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She hungers...

The Queen of Blades

Starcraft : Brood War continues the battle for galactic supremecy between the Zerg, Protoss and Terran races. The Zerg were handed a devastating blow at the end of StarCraft. Despite fierce in-fighting that threatens to tear the Hive apart the Zerg are readying for a deadly counter strike.

With the Protoss home world, Aiur, decimated by galactic warfare, both the light and dark sides of the Protoss must work together to ensure the very survival of their race. The Dark Templar have come out of their self-imposed exile and are now standing together with the rest of their Protoss brethren.

Terran Emperor Mengsk I has achieved total power over the human colonies. While trying to squelch a conspiracy deep within his own ranks, Mengsk must also face the wrath of Kerrigan, the woman he betrayed. Now the infamous Zerg Queen of Blades hungers and she will not be denied.

Brood War features include :
Four new cinematic sequences
A developing storyline as the game progresses
24 new missions spread over three campaigns
New worlds to explore with three new terrains
New units for each race
New Upgrades for the Goliath and Ultralisk
100 new multiplayer maps
New music and sound effects
Seperate Ladder for Brood War on


Official Profiles :

Sarah Kerrigan - Queen of Blades
Zeratul - Praetor of the Dark Templar
Fenix - High Templar and Praetor of the Protoss Defenses
Samir Duran - Special Advisor to the UED and Former Confederate Operative
The Dark Archon - Through sacrifice comes great power
The Medic - UED member and Combat Physician
The Lurker - Subterranian dweller with a deadly stealth attack

Here's an interview with Bill Roper from the E3 show : There's even a pic of him here.

Download the Brood War Movie. 35MB but it rocks! Requires DirectX.
Download the intro music for Brood War! (2MB) Requires an mp3 player such as WinAmp.


Sources for info include Blizzard, Chris Jensen of OGR, Greg Kasavin of GameSpot. Insert all that legal copyright stuff about Brood War, Blizzard and pix here. Of course all this is Blizz's property, where else do the pics come from, the gaming fairy?