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Alcarinqua Sai

Alcarinqua Sai
(Glorious Fire)

Silver moonlight reflects
off the seaspray
Weave a haunting melody

The forest breathes
and the song of the night
flows through me

The morning dew
Cleanses my mind
And the leaves crumble underfoot
As the Grey Havens shine

This passage to life everlasting
A latticework of
Stone and pearl walls
carassing the shore and
White ships lovely maintained

I have returned to this place

To see

To remember

Fertile earth sown by my Kindred
Air teaming with the legacy
Of the Calequendi

My mind decends
into mists of memory
I write what will become
Lore for Men



And borne away
on the breathe of yesterday

The valour of times past cries out to me
I desire to see the shimmering gates of Gondolin again
To feel the sanctuary of Doriath
To hear the tongue of my brothers welcoming me home

They Say:
Let us go forth within the crush of battle
As stealthy birds of prey
As spirits of dour foreboding

I harken to the call of my ancestors

Fierce and wise
Powerful and immortal
Mighty Rulers of Eldar

The light of the Two Trees
shown upon his hauberk
As he led us over the frozen waste
And Defying the Similarials curse
Challenged Morgoth
With Ringil his blade
Seven times cut
Seven times the Shadow’s cry was heard

Lord of the Fountains
Cloaked in showers of diamonds
His victory came too late
For Gothmog was slain
But so was the city of Gondolin
And the Warden of the Great Gate

Ereinion Gil-galad
The fire that led our people to freedom
Uniting Middle Earth under the Last Alliance
Of Elves and Men
Sought to fell a foe greater than he
But, Sauron dimmed the Star of Radiance
and sent it over The Sea

I weep, lamenting the glorious fire
that burned within the blood of the Noldor
Kindled in the fealty of the Firstborne

I scream at the heavens
Cursing the slayers of my kin
As I fall to my knees



and without a King

Then, a vision
Brought to me in my grief

I hear Manwë call:

"Do not give in to despair
The Dagor Telda will avenge Elves all
who harken to my call.
For Behold!
The Gates of the Noldor still stand.
And light of Arda
has not been felled by Morgoth's command."

My eyes open wide
As I gasp for breath
My heart fills with pride
As I see the foreshadowing of my kin

Legions of swordsmen shine with the light of Eru
Spirit immutable
Crests of Kings reflecting the honor of old
Calling forth the ranks of philosopher soldiers

Spears blanket the land
Arrows cry with vengence
Seeking black blood to flow

As I pick myself up
Sea-wind blows through my hair
And the golden light of Ilúvatar shines
Through my skin

My spirit feels the call of the West

As, I stand waiting for the Last Battle

And the return of my Kin.

Do not repost without permission.
This writing is the intellectual property of the author.
All writing is by Voroturiön.

The Last Alliance
Women of the Noldor
Glorious Fire
Starry Twilight
My Favorite Links

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