has always been thus, Your Majesty. Even the Empire had to keep
vigilant, lest the farthest reaches flare into rebellion.
It seems some barbarian peoples simply do not know when they are
defeated. Which of course brings us to the problem your
Majesty is facing along his northern frontier..."
- Theodoric the Old, Sage to King Pilheard of Calafia
in response to His Majesty
About Behavior While Playing
Please keep in mind that these are not your games. This means that
the DM's and the Administrators choose the manner in which they
are run. It also means that
the Administrators choose what is and is not appropriate for the game world.
Two: If
you disagree with a decision that has been made and wish to discuss
this agreement, feel free. Who knows... you may
just change someone's mind. However, please hold such discussions
privately with the DM or Administrator in question. Discussing decisions
on the game's mailing list falls under the heading of "disrupting the
People who are guilty of disrupting the game will be removed. Nothing personal, but we all
want to have fun,
and messing up that fun isn't... well... fun.
No character will be accepted using rules other than those on
this site or those in the Hero System 5th Edition book, the Hero
Bestiary, Fantasy Hero, and the Ultimate Martial Artist.
In the future, the Administrators may consider allowing the use
of some of the expansion books, but for now that's it.
Your characters are supposed to be a group of friends who
regularly and willingly enter dangerous situations together. Characters who
do not play well with others, or who for some reason insist on
keeping secrets from the other characters, will not be accepted.
This is true for all games and will be enforced by both DM's and
the Administrators. Should a game start that is based
around other than teamwork, a note will be made on that
campaign's page.
Six: There is no rule
Excess chat not related to the game should occur on the general
Taranche mailing list. Please make use of it since you're
required to be on there anyway in order to play. Do not
disrupt any mailing list with forwarded spam emails, political
discussion or religious discussion (real life, of course, is
what we mean by these last two). Those three things are
never allowed on any Taranche mailing list.
The Basic
Source Text:
Unless specifically contradicted or altered by a house rule, all
material found in the following sources is to be considered official
for the purposes of the Young Kingdoms. This list can be
added to at any time:
- The Hero System 5th Edition Book (sometimes
called the "Green Man Book", FRED, or the GMB).
- The Hero System Bestiary.
- Fantasy Hero
- The Ultimate Martial Artist.
Experience Point Awards:
Characters will be awarded experience points at the end of each
storyline segment. Experience will be awarded based on
posting frequency and quality, problem solving and plot development.
Bonus experience points will be given out for any of the
Writing an
"in-character diary" of your adventures during the campaign,
which can then be posted to the website.
Collaborating with
other players to produce "side stories", written as fiction,
that fit within accepted background limits of the world of
Taranche. (It should be pointed out to those would-be
wizards out there that stories about crafting magical items is a
good way to offset the XP cost of those items or even cancel it
altogether for a good story and a cheap item).
Creating and
submitting a background element, and having that background
element included in the the world of Taranche. Such
submissions can fall into either the Background Flavor category
(which includes such things as new plants and animals,
geographical phenomena, stellar phenomena, myths and fairy
tales, legendary NPCs, legendary magical items, songs and
poetry, fiction pieces, and so on) and the Rules category (which
includes such things as new spells, new pieces of equipment, new
feats, new skills, and so on).
Blatant stupidity, out of character or alignment actions, or use
of player knowledge as compared to character knowledge will
result in experience penalties. If the penalty is higher
than that session's award, the balance will be deducted from
your sheet. If the penalty is higher than your current
total, your point level will be negative until you earn enough
to overcome the deficit.
The God Clause:
If there is justification, NPCs are allowed to
violate the rules.
The Rounding Rule:
With the single exception of Speed, fractions are always
rounded off to the nearest whole number. Fractions of precisely ½
are always rounded in favor of the player. Speed does not round.
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