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Hunter Personnel Files

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Access Granted: Welcome Samael

Order: Transcribe to Standard English
ProcessingÖ . . . . .

Confirmed, transcription of Personnel Files complete.
File Accessed and Transcribed on this Date:
(Date and user recorded into the systems security log)

---------------------------------------Make your choice:------------------------------------------------


Samael Dominais
Grahfgarion Himura Balathzar
Nessos Archon
Aramil Darkblade
Taharial Shinkawa
Seth Ianosian
Kinnin Drachemörder
Edward Winterbourne
Shawn Caine
Nicole Ivy Golarion
Ratchet Nexus
Zack Beoulve
Crix Hitokiri

The Lord Masters

Riekin Vistani
Lazarion Taranes
Thomas Corem
Pluth Vance
Corlath Toin
Tessa Lourdes
Theo Loomas
Arminius Corelsti
Shirou Tadatsu
Murasa Shotou