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Chores List


Up Student Roster Room Assignments Chores List Class Schedule DangerRoom Training Tracking Mansion Rules Grad. Requirements Requirement Explanation


Everyone on the campus is required to help out with the chores. It's part of the Room and Board for Free deal.  Everyone is required to pitch in and do their share. Teachers and Students alike.  The schedule is on a simple rotation, with people switching chores every week.  If you do not know how to complete the chore assigned to you, there will be faculty available to help.


Weeks One and Six

Chore Included Duties Assigned Students
K.P. Cleaning up after ALL Meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) Cade, Hiroshi, Nelson, Tempori
Housekeeping Upstairs Cleaning all common rooms from the Foyer to the 4th floor, including bathrooms (dusting, vacuuming, mopping) Damien, Jack, Tori, Peter
Housekeeping Downstairs Cleaning all common rooms from the first basement down , including bathrooms and locker rooms (dusting, vacuuming, mopping) Darian, James, Ralph, Zade
Grounds Cleaning Cleaning the Non-wooded grounds of the school, from the lake to the gates  (sweeping drive and walks, raking leaves, shoveling snow, cleaning the fountain) Dorothea, Karina, Seth, Zephyr
Grooming Horses The Nexxus Academy has 22 horses which must be cared for on a regular basis  (feeding, grooming, cleaning stalls) Heather, Matthew, Susan

Weeks Two and Seven

Chore Included Duties Assigned Students
K.P. Preparing and cleaning up after ALL Meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) Heather, Matthew, Susan
Housekeeping Upstairs Cleaning all common rooms from the Foyer to the 4th floor, including bathrooms (dusting, vacuuming, mopping) Cade, Hiroshi, Nelson, Tempori
Housekeeping Downstairs Cleaning all common rooms from the first basement down , including bathrooms and locker rooms (dusting, vacuuming, mopping) Damien, Jack, Tori, Peter
Grounds Cleaning Cleaning the Non-wooded grounds of the school, from the lake to the gates  (sweeping drive and walks, raking leaves, shoveling snow, cleaning the fountain) Darian, James, Ralph, Zade
Grooming Horses The Nexxus Academy has 22 horses which must be cared for on a regular basis  (feeding, grooming, cleaning stalls) Dorothea, Karina, Seth, Zephyr

Weeks Three and Eight

Chore Included Duties Assigned Students
K.P. Preparing and cleaning up after ALL Meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) Dorothea, Karina, Seth, Zephyr
Housekeeping Upstairs Cleaning all common rooms from the Foyer to the 4th floor, including bathrooms (dusting, vacuuming, mopping) Heather, Matthew, Susan
Housekeeping Downstairs Cleaning all common rooms from the first basement down , including bathrooms and locker rooms (dusting, vacuuming, mopping) Cade, Hiroshi, Nelson, Tempori
Grounds Cleaning Cleaning the Non-wooded grounds of the school, from the lake to the gates  (sweeping drive and walks, raking leaves, shoveling snow, cleaning the fountain) Damien, Jack, Tori, Peter
Grooming Horses The Nexxus Academy has 22 horses which must be cared for on a regular basis  (feeding, grooming, cleaning stalls) Darian, James, Ralph, Zade

Weeks Four and Nine

Chore Included Duties Assigned Students
K.P. Preparing and cleaning up after ALL Meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) Darian, James, Ralph, Zade
Housekeeping Upstairs Cleaning all common rooms from the Foyer to the 4th floor, including bathrooms (dusting, vacuuming, mopping) Dorothea, Karina, Seth, Zephyr
Housekeeping Downstairs Cleaning all common rooms from the first basement down , including bathrooms and locker rooms (dusting, vacuuming, mopping) Heather, Matthew, Susan
Grounds Cleaning Cleaning the Non-wooded grounds of the school, from the lake to the gates  (sweeping drive and walks, raking leaves, shoveling snow, cleaning the fountain) Cade, Hiroshi, Nelson, Tempori
Grooming Horses The Nexxus Academy has 22 horses which must be cared for on a regular basis  (feeding, grooming, cleaning stalls) Damien, Jack, Tori, Peter

Weeks Five and Ten

Chore Included Duties Assigned Students
K.P. Preparing and cleaning up after ALL Meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) Damien, Jack, Tori, Peter
Housekeeping Upstairs Cleaning all common rooms from the Foyer to the 4th floor, including bathrooms (dusting, vacuuming, mopping) Darian, James, Ralph, Zade
Housekeeping Downstairs Cleaning all common rooms from the first basement down , including bathrooms and locker rooms (dusting, vacuuming, mopping) Dorothea, Karina, Seth, Zephyr
Grounds Cleaning Cleaning the Non-wooded grounds of the school, from the lake to the gates  (sweeping drive and walks, raking leaves, shoveling snow, cleaning the fountain) Heather, Matthew, Susan
Grooming Horses The Nexxus Academy has 22 horses which must be cared for on a regular basis  (feeding, grooming, cleaning stalls) Cade, Hiroshi, Nelson, Tempori




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Last Updated on 01/07/2004