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Interview: Nikodemus, January 24, 2002

By Rydia

Rydia: "Nikodemus... do you like the rats of Nymh? ;-)"
Nikodemus: NIMH ;-) but yes ;-)
You say, "Please tell us a little about what it means to be a bugge"
Nikodemus is primarily an associate and only on 2nd position a bugge hunter :-)
Nikodemus: what it means..
Nikodemus: responsibility.
Nikodemus: the bugge hunters are those who try to break the client and other programs in various ways to find bugs.

Server going down. Back up shortly.

Nikodemus: ugh,,
Rydia: "you were saying? :-P"
Nikodemus: They must, however, report any bugs they find and that they can reproduce
Nikodemus: failing to do so will result in them being removed from the group
Rydia: "How long have you been a guardian now?"
Nikodemus: I don't remember, but it's been a very long time :-)

Rydia: "Do you think it was a good idea to make it easier to become a guardian?"
Rydia: "(ie being able to apply now and not be carefully chosen)"
Nikodemus: being able to apply doesn't mean you'll become one :-) guardians are still carefully chosen :-)
Nikodemus: It just means more applicants and more work for our poor overworked Shadowborn. as all of them have to be checked and checked again and interviewed and taught stuff.

Rydia: "Will you be making anymore patches?"
Nikodemus: patches.. I don't do patches.. :-)
Nikodemus: You should know that :-P
Rydia: "Oh, but you made the floors and walls"
Nikodemus: I did?
Nikodemus scratches head..
Rydia: "didn't you? @.@"
Nikodemus: heh :-)
Nikodemus: yeah.. but the walls and floors are calculated by programs.
Nikodemus: no real drawing involved there
Nikodemus: If you need more wall shapes just send me the templates and I'll put 'em in

Rydia: "Where do you like to hang out when you're not busy? "
Nikodemus: I'm always busy ;-)
Nikodemus: You can find me in various places on furc. meo, ai, sanc, ... but hardly any player owned dreams..
Nikodemus: I don't have enough time to socialize.. aside from the fact that I'm always on furc when most of my friends are not.
Nikodemus: (due to working shedules)
Rydia: "What does Quam quisque noverit artum, in hac se exerceat mean?"
Nikodemus: It means: Don't do what you aren't supposed to do, or, in other words: stay out of trouble
Rydia grins
Rydia: "Anything else you want to add?"
Nikodemus: newp :-)
Nikodemus: aside from these words: You Will Be Assimilated
Rydia: "Thank you Niko ;-)"

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