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The Gods
The Four Seasons


And thus did the Gods become wrathful against the sins of the Emperors, and smote his kingdom into ashes."

- Opius Falerius Maximo "A History of the Empire"

Some General Guidelines Regarding Religion in Taranche

The gods of Taranche take an active interest in the world.  To this end, they have specific roles to play in the affairs of individual mortals and entire races alike, the events of which they dictate requiring honor and prayer.

The mortal races are not insignificant.  They are charged with the great task of bringing themselves back full circle -- to the heartfelt understanding of truth through faith in the gods.  It is the priests who carry the heaviest burden, for it is they who must ensure the faith remains strong.

Most of the people of Taranche worship more than one god on a daily basis, even if they dedicate their entire lives to one god.  A weaponsmith might take Oranus as his patron deity, but also pray to Rabirius for assistance before forging a blade.  A weapon forged for use by a castle guard might also involve prayers to Ausonius.

Many folks make offerings both to deities they revere and appeasement offerings to deities of markedly different alignment and interests from their own to ward off spite, divine whim, and holy vengeance.

In addition to the Gods mentioned below, most dwarves (both Imperial and Barbarian) will offer a prayer to the spirits of their dead ancestors, particularly the founder of their Clan.  The ancestors are seen as intermediaries between the individual dwarf and the gods.

The Gods Themselves

The pantheon of Taranche is for the most part notable for their ability to transform themselves to local circumstance.  The deities worshipped in any given region may vary, given the proclivities of the people who live there.  In addition, the way each god is perceived and the way the pantheon is worshipped can vary widely.  Each of the barbarian races worship many (though never all) of the same gods as the Imperials, though with different names and in some cases even differing genders.

The barbarian races also venerate gods who were simply not recognized as such by the Imperial people.  Such beings are still gods in their own right, however, and grant their worshippers what blessings they do as normal.

Lastly, it is also not uncommon for people to venerate local deities, household gods, deified heroes, and even elemental spirits and demons.  These minor deities are often more widely worshipped in their local areas than the major deities themselves.  Local gods rarely have any dedicated priests, but are rather served by lay worshippers.

The gods aren't just "bigger tougher monsters".  They are the raw, powerful engines which keep the world of Taranche running.  Admittedly, not all gods are created equal... but all true gods are immortal and indestructible.  A player character has no hope of ever defeating a god in combat.  Period.

The gods do not utilize avatars, although they may manifest their power in a worshipper.  Note that there are a few exceptions to this rule; in most cases the exceptions are local gods, such as Sherlyndria, a local goddess of rural Soravia, who is incarnate in a truly gigantic and magnificent apple tree on the outskirts of Sherlynsfyrd, Shushaz, a local dwarven god who is incarnated in Mount Shushaz, or Ubriel the White, a local Choyen god who is incarnated in the being of a large and truly magnificent stallion.

The Imperial Gods
Name Portfolio
Artorus God of Chivalry, Valor, Honor, Oaths, Ethics, Justice, and Truth
Ausonius God of Law, Order, and Cities
Brucca Goddess of Archery, Hunting, and Patience
Calatora Goddess of Love and Harmony
Calpurnia Goddess of the Home, Marriage, and Industriousness
Clauda Goddess of Martial Skill, Discipline, and The Pursuit of Excellence
Coscona Goddess of Thievery, Gambling, Luck, and Risk
Desticius God of Discord, Misfortune,  and Mischief
Dissenius God of Art, Poetry, Music, Humor, Passion, Wine, Song, and Stories
Durona Goddess of Travel and the Stars
Epidius God of Magic
Fadus God of Battle, Chaos, Berserk Fury, and Fearless Courage
Floronius God of Pain, Hurt, Torture, and Cold
The Four Seasons Goddesses of the Seasons
Gabinius God of Murder and Revenge
Herilla Goddess of Undeath and  Necromancy
Hosidius God of Disease, Epidemics, Sickness, Plague, Vermin, Hunger, and Starvation
Lampronus God of Daylight, the Sun, and Dawn
Metilius God of Science, Invention, Reason, Knowledge, and Wisdom
Manatus God of Time, Fate, Death, Prophecy, and the Underworld
Nemetorius God of Money, Business, Wealth, and Greed
Nigidius God of Sailors, Fisherman, and Those That Travel By Way of the Sea
Novilla Goddess of Envy, Injustice, Jealousy, Seduction, Temptation, and Unfulfilled Desires
Oranus God of Fire, Craft, and Craftsmanship
Pomponilla Goddess of Peace, Comfort, Mercy, Hope, and Healing
Rabirius God of War and Strategy
Sabuca Goddess of Agriculture, Fertility, and the Harvest
Sallustus God of Poison, Serpents, Treachery, Lies, Deceit
Serga Goddess of the Moon
Tanicus God of Lightning and Thunder
Urgulanus God of Nature
Valgilla Goddess of Night and Darkness
Volcatius God of Oppression, Slavery, Hatred, and Bigotry

