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Chartered Guilds
There are four types of Chartered Guilds in Furcadia:

Social Guilds

A Social Guild in Furcadia has several purposes, but the main distinguishing factor is that the Guild tends to lean towards talk and events relating to real life, not just the make-believe world of Furcadia. A Social Guild might be set up to make real life friendships, help other furres, teach Dragonspeak, plan events or it could just be a group with common real life interests like movies, anime, games, etc. You can have persona play and role-play in a Social Guild, but the focus is usually on real life discussions.

Roleplay Guilds

Roleplaying Guilds require setting up complicated rules, systems, characterization, Continuity, and scenarios. The extra work involved in Roleplaying pays off in that you tend to get a more interesting experience, and it makes possible the use of character sheets, rules, and dice, all of which are optional on Furcadia. The word Roleplaying (note that it's capitalized) means playing in a well-defined world ("Continuity").

Persona Guilds

Much like Rolepley but you do not officially agree to any kind of limit to your character's power or background.


The following Guilds and their webpages may contain explicit or violent material and are not appropriate for persons under the age of 18.

Useful links:

Furry Banner ExchangeFurry Banner Exchange

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