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Guild News - 02.16.01

Letter to the Rahs of Furcadia from Elizabeth Kitty - Furcadia Community Director

Dear Rahs of Furcadia,

We are currently getting a lot of Guild Charters and Furcadia is growing fast. There's a few issues I'd like to let you know about. Furcadia will be moving to a new server machine within a month. While this shouldn't effect most players it may effect your bots. I'll let you know the new address so you can point the bots in the right direction when I know it.

There have been several groups, organizations and individuals who have been trying to "organize Guilds together" lately and I need to make some important points on this. Chartered Guilds are meant to be "autonomous". This means that they are controlled by their Rah only and that their OOC is meant to stay internal. They can offer help, activities or opportunities for role play to other furres, but they are meant to be a group unto themselves. It is the user that joins, not the characters and most RP is to be run inside an OOC shell of agreed upon rules. The only Chartered Guild rules you must follow are on the pages.

There's a very good chance that Furcadia is going to do some serious growth in the next few months, possibly reaching a total number of furres online as high as 2000 or more by Summer. Permenant dreams will be introduced and possibly some in game ways to keep character sheets and other needed tools for good role play. Chartered Guilds will play a very big role in this growth. They will be the place furres can come to be in an organized group. They are meant to be worlds unto themselves, not parts of larger groups. I know how much work it is to run a big guild and Rah's don't need the complication of dealing with outside Guilds, etc.

Now, my point on these furres trying to "organize" Chartered Guilds is that while Rahs are welcome to associate with other groups, you are *never* required to. Some of these groups and indivisuals I speak of include Raithen's idea of the Carnival, again, you are welcome to participate but it's just another Guild offering help and you don't have to in anyway. Another is The Assembly, a new RP organization group led by Kinetic Sage. This also is not an officially sanctioned group and while you are welcome to get help from them, you are not required to in any way. The worst one I saw today was a furre that was flat out lying to Guild Rahs. Sem K(somethingorother) had a bot on called FurreFeast and was claiming that if you didn't come to his "Rah Meeting" that you would make Felorin angry at you. This was in no way true and Felorin let him know just what happens to someone impersonating staff. In conclusion, you are welcome to participate in anything you like in Furcadia, however, when something is official to Chartered Guilds, it will be in a letter sent to Rahs through me or on the Chartered Guild pages.

Please feel free to email me back at anytime or talk to Elizabeth Kitty in Furcadia.

Thank you for being good Furcadia citizens,

Elizabeth Kitty,
Community Director

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