The Barbarian Gods
Note that for the most part, the Barbarian people worship the Imperial Gods under different names and with slightly different methods.  The gods that follow are only those that are those that are not a part of the Imperial pantheon.
Name Portfolio
Arpigig Ormuz God of the Earth, Mountains, Metal, and Strength
Gaakt Ormuz God of Fire, Creativity, and Magic
Grugnir Chayk God of Bears
Hjarm Chayk Goddess of Weapons, Skill, and Endurance
Horir Chayk God of Winter, Snow, and Blizzards
Hugnhild Chayk God of Strength, Power, and Effort
Kog Ormuz God of Water, Secrets, and Cunning
Melikhiz God of Decay and Insanity
Nehkrakgu Ormuz God of Air, Storms, Lightning, and Thunder
Sornod Chayk Goddess of Spring and Youth
Sornfa Chayk Goddess of the Moon
Zapyurik Rostok God of Horses
Zarazen* Khazak God of Blood Vengeance

* Uttering the name of this god is something Khazak dwarves in general will not do, except when an individual is declaring a Blood Oath.  Even writing down his name in full is something that is just not done.  To a Khazak, casually mentioning Zarazen's name is akin to standing up in the middle of a church service and yelling the word "fuck" at the top of your lungs nine or ten times.  A blood oath, on the other hand, is made at the top of a dwarf's voice, in public, and includes the name of the god.  There are no priests or temples of this deity.

The Cults
These religions are not very prominent, but in some cases have wide following.  Almost all are evil faiths, dedicated to demon-worship or the worship of other foul creature.
Name Portfolio
Malakhizz Cult of Darkness, Slow Decay and the Descent into Madness
Shexis Cult of Spider Worship
Shtesstet Cult of Snake Worship
Vermithrax Cult of Dragon Worship

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The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche are copyrighted to Jack and Rebecca Butler, and is their solely owned property.  The Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, and all of the campaigns therein, are works of collaborative fiction.  All the characters and events portrayed here are either products of the authors' imagination or are used fictitiously.  Except where otherwise specifically noted, the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche, all Young Kingdoms characters, and all stories included therein are Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 by Jack and Rebecca Butler with all rights reserved under International Copyright Convention.  Submitting material (such as but not limited to character submissions, background information, and artwork) for inclusion in the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche grants Jack and Rebecca Butler the right to use that material as they wish, in perpetuity, within the confines of the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche. The submitter does not give up the right to use the material in ways unconnected to the Young Kingdoms PBEM Universe and the World of Taranche.  This website was designed by Jack Butler, and is maintained by Jack Butler. Unless otherwise and specifically noted and with the exception of player characters which are the creations of their respective players, all material on this site is the creation of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  No material on this site may be posted or published elsewhere without the express written permission of Jack and Rebecca Butler.  Fantasy Hero and the Hero System are registered trademarks of and are copyrighted by Hero Games, Inc.  No challenge to any trademark or copyright is made or implied by this site.