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Story - Part 1

Chapter 1 - By Symn

Korlee watched in horror as her brother flung the severed arm out of the shed and onto the ground before her. She closed her eyes tightly and yelled, "Are you really fixing it, Jacob?" Jacob, a well-built tabby cat with large, emerald eyes and shiny, well-groomed gray and white fur, protruded from the shed, leaning against the doorframe of the shabby green shack. "I'm done, silly," he huffed, looking at the arm that lay in the grass before Korlee. Korlee made a face and placed her hands on her hips angrily, squealing unhappily in a high-pitched tone, "But, she's missing an arm! People will notice, Jacob!" Jacob looked over his shoulder into the shed, "Well, I didn't notice. I doubt an-" Korlee cut him off right there, pushing her way past him and looking into the shed. She screamed in horror at what she saw, "My doll!"

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