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Requirement Explanation


Up Student Roster Room Assignments Chores List Class Schedule DangerRoom Training Tracking Mansion Rules Grad. Requirements Requirement Explanation


Introduction Post - Introduce your character, get them settled into their room, and ready to participate in the school activities. A course schedule MUST be submitted to the GMs, and will be added to the schedule on the website as they are received.

Class Posts - Your character attends a school. This means classes. Describe what your character learns.  Your teachers will be posting for various classes, so you can use this as a guide, or you can take some initiative and write about a class on your own.  But please make sure you do not contradict what another player has already written.

Danger Room Training Posts - The Danger Room is where your character hones their abilities. Each character will be given a trainer, which is either GM controlled, or is a Playing Character which has advanced to Level 4 and is therefore required to teach. Collaborate with the player of your character's trainer on a joint post, which details some of what your character learns in the Danger Room to advance their skills.  Something to note:  When you reach Level 3, your training MUST come in the form of using your abilities in a collaborative manner with your other teammates, by helping to train another student, or within the course of a mission, unless discussed with a GM before hand (in cases where the character decides not to pursue team training, these requirements may be filled in other ways)

Teaching/Leading Danger Room Training Posts - When you advance to level 3, you will be a team member, and the requirements for fulfilling DR Posts change.  At level 3, you will be required to help train your classmates, and/or participate in team training.  By Level 4, you advance to Leadership Training, and are required to lead the team on the training missions, or teach another student on an individual basis. The choice is up to you, how you fill the required posts, but you will have to do it yourself. Collaborate with an individual on a teaching post, lead your team through a training mission, or mix and match to meet the requirements.  Something to note:  If you are attempting to fill your leadership danger room requirements, you must LEAD.  You will not receive credit for merely being a part of a team, or using your powers within the course of a mission.  If you are not in charge of a team, it does not meet the requirements of "leading" a team.

Chores Posts - Each character is expected to help maintain the school grounds and building. The list will be maintained in the Nexxus Forum, currently located at

Mission RP's - There will be occasions where there are battles to fight, and mysteries to solve, whether it be taking on the Juggernaut, or a back-ally brawl. Large or Small, it's what the X-Men do. Stow away on the blackbird when the X-Men go out to save the world, or sneak out of the school to catch the local rowdies in the act of roughing up a local. There will be opportunities to play "the hero", and we encourage each character to give it a shot.  Something to note:  Missions are instigated by the GM, or by those who have graduated from the Academy and are running "authorized" missions which have been approved by the GM's.  You can only go out to catch the rowdies roughing up a local if we put them out there to catch.  You may not generate your own missions until you have graduated from the school, and have worked out the timing of the missions with the GM's.

Off Campus RP - There is life outside of school. Go to the local malt shop, or hang out at the mall. Go on a field trip, or go home to visit your family.  But get your character off the school grounds. Maybe even get them a job to get some extra spending credits. Anything to get them off the grounds once in a while.

Interaction Posts - Interact with your fellow classmates, or get to know the faculty members. After all, you are living with them. You're going to run into them sometime, and you can't just keep giving them the silent treatment, can you? Play with the other people. It's part of the fun.





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Last Updated on 01/07/2004