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Frequently Asked Questions List

"Some questions are universal, you know.  It is the nature of the human species to ask them."

- Albert Einstein

What is a PBEM?

  • A PBEM is a game played through email.  Chess, for example, is played through email by each player taking turns exchanging chess moves.  When we use the phrase PBEM on this website, we specifically mean a role-playing game played through email.

What is "role-playing", and how does one "role-play" in a game?

  • Role-playing is the assumption of a character or a role in the same manner as that of an actor.  In role-playing games, each player is represented by a character.  The player decides what the character will do in an impromptu fashion and must then deal with the results of his actions.

How does a PBEM work?

  • The GM will send out a public post via email to all players in the game describing the surroundings and current situation of the character.  This post might also contain dialog from non-player characters or summaries of previous actions.  If there is specific information that would only be available to a smaller group of players or to only a single player, the GM will send a separate email to them.  Players in turn send a reply via email to the GM and the other players that describes their characters reactions to the given situation.  Again, private messages are sent when necessary.

Is playing in one of these games going to cost me anything?

  • While there are PBEMs out there in which you have to pay to play, this is not one of them.  Participation in the Young Kingdoms is free.  You may feel free to donate something to help us keep going, but we're not going to charge you for it.

How long do these games last?

  • These campaigns are open ended.  Technically, they could last until the sun explodes and the world ends.  Realistically, they will last for as long as there are players interested in participating.

If these games can last literally forever, how much time am I required to spend playing?

  • In general, it takes anywhere from five minutes to an hour per week to come up with a response to a game turn.  Some things can increase this time (such as being a GM or being in more than one campaign).  As for how long you stay as a player... well, that's up to you.

How many campaigns can I join at once?

  • As many as you like, assuming you submit an acceptable character.

What game rules are being used?

  • The campaigns set in the Young Kingdoms all use Fantasy Hero 5th Edition rules, published by Hero Games.

Are there any special rules?

  • Yes.  There have been additions and changes made to the rules as they are found in the Hero System Rulebook.  You can find those extra rules on the House Rules page.

How do I submit a character?

  • First, subscribe to the Taranche Chat mailing list.  This is required of all persons who intend on participating in any campaign.  Once you're on, wait for a GM to announce that they are taking submissions.  Follow his or her directions, then submit a character.

What should I read before designing/submitting a character?

  • Read the character construction guidelines on the individual campaign pages, and read all the character advice found on the character submission pages.

Just what are the players responsible for?

  • The players are responsible for fully creating their character, making sure their character is updated on the website, and responding to game moves.

Just what are the GMs responsible for?

  • Everything else that deals with their specific campaign.

What do I need to start playing immediately?

  • Technically, all you need is a character to play.  Realistically, it is very unlikely that you will start playing immediately.  Most new players start out as lurkers, and sometimes you end up lurking for some months.

What is lurking?

  • A person is said to be lurking if he or she is subscribed to a campaign's mailing list, but is not an active player.

Do I need a character to lurk?

  • Only if you intend on eventually playing.  If all you want to do is read the story, go for it.

What happens if I miss a move?

  • The GM writes your character's actions for you.  However, if you miss two in a row without adequate explanation, you can be summarily removed from the game by the GM with no warning.

What happens if I go on vacation or am otherwise unavailable for a couple of weeks?

  • If you've given your GM warning, nothing.  He keeps writing for your character until you get back.  If you haven't given him warning, most likely you won't be playing when you get back.  Also, if by "a couple of weeks" you mean "a month or more", you will likely be replaced.  If the circumstances were beyond your control (for example, if you took suddenly ill and were in the hospital on life support for a month or so) you may or may not be let back into your game, but if not we'd put you at the head of the lurker list.

What happens if the GM goes on vacation or is otherwise unavailable for a couple of weeks?

  • If he's given Rebecca Butler warning, the game goes on hiatus until he gets back.  If he hasn't warned Rebecca that he's going to be gone, most likely he will no longer be the GM when he gets back.  Also, if by "a couple of weeks" he means "a month or more", he'll be replaced.

If I get banned, is there any way I could be allow back into the game?

  • That depends.  If you get banned from a single game, the decision to let you back in is up to the GM of that game.  If you get banned from all Guardians campaigns, you will not be allowed to participate again, ever, without first apologizing for the offense for which you were banned.  If Jack and Becky accept your apology, you'll be let back into the games but will forever more be on "Sudden Death Probation".  What this means is that if you ever cause any amount of trouble again, for whatever reason, you'll be gone permanently.

Who are Jack and Becky, and why do they act so damned pushy all the time?

  • Jack and Rebecca Butler are the creators and owners of the game world used in these campaigns, and are the founders of the Young Kingdom games.

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The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche are copyrighted to Jack and Rebecca Butler, and is their solely owned property.  The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, and all of the campaigns therein, are works of collaborative fiction.  All the characters and events portrayed here are either products of the authors' imagination or are used fictitiously.  Except where otherwise specifically noted, the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, all Young Kingdoms characters, and all stories included therein are Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Jack and Rebecca Butler with all rights reserved under International Copyright Convention.  Submitting material (such as but not limited to character submissions, background information, and artwork) for inclusion in the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche grants Jack and Rebecca Butler the right to use that material as they wish, in perpetuity, within the confines of the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche. The submitter does not give up the right to use the material in ways unconnected to the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche.  This website was designed by Jack Butler, and is maintained by Jack Butler. Unless otherwise and specifically noted and with the exception of player characters which are the creations of their respective players, all material on this site is the creation of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  No material on this site may be posted or published elsewhere without the express written permission of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  Fantasy Hero and the Hero System are registered trademarks of and are copyrighted by Hero Games, Inc.  No challenge to any trademark or copyright is made or implied by this site.