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Brood War FAQ

Many questions have been raised about playing SC and Brood War over Battle.neet and in Ladder Games. Here are some of the more Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Also discussed here are Staredit Questions and those that didn't fit into any existing page catagory.

Will there be a Brood War Ladder?
Yes, there will be a separate Ladder for Brood War players.

Can you be on both the Brood and Normal Ladders?
If so, what rating will be displayed next to your name in chat?

Yes, you'll be able to compete in both the SC and BW Ladders. The rating that's displayed next to your name will depend on whether you chose to play SC or BW before logging onto

Can people without Brood War play against those who have it?
Yes, and no. You'll have to choose if your going to play under Brood War or StarCraft when logging onto Those that choose Brood War will only be able to play against those that also chose to play Brood War. Those that chose SC will be able to play against others who also chose to logon through SC. Example: your friend has BW and u don't. He choses to logon under SC ya'll are cool. He logs on under BW, ya'll can't play.

How will spawning be implemented in Brood War?
Blizzard has yet to "determine a spawning strategy for Brood War" since it's an expansion of Starcraft. In other words, they don't know yet...

Will there be a new version of StarEdit?
Blizz said "StarEdit will be updated to include the new tilesets and new triggers. You'll still be able to make maps that can be played if you don't have the expansion, however." I guess that means u can make maps with the BW tilesets and play them in SC.... ummm at least I think that's what it means :)

What is the UED?
It stands for the United Earth Directorate. Without giving too much away, lets just say that the Terrans have some new competition.


Please do not use images without written permission first. Source for this info was Blizzards Brood War FAQ. Insert all that legal copyright stuff about Brood War, Blizzard and pix here.