warm, as I'm singing him to sleep."
(from Pale September, by Fionna Apple.)

Selphie walked down the hall to his room. She could have found it with her eyes closed, it was that familiar to her. Everything about him seemed familiar, even though he had only been here less than a year. She smiled as she found his door and pushed it open slowly. She peeked her head inside.

Squall had sent her to wake him. She was the only one who could wake him up without him grumbling, complaining, and generally trying to attack the offender who dared disturb him. Squall and the others said it was because her happiness and good nature made it impossible for any of them to think about doing anything that could upset her. She hoped it was because of love.

She krept inside and looked at him, blankets tossed all around him, cowboy hat still perched somehow on his head. She almost laughed as he rolled over, and his hat felt off. She could almost imagine him crying out in protest and blindly groping for it. He only did that when he was just waking up though, never when he was fast asleep.

She walked over quietly and perched on the edge of his bed, watching him breathe. It was almost hypnotic, and she could feel herself relaxing.

Around him she didn't have to be happy all the time. Perky. She could have a bad day. She could be mad or upset. She could even scream at him and take out any bad feelings on him, and all he'd do is just smile and understand. He wouldn't hold it against her, or coddle her. He's just always understand and take her moods in stride.

She didn't have to be the happy Selphie everyone always knew and saw.

And she was always assured of someone to support her. He had never let her down so far. He helped with whatever she deemed important, without complaint. He believed she could fly the Ragnarok. He had been her support in battle. He tried to prove to her that she could rely on him.

She touched his shoulder lightly. She really didn't want to have to wake him yet. But duty called, and who was she to try and stop the ways of the world?

But if she could, she would stop it right here and now.

A pale September morning, with the sun just rising in the background.

She leaned down close to his ear.

"Mornin Sunshine."

He grumbled a little in response, but otherwise did nothing.

"Come on Irvine, we have a mission. Time to wake up." She shook his shoulder and smiled as he opened one eye and sized her up.

"5 more mins..."

"Nope. No can do Cowboy, let's go!"

He pushed deeper into his pillow. Selphie grabbed it and pulled it away from him.

"Up now Irvy!"

He suddenly rose up and pushed her onto the bed next to him, her giggling the whole time. He sat on his knees and looked down at her.

"I was having the best dream and if I had even gotten two minutes I woulda seen how it ended!" He said in mock anger, his Galbadian accent coming through.

"Yeah, probably was a rerun of your normal dream anyway. Women and guns." She giggled and sat on her knees looking at him. He wore a sly smile.

"And what do you know about my dreams Miss?"

"I just know I'm getting tired of always having to be the star. I wanna visit other dreams too!" She said energetically as she hopped off the bed. She turned around and faced him.

"Now get ready. Squall's waiting and you know how anal he gets when he's mad. I'll be waiting at the gate!" Selphie ran out, leaving behind a smiling Irvine.