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Grad. Requirements


Up Student Roster Room Assignments Chores List Class Schedule DangerRoom Training Tracking Mansion Rules Grad. Requirements Requirement Explanation

For a description of what qualifies for each kind of post, CLICK HERE



Level 1 - Freshman Class
Introduction Post (1)
Class Posts (5)
Danger Room Training Posts (5)
Chores Post (3)
Mission RP (1)
Unrelated RP (3)
Off Campus RP (1)

Once these posts are completed, your character will advance to Sophomore Level. They gain intermediate control over their abilities (More than just knowing how NOT to use them, this includes some basic uses of the ability, though not the finite control), as well as the skills learned in any classes they take (example: if your character takes Martial Arts, when the level is complete, they will have the first two levels complete in their discipline) Characters gain Level 1 Clearance to the Danger Room, and the ability to Access their training programs at any time the Danger Room is not otherwise occupied. Players may also create and play a second character.

Level 2 -  Sophomore Class

Class Posts (4)
Danger Room Training Posts (5)
Chores Posts (2)
Mission RP (1)
Unrelated RP (5)
Off Campus RP (2)

Once these posts are completed, your character will advance to Junior Level. They gain Advanced levels of control over their abilities, as well as increase their skills in their classes (provided you continue the course of study. Example: should you continue in Martial Arts, you gain advanced skills. If you only just began your Martial Arts training, you gain intermediate level skills) Your character gains Level 2 Clearance to the Danger Room, with the ability to modify their training programs within set specifications. Players may also create and play a third character.

Level 3 - Junior Class

Class Posts (3)

Teaching/Team Training DR Posts (3)
Chores Posts (1)
Mission RP (1)
Unrelated RP (6)
Off Campus RP (3)

Once these posts are completed, your character advances to Senior Level. The characters ability strength reaches the peak performance levels, and control is almost complete. They gain the skills learned in their coursework, and advance to Team Training and Practice. Characters gain Level 3 Clearance to the Danger Room, with the ability to Create their own training programs, within set specifications.

Level 4 - Senior Class

Class Posts (2)
Teaching/Leading DR Practice RP (4)
Chores Posts (1)
Mission RP (2)
Unrelated RP (6)
Off Campus RP (4)

Once these posts are completed, your character graduates. They will be given the opportunity to continue their classes through a college, leave the school, or become a student team leader, helping to train the students in the Danger Room, and acting as Team Leaders in crisis situations.  




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Last Updated on 01/07/2004