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My goodness!

My long awaited third comic! Sephiroth finds himself caught in the middle of the horrors of Black Mesa, and fun only starts there! Grunts, Barneys, scientists, and '60's government ascetics! Hey, at least I got it done...

Where 'Disposable Teens' takes on a whole new meaning...

   Alt.Gothic has taken Manson's crap long enough, and now he's gotta pay! Can Spehiroth deal with Warner before he can stur up more bad press, steal from another musician, or turn more 14 year olds into Mansonites?

Random characters, or actual depictions? You decide...

   Or basically how Sephiroth went from being the damn nasty godhood-seeking villain in FFVII to the defender of Truth, Justice, and the Alt.Gothic way. AGSF needs an special agent, and the Elders of Alt.Gothic (who shall remain nameless in order to protect my sorry ass) have made their choice. It's one of the most bizarre job interviews of all time, on the next Dragonball- wait a minute...

Sorry kids...

   What was going to be a massive epic, has been canned. But images, notes, and other goofyness are all here for your limited enjoyment. Hey, it's the least I can do...

Mini Comics:

Lance Bass...?