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Talzhemir's Interview, June 26, 2001

By Rydia

(You enter the dream of Talzhemir.)
(Lines of DragonSpeak: 127)
Talzhemir: :-)
You say, "Let me know when you're ready"
Talzhemir is ready!
You say, "yay :-)"
You say, "I've always been curious about your name. Where did you get it?"
Talzhemir: It was inspired by the middle name of a friend of mine, a writer. Her whole name was Heather Tajmir Heniser, and she goes by "Taj".
You say, "What are some of your favorite roleplaying games?"
Talzhemir: For paper-pencil-dice, the hands-down favorite is still the World of Darkness setting, with Vampire the Masquerade and Werewolf the Apocalypse and Mage the Ascension and Hunter the Reckoning. I also play a game called Quicksilver alot, that I happened to co-author.
Talzhemir: On computer, I like the old Ultima's, and watching games like Chronotrigger and Final Fantasy.
You say, "Can you tell us what the next species for furc will be? :-) ;-)"
Talzhemir: Ah! I'm already testing them in my Dream:
(Talz turns into a cute bunny, with animated hopping)
You say, "these will be default or for sale?"
Talzhemir: These will be the sixth choice for a free walkabout.
You say, "quite cool."
Talzhemir bows.
Talzhemir: Thank you.
You say, "Is there anything else you can tell us about what's coming to Furc? "
Talzhemir: Well, if you would kindly take your feathery wings off? there's one...
* Wings toggled.
You say, "ooh..."
You say, "dragon wings?"
Talzhemir: or bat wings, yes.
Rydia flaps :-)
Talzhemir: Those will be offered for-sale.
You say, "so it'll be a new accessory, like wings *nods*"
Talzhemir: The old single-colored wings (that I call "pigeon" wings) will still exist but at some point we will stop selling them, and only the three-color kind of bird wings will be available.
You say, "ah, the ones Kestrel makes."
Talzhemir: Based on Kestrel's, yes.
You say, "Do you enjoy any particular guilds? :-)"
Talzhemir: I enjoy lots of guilds- but I won't name any. Most of them don't know I'm there, and I think that's kind of for the better. :-)
You say, "Is it true that somewhere on the web there's a picture of your feet?_"
Talzhemir: Yes, there is. I originally made it as part of an April Fool's Day joke.
You say, "Felorin says they're dainty :p"
Talzhemir: Size 5 and suitable for use with Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do or Kuk Sool Won...
You say, "tiny feet! :-) *envies*"
You say, "What are some of your goals for Furcadia? Your mission statement so to speak."
Talzhemir: The immediate goals of Furcadia are to keep Felorin and me clothed, housed, and fed while also providing a FREE and kid-friendly place that has depth that can also amuse a grown-up longterm.
Talzhemir: The longterm goal is to build a sophisticated extremely bug-free and user-friendly communications tool that includes audio and video as well as written word, with applications in education and commerce. For example, we could have our own internal E-bay for previously-owned castles.
Rydia grins
You say, "Do you have a favorite Furcadia page?"
Talzhemir: Fave page... fave page... I was enjoying Kinetic Sage's "The Assembly" but that's down I think...
Talzhemir: If there was a Talz's Choice Award, I think they would go to Rydia's Patch page, Matimeo's Furre pages, and Timo's software page. Timo's stuff has things to be fixed but the direction is dead-on-target for what'll help everybody the most.
Rydia beams with pride. "Thank you."
You say, "What is it you wish others would know about you?"
Talzhemir: I'd like them to know I'm a big supporter of
Talzhemir: the lost art of "informal logic".
Talzhemir has a webpage for that.
Talzhemir: Is it alright if I give my informal logic web page a plug?
You say, "sure"
Talzhemir: yay! thank you. It's
Talzhemir: Sometime back, there was a Furre by the name of JaneMare. She had a Furcadia debate club. That helped inspire me to make these flash cards.
You say, "okay :-) interview done, thank you for taking the time to do this "
Talzhemir: Thank you too. :-)

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