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Class Schedule


Up Student Roster Room Assignments Chores List Class Schedule DangerRoom Training Tracking Mansion Rules Grad. Requirements Requirement Explanation


Classes are held Monday-Thursday only.  Dinner is at 5:00.  Curfew is at 11:00 on school nights, and 2:00 am on weekends.  The gates to the school LOCK when the curfew hour strikes, and the only way on or off the school after that is in the company of a faculty member.  Weekend passes are granted by faculty members, as are the keys to the automobiles (no student is allowed to keep their own vehicle at the school).  There are THREE Academy vehicles  (a green four-door Escort, a blue Blazer/SUV, and a Full Sized Chevy Van)



Class Location Instructor Attendees

7:00 AM


8:00 AM

General Studies (Eng, Hist, Math)

Gen Studies Room

Dillon Drake

All students

9:00 AM

General Physical Education


Dillon Drake

All students and faculty

10:00 AM

Danger Room Training

Danger room

All teachers

All students

11:00 AM



1:00 PM

Physics Physics Lab Dillon Drake Hiroshi, Matthew, Peter, Ralph


Chemistry Chemistry Lab Ty-Phillipe Boudreaux Damien, Dorothea, James, Susan


Painting Art Studio Tala Nightwind Cade, Darian, Jack, Zephyr


Renaissance Literature Library SkyDance K'Treva Heather, Tempori, Zade

2:00 PM

Weight Lifting Weight Room Ty-Phillipe Boudreaux James, Nelson


Mechanics Garage Tala Nightwind Cade, Dorothea, Heather, Ralph, Seth, Zephyr


First Aid Danger Room SkyDance K'Treva Damien, Darian, Hiroshi, Jack, Matthew, Peter, Susan

3:00 PM

Computer Science Electronics Lab Ty-Phillipe Boudreaux Cade, Heather, Hiroshi, Matthew


Self-Defense Gym Tala Nightwind Darian, Dorothea, Jack, James, Karina, Nelson, Peter, Ralph, Susan, Tempori, Zephyr
4:00 PM Equestrianship Stables Tala Nightwind Damien, Dorothea, Jack, James, Karina, Tempori, Zephyr


Cooking Kitchens SkyDance K'Treva Cade, Darian, Matthew, Seth, Susan

5:30 PM



Only the classes held before noon are Required.  Everything else is an elective course.




Site Outline


Last Updated on 01/09/2004