Energy Emission Powers
Power can be emitted by any part of the hero's body. For most Powers, it is not important to specify the emergence point. For the Powers of the Energy Emission class, though, emission points become important. This affects how the hero utilizes his Power. It determines ways goes can negate that Power. If the hero loses the part of his body containing the emission point, he may lose his Power as well. When creating the hero, the player should determine an emission point for any Energy Emission Powers. He may select the first 1 rolled as the point for all of his character's Energy Emissions, or be adventurous and determine 1 for each Power.Entire body: Power radiates from an aura surrounding the entire body. Power can be emitted in any direction without the hero actually having to physically point.
Head: Power emanates from an aura surrounding only the hero's head. Power can be emitted in any direction desired without the hero's having to nod his head.
Eyes: Power is emitted through the hero's pupils. The power is directed wherever the hero is looking. If the eyelids are closed, this Power cannot function.
Mouth & nose: The Power is primarily emitted through the hero's mouth. To aim, he turns his head and shapes the mouth as though blowing out a candle. Seepage occurs through the nose; this cannot be aimed, and the Power is reduced -2CS in Intensity.
Torso: The Power is emitted from an aura on the hero's chest. The Power travels in a straight line, perpendicular to the body.
Arms: The Power is emitted from an aura surrounding either or both arms. The Power travels in the direction in which the forearm is pointed (if 1 arm is used) or in a vector (if both arms are used).
Hands: The Power is emitted from an aura surrounding the hero's hand, fist, or palm. Power travels in the plane formed by the fingers, in line with the whole fist, or in a line perpendicular to the open palm.
Fingers: The Power is emitted form an aura surrounding the hero's fingers (any number, from 1 to all of them). It travels in a straight line in the direction the finger points. Usually, the index finger directs the Power, if only 1 finger is used. If the hero has multiple Powers, each Power can be assigned to a different finger.
Legs: Power is emitted downward from an aura surrounding both legs. It is difficult to aim leg-emitted Power, which travels in the line defined by the lower leg. Such Powers are usually limited in range to Contact only.
Feet: Power is emitted by the hero's soles. As above, such Powers are difficult to aim and are usually limited to contact-only.
Wings: Power is emitted from an aura surrounding the hero's wings. Power may travel in the plane formed by the wings or in a line perpendicular to their open position.
Antennae/Horns: Power is emitted from an aura surrounding all the antennae on the hero's head. Power travels in a straight line from the last section of the antennae.
Tail: Power is emitted from the tip of the hero's tail and follows a straight line in the direction the tail points.
Any location: The hero can emit Power from any section of the body he chooses, and can change emission points with each use of the Power.